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Over 40 & TTC anyone in my boat???

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Hi Everyone,

I am 44 this year and am TTC, I got married back in 2012 to my DH... We had a MC back in 2011.

I have 2 daughters for my previous married aged 20 & 16 with we love dearly.

I had been on the POP Cerazette/Cerelle for about 2 years and have hear so horror stories about not having AF etc...

Well I had been one of the lucky ones so far, I came off POP Jan 29th 2014 & O on the 13th.
Then on 15dpo AF came.

I guess I had mixed feelings as we are TTC but was still happy that we are in the game.

Anyone in the same boat?

Please share your stories

746 Replies • 10 years ago



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EDIT ~ Sorry forgot to mention my neighbor was almost 45 yo.

10 years ago

Hi there,
Anyone have any luck yet?? I;m 2days late for AF now. I have really sore bbs which is very strange for me!! I Never get sore bbs unless I'm pregnant! This cycle is soo strange! I also started drinking 3 liters of water everyday for the [ast 9/1o Day's. I have to say it Increased my CM much more more than just Evening Primrose Oil capsules! I had heaps of CM this cycle And I still have CM even now although its not egg white now just creamyish and watery sorry tmi.. I eased down off the water the past 2 days just to see if I am pregnant but my urine is just too diluted to detect pregnancy hormones... prob just wishful thinking!

Hows everYone on here??

10 years ago

Hello ladies sorry that its been a very long time since I have talked with you all. Dh and I have been taking fertility supplements. Getting our bodies ready for Oct when we will be ATTC. I also have been taking Double Stork Cassava to help us conceive our twins. For the ladies that don't know who I am. I am 42 soon to be 43 in October. I have 6 children naturally. My dh and I got married 2 years ago and we want a baby of our own together. We have been ttc now for almost 3 years.

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10 years ago

Hello Ladies. for me AF reared her ugly head again. This next cycleis 2 years trying to have a baby. If it dosn't happen this cycle we are going back and asking for more medical assistance. I am currently on an eting plan to assist in loosing some weight to try and help. It may be some further tests need to be carried out on both of us to see if there is something more serious going on. But my uterous is all clear and blood tests show that I am ovulationg and so does the pain each month. Yes, I am down and at times have thought of giving up but I will not. I know in my heart that a little angel is waiting to come to us. Wishing you luck ladies and really hoping to see very very soon for all of us.

10 years ago

Hi thatslife,

Thank you for sharing your story hun and for encouraging us xx

So sorry Flower your out again this month hunni, damn that ugly watching out for you BFP next month xx

beadeghill you still on the liver cleanse hun? xx

I am 5dpo today and for the last 2 days have had lots of watery cm, so much so that had to wear a panty liner. today I also felt swollen inside my lady bits(sorry for TMI)
Also dull ache in pit of stomach but always put that down to my IBS.

The last 6 months have flown by and I am just worried I have left it too late D:

Good luck ladies lets keep each other up to date... hopefully I will be testing this Sunday or next Monday xoxo

10 years ago • Post starter

No not anymore. Now just taking the fertility Royal Jelly, CoQ10, for me I am taking Double stork Cassava to aid in conceiving twins. Dh is on L-Arginine 5000 mg and Ginkgo Biloba and Saw Palmetto.
The liver cleanse is only to be done a small length of time. But our green drink contains Milk Thistle and that is also a liver tonic.

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10 years ago

Hey lovely ladies. I have a Q. Did anyone gain wait after miscarrying? Had my first mc in september 2nd (chemical) november and last one late January. I was 114 before first pregnancy (i hope i converted correctly i was 52 kilos, i am in Greece) and after 3rd mc i was 147 (67kilos)

i am on a diet for the past 6 weeks i lost 6%fat and 10 kilos (i think its 22 pounds).

just wondering.

i decided to try IUI. I am 9dpo and my dominant follie was 13mm yesterday. i ll be checking it again in 2 days and Monday we ll give it a try.
Fingers crossed for each one of us!

i ll keep you posted and hope the best for all out there who s trying!

10 years ago

Wow Beadeghill you got it all covered girl double blessing coming your way xx

Hi Merenda,

When we lost ours back in 2011 I did put a bit of weight on but it came off for the most part...I didn't lose as much as I wanted though. hope that helps hun I was 10 weeks xx

10 years ago • Post starter

I pray that all this work that we have put into getting fertility healthy will work.

<a href=

10 years ago

Well you definitely have put the work in hun xx

10 years ago • Post starter

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