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July IUI/IVF 2014

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TTC in July 2014

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Do you ladies recommended doing an hsg?

9 years ago

I would. It tests to see the shape of your uterus and if your tubes are clear. Most of the time everything is fine, but if there were a blocked tube and you didn't know it, you might waste lots of money on fertility treatments that were bound to fail. Most REs will have you take that test, day 3 blood, and a saline sonogram before they do the first IUI. But likely everything is fine, so it probably doesn't matter if you take it (statistically anyway).

9 years ago

Texas- I did and HSG after 2 failed IUIs more for myself to know. Having birthed 2 children I wasn't convinced there could be an issue, especially since my youngest is only 4. My test was normal so I feel it wasn't helpful really in giving any answers but I'm glad I did it so that I do t have the lingering question in my mind should it fail again. I think it's worth it.
Also, my insurance consider this diagnostic so it was covered, even though I have no fertility coverages, since this wasn't a fertility treatment it was covered. Worth looking into that part before going too! Good luck!!

9 years ago

I think an HSG is an extremely helpful test. Not only can it show if there is blockage in the tubes, but if the case of webbing or other minor obstructions, the test itself can clear the tubes - the dye is heavy and sweeps away a lot of obstacles. That's why many women find themselves pregnant after an HSG.

tjwjtw21, congrats on being PUPO! It took us 12 years to successfully have our first daughter (and we're now on 2+ years working on a surviving #2) - you just get through it if carrying a child is really what your heart desires.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

9 years ago

Texas: Since I have not been here very long, I don't know your history...So I apologize ahead of time for asking...

Have you ever been PG? Do you have a hx of miscarriages? Ever had an ectopic?

I agree its a good test to get done. Personally, I did not have one. I talked to my doc about it several times. Ane he just feels in my situation it is unnecessary.

I had my tubes out back together in January of 2013. We knew the left tube was questionable as it did not want to stay open when the doc would flush it during the surgery. SO the doc did a great amount teaching me aboue ectopic PGs and what to watch for. The right tube was a bit short, but was overall in great shape.

The first PG was a twin PG. One in the uterus and one in the left tube. They had to remove my left tube. Since that PG I had 3 more miscarriages. I call it a total of 5 MCs because of the loss of the twins. All my MCs happened between March of 2013 and December 2013. I have not been PG since. After the Dec MC, I quit ovulating, then I got a cyst, and then we moved straight into letroole and triggers. Did that for 2 months and this was my first month adding IUI to the mix.

The doc thinks that since I had been PG so many times even after the loss of my left tube...that the right tube has to be viable and working. So that's why no HSG for me.

I have total unexplained infertility now. US are perfect, labs are perfect, ovaries are perfect...there should be no reason why I cant conceive....OTHER than my crazy high stress levels....which CAN and DO cause infertility.

I thought about quitting for awhile once AF comes this time. I am sure she is going to. I am positive there is no baby. I know everyone says you aren't out until the witch shows But I just know there isn't one.

I had heard that it takes on average 3 IUIs before one takes. I don't know if that's a true statistic or not. Im kinda torn on what to do. I mean I am totally emotionally spent....

9 years ago

No problem. I am 35. Soon to be 36 yick. I have never been pregnant. I never tried until I was 34. I tried one ici. Did not work. So I quit. (Stupid I know). At 35 I decided to try again. Started the journey in September of last year. I have had 2 iui. Both failed.

9 years ago

got my meds in the mail!! the nurse says I should expect the transfer day to be around August 27 but even though I have asked a few times she has yet to tell me the rest of the timeline. you know like when i am supposed to start meds and what not. based on the meds I got, it looks like only 2 weeks of lupron. anyone who knows anything about frozen transfers, do you know if lupron and the estrogen is given together? i am currently on birth control, do I stop the bcp before starting lupron?? i am a little confused on all that and am hoping that my doctors office will instruct me sooner rather than later. my thought is that i should be starting meds at least 2 weeks before the transfer but idk if it makes sense to do suppression with lupron and uterine thickening with estrogen at the same time.

ttc since August 2012 diagnosed with PCOS January 2013 failed IVF with 2 embryos May 2014 FET with 3 embryos August 2014, Successful!! confirmed ectopic on 9/24/14 taking a break from ttc and pursuing adoption homestudy ready 1/8/15, waiting for the call that will make us a family!

9 years ago

Texas- I think every OB/GYN or RE should first start off by recommending an HSG. I think it goes ahead and takes some of the guessing out of our minds. Mine was pretty painless. I think it just depends on the individual though.

AFM- Had my first acupuncture appointment today! The first hour was just talking about my cycle and our journey TTC. She asked a ton of personal information. I don't think I've ever been that blatant with anyone. She recommends that I come twice a week for the first month. I'll probably go once a week for sure twice if I can schedule it. She only works on Mondays and Fridays so it's hard to get in to see her. My next appointment is next Friday. I'm excited about this new adventure though... I'm hoping that it helps. Maybe by the time we do our next IUI in October my body will be stress free and happy to be making beautiful follicles.

Me: 30 DH: 33 TTC since June, 2012 "unexplained infertility" Femera & Ovidrel trigger shot Feb. 2014, March 2014, April 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - May 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - June 2014 IUI with Femera & Ovidrel - October 2014

9 years ago

slgamble, good luck with acupuncture! I did it for a couple of months before my last IVF (I just went once a week), but I didn't enjoy it. I did have 16 eggs retrieved at age 45, though - so maybe it did something!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

9 years ago

Texas I agree a HSG is a good idea if you haven't had a pregnancy or even if you haven't had a baby in the last 6 years. Things change. HSG is painless a if there is a minor blockage sometimes the HSG in itself results on pregnancy,

I did a blood test today, should know tommorow if it is negative or positive. Test from the chemist was negative, sigh

9 years ago

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