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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Good morning ladies,

Dandy : praying that the two other follicles catch up and that your lab work is still great. Keep us posted. Good luck today.

7 years ago

Hey gals. Trigger tonight, retrieval Saturday. Only getting two. Today they were 18,17,12 and 11. Nurse said they will still drain the smaller two just at the small possibility to get a mature follicle. They did mess up by not ordering me progesterone so thats on the way now. Now as long as I don't ovulate we have a chance. Im going into this fully aware that niether will fertilize or make it. Praying hard though

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey dandy,

Hopefully the two remaining follicles have mature eggs and both fertilize and grow. Is there a chance that you will ovulate before retrieval? Not sure what the statistics are? Maybe bding just in case?

7 years ago

Dandy praying hard for 2 mature eggs that fertilize and grow into beautiful little embryos. I was scared that I would ovulate as well, but I didnt. Everything will go well for you :-) will you be doing the progesterone in oil shots?

Cronins- How is the witch treating you today? Hopefully she doesn't last too long for you.

7 years ago

Lucky : AF is a moderate flow, but so far so good. She's been a breeze so far. Let's hope that she doesn't over stay her welcome lol.

How are you holding up? Anything new?

7 years ago

Cronins I'm doing well. Excited for Friday to finally get here. I will start taking the estrogen tomorrow and continue my Lupron as well. I'm just nervous and excited about her first US. I Pray every night that she produces as many mature eggs as she did on her first 2 cycles. Its becoming real that I really could be pregnant within the next 3 weeks :-)

7 years ago

Cronins yes I am scared to death that I will ovulate before the retrieval! Putting all my trust in that they know what they are doing. Maybe its something to do with taking the lupron previously. Idk. Only 1 percent do. Our directions are no bding after the shot and for him to relieve himself tonight. So we are going to bd just before the shot just in case.
Lucky its so soon its almost here. So excited for you!!!
Oh my estrogen is 490

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy it is the Lupron that helps to prevent the ovulation, then the trigger helps to finish maturing the follies before retrieval. I can't wait to hear how it all goes for you Dandy. Your estrogen is good as well! What time do you take your shot?

7 years ago

Oh, that makes sense now. Hopefully the lupron does its job by preventing ovulation. Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly and your two eggs fertilize and grow.

Lucky : you're definitely going to be pregnant very soon! So excited for both you and dandy. I may end up taking longer to become pregnant, but I am really okay with that. I just really want to see you and dandy become pregnant and carry to term. That's my prayer for both of you.

7 years ago

Thank you girls. Cronins you almost made me cry, my estrogen is up Im an emotional wreck. Lol. Im praying so hard right now. DH is getting nervous as well, I can tell.
I sure hope the 5 iu of lupron from last night is enough to keep me from ovulating. I dont take it tonight. Lucky, I take it at 7:30 tonight and procedure is 7:30 sat morning. Exactly 36 hours later. We have to leave home at 4:45. With no coffee bla. Im nervous about this hcg shot. It seems so different

7 years ago • Post starter

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