What women are saying

Cramps (Like PMS/AF)

Page 5

mbjbkaaa  8 years ago
I am 10 dpo and have quite strong pms like cramps. it feels like period is on its way. I am still hoping tho..


Nickinae   8 years ago
crampy on and off.. bloaty.. tired.. but energetic if that makes sense...and dry heave every now and then but also have a yucky flemy cold..


16mommytobe  8 years ago
I'm 12 DPO and started cramping today like I do before my period, which should have came 4 days ago but hasn't, could I be pregnant?




Samkennedy25  8 years ago
Ain't had a period since may 24th n been cramping off and on I'm confused am I pregnant m the cramps are from that? Need advice please


Maroid  8 years ago
also, I took hpt and its all positive with clear blue


Maroid  8 years ago
10 dpo today. cramping on and off during the day but been cramping a week ago


noreenrja  8 years ago
10dpo and I have this mild cramping since 6 or 7dpo the usual cramping that I have with AF


tiainker750  8 years ago
5 or 6dpo and having period like cramps but duller and not constant.


martha987  8 years ago
9dpo cramps and brown discharge has anyone else got this?? also sooo hungry all day ?


cocov78  8 years ago
Currently at 9dpo. Have been feeling extra crampy all the way since ovulation. Seems in excess to what I normally feel with AF is coming.


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