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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies

talless - Usually if you start spotting early in the day all day I would count that as day 1, but if you didnt start spotting until later at night I would count the following day as day 1. Hope that helps!

Bee - I hope you O soon!!

Bug - Sorry to hear the witch showed up Depending on whats going on with me we might be cycle twins. (& Yay for Christmas decorations!!)

AFM - Woke up late this am to some bleeding I am hoping it's af and not more problems but not sure. Called my doc and he told me to relax today and keep an eye on things & keep him posted. Needless to say I am super stressed out right now! I am hopefull... it didnt start heavy, just some blood when I went to the washroom (cause I'd be laying down so long?) and only a small amount of blood on my pad since then, and pinkish on the tp when I wipe. Having some cramping on and off, and (tmi) lots of bm's! Donno if thats maybe af or nerves! LoL! So I am stressed but optimistic... if so some reason y'all dont hear from me for the next while that'll probably mean Im back in the hospital! Just wanted to give ya a heads up!


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12 years ago

So I'm away for 4 days and I miss sooo much! I'm probably going to miss someone but please don't mind me, I'll catch up!

Joy ~ Oh I hope it's af coming for a visit! I'd hate to see you end up in the ER again over all of this! Would you be due for af if you counted from the time you stopped the regular bleeding and discounted the spotting? I was always told not to count those spotting days after a mc. Just a thought...

Bee ~ I agree with the others about waiting for cm changes for using opk's. Watery is ok too as I think the epo thins out the egcm but still has all the proper fertile properties. I don't think consistency has as much impact as the chemical make-up.

Bug ~ Hun, I'm so sorry af showed up for you. Everything was looking so well this cycle! Also, I know what you mean about weight gain/loss. I've gained about 55lbs since starting ttc, although I will say that I'm down about 10lbs the past few weeks. Probably be right back on me with the holidays. lol

WRose ~ Secondary fertility is a common enough thing from what I gather. It's just where your body gears up to O and then for some reason (hormone fluctuation, stress, etc.) it doesn't happen. You body will continue to attempt to O by selecting the next dominant follicle. This cycle is looking just like my last one and now I have 3 dates that I potentially ovulated on. I seriously doubt I did the first cue, I think I did at or around my second cue, but this 3rd cue that popped up yesterday has me wondering if I didn't O until yesterday as it was accompanied by more ovarian pain. I'm just thankful that it wasn't as extremely painful as that 2nd attempt at O! Also, like others suggested, missing a day will affect what you see on those opk's. Some women have such a short burst of LH that they have to test twice a day, like me. I wouldn't worry about it. Ovulation is certainly possible to come later than you think, and while it's not very common, there are some women you indeed O twice in a single cycle. Hell, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm like that what with all these O cues!

Shea ~ I'm on met also and lemme tell you, if you just started it this cycle then it is likely what is causing you that nausea. Met is killer! It's way better if you can get the XR version, especially at those dosages. I'm supposed to be taking 1500 a day split into 2xd but I just can't stomach it so I only take 1000 2xd. My next dr appt is on tuesday and I'm going to be asking for the XR's again so I can increase my dosage.

Ok, so AFM, I'm cd 18 now and the OvaCue has given me the same mess as last cycle. Three possible ovulation dates! What a pain in my arse. I don't go back to my ob/gyn until December so no help there. My home life is a wreck, hence the not posting the last 4 days. My DH is not so darling these days and we've had multiple major upheavals in our lives this past year. I'm truly hoping that we have sorted all of our (his) issues out this time and we can get back to being married, loving one another completely, and fully living our lives together. Oddly enough, even with all of this turmoil, we have had more BD'ing going on thanks to making up. I'm an emotional wreck today so I really hope I don't encounter any more stress or see the wrong damn commercial. I'm tired of crying.


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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Kj - Aw I am so sorry to hear about all the termoil... hopefully it's all in the past now & as you said you can get back to normal.
If I discount the spotting then yes, the timing probably would be right... so I'm keeping my !!!

AFM - Super paranoid right now... been almost 6 months since I have had a normal af! The bleeding yesterday was pretty light, last night was the same. Quite a bit came out when I went to the washroom, and by the looks of things today will likely be a heavy day... just hoping it's not hospital heavy!! I am sooooo nervous!!


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12 years ago

Hi ladies

Kj- thank you so much for the advice! When you say XR you mean the name-brand right? Cause mt dad said the same thing about taking the name brand version. My Dr also told me if I could get up to 2000 mg I would probably start ovulating on my own... Sigh... But I have my doubts

Joy- does you dr not want to bring you in and run tests to make sure it is AF? Praying for you dear!!! Please keep us posted as much as possible.

Sorry for missing so many. You are all in my thoughts and prayers

AFM- I don't wanna put too much pressure on this cycle but I'm really wanting two pink lines for Christmas. It's all in GODs hands though

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

So today I'm experiencing ovulation pain. It may be that I'm ovulating later than I usually do?! I did start taking vitamin B6 so that may have affected my cycle... What do you guys think?
I'm also noticing an increased appetite today. So weird!

KJ- Thanks for the info on secondary ovulation... I have no clue what is going on with me right now but good to know!!!

Sweet Bug- I hate that showed. I for one thought this was your cycle!! best of luck my friend!!

Bee- I think you were writing that to me not Faith. Haha but I got you!! Thanks for your input! What do you think about what I said above? I hope you saw a positive OPK lady and yet again if you didn't (like me) I hope you ovulated!! You're in my thoughts and hope the grapefruit helps!!!

Joy- I hope it's just plain old af and nothing too bad for you!! You're in my ers. Hang in there lady and I'm sure everything will be alright!!

Nursejones- I hear ya on the two lines for Xmas! ME 2!!

Much love to all

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Shea - Nope my doc didnt even suggest bringing me in for any testing, he just said to keep a close eye on it and let him know if it got heavier than a period... so I guess if I start bleeding through a pad in less than an hour.
Keeping my for your 2 lines this Christmas!

Rose - Thanks hun! It's very possible that B6 could make you O a little later... hard to say.

AFM - Bleeding has been pretty heavy today... lots of gushing but I think that is normal? It's been so long since I have had a normal af!! I am not bleeding through a pad in less than an hour so far tho and no clots as of yet, so I am keeping my that this is just af.

I am serious stressing though... I hate bleeding and I really hate not knowing if it's af or not. I am so scared of having to be rushed back into the hospital! I really hope things lighten up tomorrow... I need this to be af... I dont know if I could deal with it being anything else. I feel like my nerves are just shot! I dont even want to stand up cause I dont want to gush


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12 years ago

Hi all, still here, laughing, crying and praying with u all.
I got the results back from my endometrial biopsy and I'm not sure what to make of it. The biopsy was done on cd26. The results said I was 2dpo. My bbt showed no o at all- up and down all cycle. And af was 10 days late. The reproductive endocrinologist said I am 'out of phase'. He didn't give me a definative answer of what it means, but prescribed supplements and wants to do an ultrasound mid-cycle to check on any developing follicles. He wants me to take b6, folic acid (5mg), omega 3, progesterone after o and my regular prenatal vits (that I have been taking for 11 mos anyway). Then a naturopath suggested calcium & magnesium, but said to avoid epo b/c of the estrogen.
Af was 10 days late. I dont use opks, only bbt and I'm worried that I might not know when to start the progesterone. I'm considering trying saliva ferning, since I have a microscope anyway. (I'm a nerd, I know, lol!) Considering ttc this cycle, just scared to make it official. Didn't get the go-ahead from dr, but neither of us mentioned it. I think he only told us not to try b4 b/c of the biopsy. Anyway, not sure if any of you can make sence of the biopsy results, but I could really use some insight.
Funny/cute side note- my bf installed a charting app on his phone and now he keeps asking about my temps and such. Interested to see how he will be around o/tww time, lol!

Hi shea! Long time! Keep your chin up sweety, the ups and downs of this process are exhausting, but the reward will be so worth it!

Joy! So hoping this flow is your cycle getting back on track! Sure sounds like it! This is my 2nd cycle since the mc and, other than the initial spotting, the beginning is still pretty heavy, even a few small clots. I know it's a silly thing to say, because its almost impossible, but dont worry too much. I have faith that things will look up for you and your cycles will be back on track. Maybe we will be bfp buddies again soon!

Bug, rose, bee, mrsott, kj, and anyone else I might be missing (sorry) fingers crossed and praying for bfp's all around!!!
Love & BABY DUST!!!
- Liz

12 years ago

Happy weekend everyone :)

Joy~ My afs can be pretty heavy the first few days. I gush too ;) Please try your best not to worry. Set a point of reference that will be your signal to call the doc (you already have, with bleeding through the pad in less than an hour), and then let everything else be considered normal. Your body loves you and wants to be healthy. Love to you.

Liz~ Sounds like a rollercoaster with the biopsy! I'm a little annoyed with your doc for not giving you a better explanation before prescribing away. Interesting that the naturopath suggested to lay off the EPO. I wish I had a better knowledge of herbs. Too funny about your dh's app! I'm also curious what his reactions to O will be. Lol.

Kj~ Yucky tension in the home! Don't be too shy to tell him exactly what you need to make things better for both of you. My dh backs away when I'm sad, so I had to ask him to come toward me and give me a hug rather than edging along the wall like a scared animal. Sometimes it's like we've already got the biggest babies of all! Sorry it's such a stressful time for you honey. Good luck with the Ovacue saga. xo

White Rose~ Ah! You got me! Sorry I confused you with Faith. I guess it's that you both became cycle buddies at the same time... Lol. I suppose B6 could have delayed your Ov, but I also understand it lengthens the LP, so you'll still get a full cycle. Remember that stress can play a huge part in delaying Ov. My final month of course work for Grad school delayed my cycle by 13 days, and I'm normally a very regular 27 day girl.
I was super hungry yesterday too!

Shea~ Sending you luck and wishes for your Christmas miracle :)

Ayrian~ I'm glad you got to visit your friend! That's great that the baby is doing well. I like hearing awesome feats of strength by tiny babies :) I hope you find time to snuggle up with a book or a nap this weekend. You deserve it!

Afm, cd 15. I used the last of my opks yesterday, and they were all negative, but I leave tomorrow morning for the coast anyway. I've been having lots of good cm, but dh had been called out with the ambulance a lot the last few days because of all the snow, so we haven't had much opportunity to bd. I was hoping for some morning bd, but he was called at 6am just as I was waking up :( He did get a shift covered this evening so we can go on a date, so hopefully we'll get some time. Otherwise this cycle is just poor timing due to my trip. Oh well, after this one, I won't have to travel without him until March or April. I'm going to pack my vitamins right now so I don't forget them like last time!
Have a great day,

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12 years ago

Hi ladies

I'm going to apologize in advance for not responding individually. I'm in a bit of a time crunch. I'm headed over to my best friends to babysit her newborn for a while then off to the inlaws to pick up my sister-in-laws. ( which is nothing new, we have them every weekend but that's another story for another day) I'm praying for all of you. I know Thanksgiving is coming up (where I live anyways) and I would just like to say I'm so thankful and extremely blessed to have met such a wonderful and supportive group of ladies! Love all y'all!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Shea - Aw you're so sweet hun!

Bee - Thanks hun, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that!! It's been such a stressful few days... the nights in particular cause I have been so scared to bleeding out again... its been so long since I have had af I cant even remember whast normal! But I am really trying to stay calm.
I hope you have a wondeful date night! Maybe if you bd tonight you'll be able to catch that eggie??

Liz - Thanks sweetie! I am really trying not to stress too much, but this experience has made me super paranoid! I almost filled a pad (doubled up) last night while I was sleeping and was freaking out a little when I got up, but really I had been wearing it for like 10 hrs, so thats not that bad! But I have to keep reminding myself that this kinda stuff is normal now... I got so used to it being bad anytime I bled that I cant seem to stop stressing now!
I really hope we'll be bfp buddies again soon!! As for your results, I have no idea, sorry, I'm no help! Thats great tho that they are taking steps to make sure everything is good!

AFM - I find my stress level rises at night (proably cause thats when I bled out EVERY time it happened) but I made it through another night without a hospital visit. Was worried cause I like soaked my pads (overlaped) last night, but then I had it on for 10 hrs so that really isnt that abnormal I guess. I feel like I'm going insane!! I really hope today is a little lighter and that it starts tapering off soon! Still staying positive that is will be af...


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12 years ago

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