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hello ladies,

i was wondering for all of you that have pcos how long did it take you to concieve? did you have to use metfromin or clomid to concieve or did you concieve naturally?

love is life and life is love

9 Replies • 12 years ago



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I saw a gyno yesterday, got heaps of blood taken
(Twighlight vampires would be proud) and had an trasvaginal ultrasound (apparently I have a beautiful healthy looking egg). My gyno suspects I have PCOS because my LH is higher than my FSH.
Will be going back in a couple of days to recieve the news. My cycles have settled on 25 days now. She did a Pap and confirmed that I am about to ovulate and I had such rich fertile CM.
OH and I rushed back home and started the bd in the hope that I release that egg. I have been on vitamins for the last 3 months, and am going to change onto the elevit ones.
Fingers crossed.
Not sure what the path of having PCOS and TTC will be like, but I'm sure it will be bumpy and long.

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12 years ago

I have PCOS and I got pregnant 3 months after trying it 1st month was just clomid 2nd month was clomid/metformin (i also lost about 20 pounds during this time) 3rd month was clomid/metformin/ and trigger shot. I had 4 follies that released this month. Sadly I mc at 6weeks

Came Off BC- Feb 2010 Started Clomid 100mg- Feb 2011 Added Metformin 1500mg-March 2011 Added HCG TriggerShot-April 2011 Easter 2011-BFP!!! May 2,2011 July/August/September 2011- 100mg Clomid/1500mg Metformin/HCG Trigger Shot along with follicle checks! October 2011- Same plan just bumped up to 150mg Clomid.. User ImageUser Image User ImageUser Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies,
I am 24 a found out i had pcos at the age of 16 due to irreguler periods.
I tried to concieve naturally for three years before consulting a fertility specalist.
I was put on clomiphene for 12 months slowy increasing dosage from 50mg -150mg. The clomid didnt work for and just didnt make me ovulate. But there is hope i went on to have 1 cycle of ovulation induction which is where you inject your self at home and have scanns at the hospital and when the time is right you have a trigger shot which makes you ovulate. I got my BFP on the first wound and my daughter is now 10 months old and was born on new years eve. We are now trying for our second child and i have an appointmnet and bath fertility center 1 week monday.
SO THERE IS HOPE :):):):):
I honestly thought i would never ever be a mum but she is here and very real.
At times i thought i was going mad but the 1 month i realaxed and just thought what will be will be is the month i got pregnant.
Good luck ladies and baby dust, if you want any more info about the treatment i had just email me.

12 years ago

hey ladies,

i am soo sorry it took me so lomg to respond on here. i am glad to see that there is other women who are going threw the same things. and i hope that we come out with a good outcome to all of this.

miarose- wow that is so inspiring story. so now i know that it is hope. i am currently on clomid 50mg and 1000mg so i am oping for the best this cycle. so you said that you found out you had pcos when you were 16...i didn't find out until this year. i always suspected that is what i had but never got it checked out until now cuz my cycles were getting longer since after my m/c in dec 10. are you trying to concieve your second child now?

max- fx for you let us know if you get that bfp this month!

jillian- it will get better fx and babydust for you as well i know exactly how you feel i been there.

well talk to ya ladies later! babydust to all of you!

love is life and life is love

12 years ago • Post starter

I have pcos, and my gyno gave me metformin 850mg twice a day. Well when me and my fiance first started not trying and not protecting, i took one pill and was pregnant that month on new years.

12 years ago

I have PCOS, and my husband and I have been ttc for two years now. I was able to get pregnant when I first came off of birthcontrol but i miscarried and haven't had much luck since. I Ovulate really late into my cycles (which are extremely irregular). I'm starting Fertilaid and Fertile CM for a couple of months, so I hope that will regulate me. I wanted to try naturally before moving onto Clomid.

12 years ago

I have pcos also and have been ttc for 2 years. I am on metformin 1500mg, which has been helping to regulate my cycles!

My god mother has pcos and has four boys. She struggled to get pg with her first but got there after about 2 years. So fx

12 years ago

7 yrs & Finally getting "HELP"
Clomid I PRAY works for US!
I Pray if not we are financially stable enough to go a step farther!
But I just got on CD 2 after another absence of a period of 77-78CD's!
Dr said maybe next cycle or the next! If 2-4 cycles dont stimulate Ovaries then I will have to have a $1500 HSG X-ray
:-( I pray this doesn't have to happen!!!
I feel so bad! I have been in search for a JOB for the last year & 1/2! If Clomid doesn't help I guess Ill have to wait til I help save up the "bank roll" to continue! My husband makes okay/pretty good money. But it took all we had saved to move & ect.
I am 26 He will be 38 this month Sept 2012! :-(

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11 years ago

I have PCOS and have been ttc for a year and a half now. I was told about ConceiveEasy by FertiBella and decided to give it a try being that the pills are NATURAL. I got a BFP after using the product for 4 months now. The kit comes with a free trial ( just pay the shipping ) and after that, it's pretty inexpensive. I recommend it to anyone who has been ttc the natural way.

11 years ago

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