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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

281 - 288 of 288 Replies

Happy Saturday all,

Bug, Too bad you're feeling down about your late 20s. I turned 30 last year, I feel healthier and more myself than I did in most of my 20s, and I don't feel like 30 is too old to have a child. There are many strong women who wait until they have fulfilled other parts of their lives before having children, and to me it seems sensible and not too late. It's actually a really nice age, so I hope you can warm up to it rather than feel despair or disappointment. Sorry if this is a little harsh, and I do understand the other feelings you have of seeing others preggers and becoming sad about it. It will happen for you too. All I'm saying is that there's no reason to despair about turning 30, since you're becoming or developing into a more self-aware you all the time.

Talless, I took a peek at your cycle plans, and I think it looks really healthy! Good luck girl ;)

Joy, have a great time with the Christmas exchange! your baking sounds super yummy :)

Kj, How are you doing these days my friend?

White Rose and Faith? Hi! xoxoxo


I had my first midwife appointment yesterday, and it was really informative. We have some big decisions about genetic screening to think about in the next few weeks. I really don't know where I stand at the moment.
Other than that, i'm healthy with good (low) blood pressure and so I can continue aikido without the falls as long as I'm comfortable to do so. Yipee! It's such good exercise and stretching, and since my sensei already knows, I can just participate as I like.
I haven't been very queasy, and aside from some mild cramping and flutters, everything feels pretty normal. Oh yeah, my nips still hurt, but that's it.

Anyway, my brothers are arriving soon for Christmas, and I'm so excited to see them. I think we'll tell my family at dinner on Christmas Eve.

Have a great weekend and take care,

ps. Since there's been some talk about the pregnancy despair, I'm uncomfortably aware of sharing with you lately... I'm hoping this isn't upsetting anyone to hear about how/what I'm doing. If it is, I completely understand. just let me know.

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12 years ago

Bee: I love your updates and that you still communicate with us. I am so happy for you and your DH! I will celebrate with you!!!

AFM: had a great day today. Got some things checked off my FIL's list and although my list is still long and lingering, It's great to know that he feels good about his things and it will actually free up some of my time! Well, off to the list!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Bug - How ya doing hun? Feeling any better today? Did you test again?

Bee - Oh sweetie I cant speak for everyone but I feel no resentment or anything when reading your posts! I love hearing how things are going & I hope you will remain to keep us updated! Glad your midwife apt went well & that your blood pressure is low so you can continue your aikido!!

MrsOtt - Glad you got some stuff done today! LoL! Sorry I exhaust you hehe, but yes I definitely enjoy myself, I love being busy this time of year!

AFM - Had company over today, got the little cleaning I needed to do done before them came, then spent about 7hrs visiting and playing with their little guy. (Also did our Christmas gift exchange) Had a good time. When they left dh played some Xbox while I tidied up. My house is now clean again and my photos have been uploaded to the computer. I love it when I can stay on track with my cleaning... so much easier when I just have to maintain the house! It's surprisingly easy this time of year cause we have so many people coming over all the time!

Tomorrow my girlfriend that I have know since Grade 1 is coming over to do a gift exchange. In the afternoon I am doing Gingerbread Houses, Decorating Gingerbread Man Cookies, & doing a Christmas Craft with the kiddos, then going grocery shopping & for tea with my Mom. Should be another busy (but fun) day!!

On the ttc front... cd31 and still no af. I keep going to the washroom expecting her to have show, but I got nothing so far. Still just keeping my finger that when she comes she is nice to me! I really dont wanna bleed heavily and be so stressed out again! Tho I am sure I will be regardless!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to let you all know that I started spotting this evening - looks like af is here... tomorrow should be cd1 Keeping my she goes easy on me!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Ladies, I got a BFN on Saturday. My temps have been dropping since Saturday morning but they are still above the coverline. I think AF will be here today. She didn't show up yesterday and it feels like she will be here. If I O'd 2 days later than I thought that makes me get her tomorrow. I ran out of test and figure if AF didn't come by Wednesday I would go get one but I have a feeling AF will show up today. I'm so doubting December. That means It will be next year before I ever see a BFP. It means the chances of having a 2012 baby is getting slimmer and slimmer. The chances of conceiving before my one year mark is really really get slim. I'm really bummed out right now and Doubting December too ladies. I was so hoping to be pregnant before the end of the year and that so hasn't happened.

Being around my Big Sis who's trying this weekend was very very hard. Especially, since I was sitting there wondering if AF would be coming or would I be getting a BFP. It makes me so sick because she literally kicked us out of her house at 10pm so that she can get some BDing in before her hubby fell asleep. And she even said that to us. She talked about how she has cried more since Nov 17th then she has in a long time over not getting in BDing. Cause she is doing it ever day. I was like I have cried more over the PAST year because I haven't gotten pregnant so don't tell me you know how I feel. I just want to have my first kid. You want your third. ugh....I think AF is the one talking right now.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Bug - Aw I am sorry you are feeling so down right now That has got to be so hard having a sister who is ttc #3 and complaining when your still ttc #1 I am so glad my sisters were both finished having kids before we started ttc!! I am really hoping af doesnt show for you! But if not 2012 WILL be our year!!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Time to start a new thread as we're on page 15!!

This is officially the end of this thread!!

Follow us over to the new Thread:

The EPO Experiment: Chapter 4

See ya'll there!!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Happy Healthy 2012 Ladies,

I pray we are all rejoicing to be alive!

God is good, ALL the time.

Bee, I am very happy for you. enjoy every moment and I pray you a healthy God favored pregnancy.

Ladies, I have two expecting moms in my life and I am very happy for them, one is over 40 and on baby boy number 4, and the other had a miscarriage earlier this year with her first and is now pregnant again.

Ain't God awesome, he's done it for them so i know he'll do it for me in his time.

Stay strong Ladies.

with him all things are possible, his grace is sufficient for me

12 years ago

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