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August 2018 Babies

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I was in July but AF has arrived with a vengeance so I'm moving on to TTC an August baby.
Technically this is my 2nd cycle TTC. We started in spring and conceived right away but it ended in a loss. So the first month we were able to try again was October. DH is a truck driver so that makes TTC very difficult. My midwife called in BCP for me today, and I'm going to take them for 2 weeks to delay ovulation so that it will match DH home time for the next 4 months. I'm also Homozygous MTHFR and clotting disorder, so I am on baby aspirin, prenatals with methylfolate, and will start lydia Pinkham when I stop BCP. I need O to occur between Nov 24-29. Any earlier and we will miss it. We are swaying Girl, but only because they are harder to get (for us) and plan two more children total. I'll be happy with whatever we get though!

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829 Replies • 6 years ago



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@callmecrazy. Yea the world works in mysterious ways but there is always a bright side. He did get to see the boys play ball.

@Beaut1ful38. I am leaning more towards taking both, which I probably should have done a long time ago but the prenatals always made me uneasy in the stomach so had to take them after I eat; no biggie.

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6 years ago

dragonfly- same here on the vitamins, they made me nauseous and like heartburn feeling. So i have to eat before i take. Which fertility pills are you thinking of taken? bc if this month dont go i will be rolling into 6 months TTC so i might look into that. BUt fingers crossed that dont need to happen.

QUESTION: So DH has been getting his own advise from other males. But we are debating on "sperm mature" Does sperm mature every 3 days or every other day. Since we are doing SME TIMING he thinks we are not letting him "build up". But SME says every other day, then on the 1st positive opk, do 3 days in a row skip a day then go again. As far as we know no sperm issues. What is your suggestions/opinions?

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I take Conceive Easy (LeRoche I think). I have heard bad reviews but I didn't have any issues when I used them the first time and got pregnant. I have another bottle at home so I will take those as well till I am out. Hopefully I don't need to call the company back for the next two months as I do two months in advance but I also get HPTs and OPKs from them but those are even iffy now. So confusing as you would think that they are all the same. I too would like to know the answer to that question as well. Let's hope we get the answer we are looking for.

Work over and heading home.

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6 years ago

DRAGONFLY- I going to post in july as well see if i can get some answers there as well. i look that up!

6 years ago

Hi ladies..just checking in and keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP's soon

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6 years ago

I like the response about the planning for a baby but when it comes down it it's scary at the same time. I want my Christmas baby and df doesn't help with his kisses o. My tummy and his precious looks at my belly especially after a big meal. FX and prayers for everyone!!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

@katyfootballmomma. Not sure what comment you are referring to but it is scary when it comes time for planning for a baby and exciting at the same time as one never know what the outcome is going to be. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your df.

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6 years ago

I'm getting excited as my fertile window is coming up soon so df and i can do the bd???? hopefully sme will work this time♥

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

katyfootballmomma - We are doing the SME as well this is our first time trying this method. I so bad wanted to BD yesterday, but it says every other day till your +OPK then bd that day 2 more days skip and try again. This is hard as i am in my fertile week and couldnt bd yesterday. But i got my +OPK this morning so hear we go!!!!

Hope this works, as i read couples reviews on it and they all pretty much said follow to the "T"!!!

Dragonfly- how are you? i know this last cycle was emotional for you.

6 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 i dont use the opk tests how accurate are they? Cheers for the +opk test gl with the bd and bfp!! Now its time for the real work to start

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago

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