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Posts by naomis234

A friendly and supportive place to meet and share with women from all over the world. Ask questions, share in discussions, journal your thoughts and post helpful information.

Posts 1 - 10



Anyone had a cervical scan?

Hi all, I have a cervix scan booked for when I’m 16 weeks to check the length, I’m wondering if it ...

0 Answers      

Latest 3 years ago



When should I see my midwife?

Hi all, I’m wondering when I need to see my midwife? I’m currently 8+3

3 Answers      

Latest 3 years ago





Can anyone help me with how many weeks I am?

Hi sorry I know it sounds obvious and I’ve tried 3/4 different online pregnancy calculators and I keep g ...

1 Answer      

Latest 4 years ago



Sorry this is more towards ladies with a loss and also success story

Hello, I have just found Out I’m pregnant! Absolutely over the moon, but I’ve had 3 miscarriages w ...

2 Answers      

Latest 4 years ago




I've took four tesco tests with all faint positive I have also done a first response today. (Not first morni ...

1 Answer      

Latest 9 years ago




I'm 9dpo today. I took a pregnancy test as some people have at 9dpo. I got a negative. It was only a Â&p ...

3 Answers      

Latest 9 years ago


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