Posts by April9091

Questions  Page 2

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Posts 11 - 20



Implantation bleed?

I've been having definite symptoms this month and today am at 16dpo and 2 days past expected AF. Have had some ...

4 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago



15dpo sore burning boobs and CONSTIPATION

Hey, I o'd 8/9, was due AF yesterday and am 15dpo today. Had definable cramps 9dpo and then chunks of milky wh ...

1 Answer      

Latest 10 years ago





15dpo very sore burning boobs and constipated?

Hey, I o'd 8/9, was due AF yesterday and am 15dpo today. Had definable cramps 9dpo and then chunks of milky wh ...

0 Answers      

Latest 10 years ago