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6dpo, want cycle buddies for support and who need support

Hello all ladies

I am 6 dpo today, feeling rather blah today. As i know no-one who is going through what i am, i have turned to you. I am relatively new to this forum stuff but it is worth a shot.
I have been having cramps, pulling, twinging, left side, right side and middle pains, back is killing me today, bb's are rock hard and tired today. I hope it is all good signs, my husband and i have been trying to conceive for 4-5 years now and no luck, so i am hoping its all good.
*high 5*

31 Replies • 7 years ago



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I hear ya. I am in the same boat. TTC cycle #2. I think I ovulated earlier this month - but made sure to BD every 1-2 days through our window of fertility (using the Clue tracker). It's hard to know if I'm imagining it or not but this time I'm really tired - like can't stay awake past 8pm and having trouble waking up before 8am tired. I've also been very hungry & getting sick around 1-2am with stomach acid. I have had a lot of cramps & twinges. I had some that were so bad that it took my breath away. That's why I think I ovulated earlier this month. AF due on the 28th. I really hope we get lucky this month.

7 years ago

Hey wanderlust. I really hope it's a good sign for us ladies. I must say I havnt been nauseous at all and my (TMI) cm is dry today, maybe because I BD this morning. Still having cramps all day and I have noticed I'm getting muscle twitches just under my bb on my ribs. So weird. I really hope this is it.

When are you testing?

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm always afraid that I will jinx myself- even when we weren't TTC (but I always wanted to be a mom so sometimes I'd get my hopes up! Even when on the pill!) so I won't test until I miss AF (if I'm lucky!). I have a box of tests I've just been staring at for 3 months now in anticipation. I'm starting to debate though if I need to start trying those OPK tests. It's only cycle #2 but it's hell on earth to wait & wait. Seems like all those years of trying not to, and you think it'd be easier. Starting to think all those years of taking the pill were pointless-- of course then I probably would have wound up pregnant no problem. I'll be 30 in a months time & I want a few kids. Been with my husband for 10 years. While I may not have been able to TTC until now, I've been waiting the whole 10 years & then some.

7 years ago

I completely understand. I just turned 31 in March, been married for 7 years. My husband had VR in October last year and so far I'm hoping those little buggers are alive by now. Iv never had these symptoms before, still feeling cramps. Iv wanted kids for 4 years now, we did ivf 3 times, last one took but ended in a mc. It was heartbreaking. Now we on a new journey.
Yeah waiting is a pest. I just wanna know. I just ordered tests, FRER, iv heard they detect early, and they will only arrive in 3 to 5 days. I do have one other test that I'll keep for 9 dpo if I can hold out till then. My will power sucks. I also had 2 boxes of those easy at home test, and I used them all in the past few months as my mind can read into things that are not there. Just keep praying. Please keep me posted on your symptoms as you feel them. I'm very hopeful for us both.

7 years ago • Post starter

I'm coming up on 35 and we have decided to try for a second baby. We have my 15yo son from my first marriage, so I'm a bit rusty at thie.

I'm 5 DPO today. This is our second cycle post CP and earlier MC trying, we started back in November. We had our hopes up last month, but ended up not O'ing.
This month we had clear O with OPK, ferning and temps. (YAY!!). We were able to hit all the days except O day itself, i just felt too Blah.

My boobs just stopped hurting today, I'm guessing that was all post O pain. Hoping that tenderness comes back.
I know it is to soon to get any really symptoms, but I did starting to get some mild cramping today.

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7 years ago

Ah KhaosF
I really hope this is your time as well.
I hope more symptoms like sore bb's come back, id rather take something than nothing.
How are you feeling today?

I am now 7dpo, when i bend over while im sitting, when my tummy touches my legs, it feels like there is a bubble??? Still got them cramps and flu symptoms, ovaries feel swollen and sore still, dunno if this is a good sign. (TMI) i am getting small bits of ewcm but white, but other than that i have been dry??

Ahhh waiting and ss is just painful. I did do a hpt yesterday and today (i couldnt resist) and i think i see something but i know its too early so it is probably my eyes

7 years ago • Post starter

The waiting is horrible!

BBs are fine today. :( Not a bit tender.
I did wake up cramping today though. not as bad as AF, but it was definitely noticeable. It has been on and off all day, just a mild nagging. And im sooo tired! I was in bed by nine last night, so i know I got enough sleep. I just can't seem to stay awake today, i'm so tired.

If I am not this month, I might have to step up my work out routine, because the bloating is so bad today, I can not button my pants.

I hope it's your month! Hold out for a few more days. Anything would be negative this early.... As I stare at my stash of sticks....

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7 years ago

Hi khaos & hi again kwes!

Well my update for you all today is that I'm still feeling sick in the morning but no throwing up & im bloated as all get out, I cried today about my bloat and DH didn't know what to do with me. I do get PMS early and horribly so it's really hard to tell, but I've been having a series of mini meltdowns I normally would only have 1. I'm getting choked up about commercials and things that I don't normally get upset about- my typical reaction is anger not weeping... Still having all kinds of cramps and twinges. Feeling very bloated (fat) & ugly- like before period but it's very early for that yet. Having a lot of thirst and subsequently peeing an awful lot (I woke up 4xs last night & was even searching for a bathroom in my dreams!). everything about me feels hot & puffy and I'm just hoping that the puff is a good sign. I don't want my abdomen touched either or my belly button (I've got 2 dogs and a cat who like to jump) -- even if I cough (thanks allergies I've been doing a lot of that but won't take medicine just in case) I have to hold my abdomen area or it hurts. I've been having bad sciatica too. That's about it.

7 years ago

Hello gorgeous ladies

I defiantly feel you both.
My tummy almost doubled from the bloating and I can't wear my favorite item which is jeans cause it hurts too much. Today was bad for me. Headache behind my neck and temples, was definitely moody didn't want my honey to come near my tummy, and I felt this bad pain like when I went to the loo Like a nail stuck in me pain. I feel a little better now, but still bloated and cramps and headache.
Iv never felt like this and I'm with u khaos, I'm gonna step up my workout if I'm not preggers. I love my trampoline or rebounding as it is called and I don't want to do that now.

How are your symptoms today ladies? My new hpt is coming tomorrow, frer, so I'll keep some juice aside to test when it arrives and let you know.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey all.

Today I feel like crying. Not from being irritable or emotional, just from disappointment and frustration.
I have absolutely no tangible symptoms now. Even my cramps are gone. Only thing I have is being a bit tired, but my neighbour's rooster had me up at 4.
My temps are still up and it is only 7dpo... So I guess its not really over yet.

SS is going to drive me Looney someday.

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7 years ago

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