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anyone get preggo on a 40 day cycle?

hey ladies,

my cycles have been irregular lately and i am taking vitex and i notice that my cycle was a little late last cycle whic h resulted in a 40- day cycle. i was wondering has anyone got preggo on a 40-day cycle and was it a successful pregnancy?


love is life and life is love

2 Replies • 12 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Replies

Hey I was so worried about the same thing...the last cycle before i got preg was a 46 day cycle I was worried I was not going to able to conceive. I have heard if your cycle is longer than 40 days that it is not an annovulatory cycle that is not true at all. The cycle that I conceived in would have been about 40 days. Anyways I am now almost 10 weeks and I got my first ultrasound on tuesday the baby is doing great it was moving around like crazy and it's heartbeat was around 160. We also had been trying for 2 years try not to worry about it. Baby Dust to you

12 years ago

hey dawn,

wow that is awesome congrats on the lil bean! so when did you ouvlate on the cycle you got preggo? what were some of your sypmtoms? i am having somewhat some signs but it could be af showing her ugly face soon..well i havent been able to eat that good. i get tired after eating, sore boobs on the side and under, very moody with dh, pelvic pain and back pain, cramping like af is gonna come but i dont see anything. i am on day 35 of my cycle so i don't know if its gonna come earlier than 40 days or what. i jsut wanna have a baby. i sufferred two miscarriages i am so ready to be a mom already. well thanks for listening..hope to hear from you soon! congrats again!

love is life and life is love

12 years ago • Post starter

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