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Where are you Aussie gals?

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Where are you all? I am hoping I am not the only one!!!
Here to share and support our ttc journey.
I am Queenslander who moved to NSW. Lol who does that?
Ttc num. 3 for a year now! I am 10 dpo waiting for the witch.Waving to you all.

687 Replies • 10 years ago



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Welcome Babyhope33! I'm sorry to hear of your miscarriage and chemical pregnancy. I haven't experienced either but I can imagine it would be devastating. It's great that you have a positive outlook and know that things will happen soon for you and your husband. Good luck! Keep us posted on your symptoms! Yes let's hope this is a lucky thread for us all! :)

10 years ago

Hi babyhope, Welcome another aussie yay! Just wish things were easier but they arent. Its all very time consuming and exhausting. Hope you dont have to wait for too much longer. I was born in ballarat viyc, and just moved to vic a year ago until now. I hope the weather is better. I am still adjusting from extreme cold and my gosh we were packing in the 40 deg heat days yuk.
Hi Jodi, My sons are from a previous relationship same father and now my dh would like a daughter or son and i would also like another too as well as not much work going here. Most mums are stay at home. Im used to working tho so i hope i find part time work while i wait for number 3! Im managing to temp in the mornings now and my temping is going way down so i wont be surprised to see af. Also nonoe bulk bills here so i better find a
Hi ttcno7!! I hope your son gets a brother or sister soon! So fingers crossed for you. Can I ask when they inseminate? On ovulation day? I think i seem to miss bedding that day. Can I ask your age? Is your son trying to surf yet? How cute!

10 years ago • Post starter

That's great Keiralei, I really hope you can give your DH his own child. What dpo are you? How are you feeling?
Anyone close to testing?

AFM 4 dpo and nothing to report. Obsessing due to begin in about a week.... ;)

10 years ago

Hi Jodi, Sorry i spelt your name wrong last time. Typo! Ah the 2ww has began for you! How long are your cycles? Hope you caught the egg. Im out guys the witch loves visiting me and making me feel sore and anxious. Going to try to chill out! The next 3 months i am not going to try just because my son and i have birthdays in november and my dh dec and my eldest son in january. We arent that But whatever will be will be..... I will still be here tho. Xo

10 years ago • Post starter

Ha ha, that's ok I didn't notice the wrong spelling, I've had it my whole life! (Parent's fault for choosing it and the reason why I insist on 'normal' spelling of names!)

Sorry to hear the witch got you, and I completely understand about not wanting a Nov-Jan baby. In my family we have so many Christmas babies (including me) and it gets crazy expensive! We avoided several months at the start of this journey for that reason, but at this point I wouldn't care if I spent Christmas Eve giving birth! Ha ha.

My cycles are 29-30 days, I have a luteal phase of 14 days but I always know I'm not pregnant when spotting starts on CD29. I guess at least I don't get my hopes up much these days. :(

Is it just us now? Where have our other Aussie gals gone?

I forgot to ask, does hubby (or you) have a preference of boy or girl? Mine secretly wants a boy but he's such a good Dad to our DD I think another girl would be perfect too. Plus we have SOOO much "pink" stuff! Ha. Did you keep your baby stuff from your kids?

10 years ago

Yeah im such a chatterbox for a scorpio lol. I dont judge im open minded and just wish happiness for everyone. Life is hard enough and i like to hope that everyone feels safe and welcome.

I think ttc no7 is having fun at the beach. Wish i was there today with a pinacolada lol!

We are hoping for a girl but i think i am a boy breeder lol! My nan had 13 boys and finally had a girl shes also born in november the same day as my dad her son, i also had my son the day after my birthday. Geneyic i think. Hopefully dh genes take over for a tiny bit of luck lol with maybe getting a girl. So whatever happens i am very happy. I gave all of my baby things away which frustrates me now.oh well.

Are you all near or on the 2ww?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Girls,
Been busy few days !!

Babyhope xx big cyber hugs xx I count my blessings every day for the one lil one we have, I couldn't image the heartbreak of a loss xx
And welcome to the thread :)
Hi Jodi and Keiralei xx
I'm 8dpo today so deco in the TWW or could only be 6dpo depends on what day I really did O ... Stupid bodies !
Symptoms hmmm got up to pee 4 time last night and drove me nuts so temp was probably out this morning. But other than that an headaches that's it..

Keiralei sometimes not trying is the most surprising, here's hoping for you !!

Jodi, my literal phase is 12-13 days we've done home insemination last 2 cycles with a known donor and that was cd 13 and 15 from the opks + on cd 13, we should have tried for 1 more on cd 17 to cover us but I really trusted the opks this one ( silly me :/ )

Bbs Jetts just woken

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hiya Girls?
We're you all at ?
Gosh these days are dragging !
I'm off work till Friday so I'm sure it's gunna feel like an eternity !! Can test on the 15-16 unless the witch beats me to it !!!!
Anyways thought I'd check in and see how were all heading.
for our soon

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

Hi all! How is everyone?

Fingers crossed you caught that egg TTCno7, you have a great shot (excuse the pun! Ha). What are you going to do to keep busy now that you've got time off?

Afm I'm 6 dpo, not feeling anything much. I hate this part, it feels like I live my life in 2 week lots, either waiting for O or waiting for the inevitable witch. :(

10 years ago

Morning :)
One can oly hope, can start testing for bfp on 16th so only 6 days to go.

Totally agree 2 weeks here then 2 weeks there.

I have No idea on what to do to keep busy. Any suggestions ???? I sew for my own FB business but have't done that in a while, well 3 weeks ago was the last time, but i guess i could start on some newborn cloth nappies that i have cut out !

I'm over seeing the Elevit add on Foxtel !! It seems in my tww's that it gets played over n over ....Gahhh the things we do to ourselves !

Oh btw, my real name is Tracey
Have a great day lovelies xx

TTC no2 for all

10 years ago

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