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7/8 dpo and testing early

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Well the suspense is killing me!!! Anyone else with me? I've been foolish enough to have tested yesterday morning and this morning.. both bfn. I just want to know, because I feel pregnant. These symptoms cannot be in my head!! I've had mild cramping since ovulation, sore breast for the last 4-5 days, one minute I'm starving and want to eat everything, the next I have no appetite and the sound of any food makes me feel queasy. I get headaches off and on throughout the day, I have to urinate more than usual, I'm bloated, and just physically exhausted. Is anyone feeling the same? When is the earliest people have tested and got a bfp??

176 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hello ladies! Currently 8dpo and starting to get a bit discouraged. Every day I'm flipping back and forth between being convinced it is or isn't my month... I have a couple of symptoms that aren't normal for me- headaches, big bbs (no soreness though), lots of watery cm (usually it would be sticky/creamy), huge breakout on my face, and slight nausea a few days ago.

We're ntnp right now and are still in the habit of using the withdrawal method (tmi sorry, I was also on bcp). The times we bd'd around ov he pulled out. I would love for us to get pregnant as soon as possible, he's happy with it at any time... any ladies out there who have experiences getting pg while using the withdrawal method? It'll help me know if I should or shouldn't get my hopes up yet lol

7 years ago

Has anyone started testing yet?? I'm about 6 days out from expected AF. I started to test this morning, but bfn. I have no symptoms. I don't think this will be my cycle as I've said before, because I just wasn't with it and distracted from opk testing and basil temping. I'm always in the game until AF comes though.

7 years ago • Post starter

Jrosie you're still pretty early, don't count yourself out yet! I plan to test on Tues when ad is due, I'll be about 15 dpo. I'm so sick of all the negatives I decided I'll just wait!

Anyone else test yet?

7 years ago

Hey ladies, same here 6 or 7 dpo and can smell it coming, along with a massive two day temp drop. Ugh.

7 years ago

I am not tracking anything other than days we bd'd. From my calendar I haven't o'd yet but I am thinking I did. I will probably start testing in a week or two. My calendar says af is due right after Christmas

7 years ago

Hello ladies!!, according to my chart, i should be ovulating around the 15th of this month, but unfortunately my hubby got hurt on the job, we tried to have some intimate time yesterday, and it was very painful for him at the time of releasing... and as of right now, he cannot do any movements that involve his waist..i feel selfish asking him to do certain improv's so that I can get my BFP this month.. i will wait out and see what happens. Still feeling positive because you never know :-p...

How you ladies doing??

7 years ago

Af is due tomorrow, if I don't get it during the day I will test around dinner time! I haven't been having very many symptoms, only a few little ones, but who knows. Any updates ladies?

Serendipity that's too bad about your dh! Hopefully the maneuvering works and you get lucky

7 years ago

So excited that we are all getting close to testing time. I am still a week out before I could start testing. But a good sign is my boobs hurt to the pressure of my jacket - which is not tight at all haha and I had one set of spotting - like one wipe and that's it.
Hopefully it's not just in my head.
Serendipity - sorry about your husband. Maybe you can try another position - or be really selfish and have him take a muscle relaxant and go to town haha J/k but it's an option.
I really shouldn't talk cuz a few months ago my husband had a man cold and was so sick. I still made him bd lol. Too bad it didn't take.
Good luck and

7 years ago

Trying - that sounds like some good promising symptoms!!

Well I'm about 4 days out from starting AF. Luckily I haven't been all crazy this cycle testing everyday. I'm much more patient. I might test tomorrow. The bfn's do not even phase me anymore.

I don't really have any Symptoms. Mild bloating, a little constipation, and some mild cramping starting today, and my face has been breaking out... sounds like to me my AF is coming .

Luv- how you doing?

7 years ago • Post starter

Fell asleep last night and forgot to post this!! HAHAH....Well, my temp plummeted. I'm out this cycle but
to all of you for this cycle. I'm going to wait 3 cycles unless my husband says otherwise. I'll let you all know,

Nserendipity2016: Ouch. Sorry about your hubby but don't feel to guilty about still thinking of a It's normal. I do hope he gets better soon though.

Allison:FX you don't get AF. Have you tested at all? Not sure if you mentioned already.

Trying3: I'd keep at it until I see a temp spike.

Jrosie: How are you doing?

AFM I'm in official test mode as of tomorrow. My temps say I'm pregnant but early testing says no..hahah. But I'm 10dpo tomorrow and I think I will completely fall apart if I don't get a bfp. Wellll unless my temp drops then it will be expected. I get a miracle bfp in the morning.

7 years ago

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