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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies

Im still here, just been MIA. Ive been a little down in the dumps and dont wanna bring yall down as well. Praying for yall and still keeping up with everyone.

Maybe Ill get some good news from my Dr and/or job application tomorrow. That would sure cheer me up. Anyways, my nook book is going dead but ill check back in later!

Love, Shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Good evening chicas,

I hope you are all having a lovely evening.

Shea~ You just dump all those negative feelings on us rather than keeping them in. I understand taking a break if you need space from the idea of ttc, but don't for a minute think that we can't handle your sad/bad moods. We're all strong women, and we all have slump days (weeks, ahem).

It's like having friends over and asking for help: Friends feel needed and comfortable when you show them your weakness and needs. At least, that's my theory. Try it next time you have people over! Ask a friend for help and see how they react. It's like they ~*swoon*~ "Sigh, she needs me after all". So that's how we feel about bad moods here :) Also, chip chip, good luck with the job search. I'm in the same position these days.

Joy~ That's great that you have a ttc goal for the new year. Now that you're free, you can finally relax in time for the holiday season... decorations and all. xo

Bug~ I'm with you on holding out until AF is late. I'm trying to be a ttc minimalist these days... aside from my huge stash of dried herb teas. Fingers crossed my sweet!

White Rose~ You are so sweet! I love reading your responses to everyone. You have much compassion and a good penship as well. (penmanship, but without the gendered connotation :P )You have a few days on me this cycle, since my AF was later, so I'll be looking to you for advance tips and symptoms in the tww. Happy bd week! xo

Faith? love to you!

Kj~ xoxo

Afm~ Cd6, spotting. Just arrived home from aikido, and I spoke to another woman (a black belt) about ttc. This is the first person I've really spoken to in my community about our ttc intentions. I wanted to ask her opinion about practicing once I was in early pregnancy (staying positive, right?). She said she knows some women who practiced right up to 7 mos! Rolling and everything! So that's good news. Of course, I would take it easy in the beginning, but if my energy were right, and if people I practiced with knew my 'limits', why not?? Anyways, this gives me a new hope. I think I have a few emotional/energetic blockages to becoming pregs, and I think this is one I need to work through, so I was happy to have her feedback. Time for tacos! (Not to be confused with Taco Time; rather, time for making seven layer taco dip).
Love love,

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12 years ago

Bee: It sounds like you are keeping busy to keep your *obession* to TTC down as minimal as can be. Good for you girl! I will take what I hear/see you doing and apply it into my life. My new chant will be - put down the laptop and go for a walk or do something! lol.
I love your optimistic outlook and so happy you talked to someone that you felt you could trust. I'm sure that it helped take some stress out of your life. :)

I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Friday!!!

AFM: We are on the countdown to leave to BC this afternoon. My FIL is very excited. He acts like a child when he gets like this.... pacing, getting in the way, asking twelve thousand questions, etc. I'm glad he will get to see his sister and get the personal stuff he want to get done, done. It will be good.
I woke up a little earlier than I needed to today, just because it felt like AF showed or is going to, but there was nothing. My temp went up again from yesterday 97.55 to 97.73. Testing was a BFN. So, I will just have to put it on the back burner for now and wait until I get home on Sunday.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend. I'm not sure If I will be able to check in over the weekend, but I'll try!
Hugs and baby dust and sticky vibes!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

WROSE, Thank you dear.Hugs dear!

mrsott, I sure hope I get a BFP while at my moms but even if I don't I'm only going to be 9dpo and it could still be to early. Hugs to you dear!! Glad to see your temp rose again sorry about the bfn but could be way to early still.

Shea, hugs to you and good luck with the doc and/or job application!!!

Bee, Thanks dear. Thats good news about aikido. Yummy!!!

Flushed, My dear hubby was like why are you so flushed. Sleepy, yes, Underarms still hurt now left side as joined the right side. Sensitive nips yes.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.

Bee that you. Hugs. You are such a great friend. Im so very glad i found this site and met all you wonderful ladies.

MrsOtt have fun and fx for a BFP

Bug hugs. Hope all your pain is from baby! Fx

Joy yay for no bleeding. Praying it stays that way!

AFM more random vomiting this morning. IDK what its from because I dont think I ovulated last week. I had ANOTHER + opk tuesday (at what I thought was 8 dpo) but still no temp shift. I called my Dr yesterday so I should be hearing from him soon. My body must really hate me to keep playing these cruel tricks. Sigh

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

WOW...I've missed sooo much! I'd like to say that I apologize for not updating before now but things have been so very busy at my house this past week. My daughter has had play practice every day until Thursday, then the poor kid has 4 performances with the last one being on Saturday. She was so upset last night when she realized that my contraband video of the play is not the greatest but I explained to her that any video is better than none at all. She is such an emotional little girl and with puberty on the way it's just getting worse for her. I almost can't wait for her to get her period because I think that will help her out, it's this build up to it that is killing me. lol

I can't even begin to respond to everyone individually but you all have my thoughts, prayers, good vibes, baby wishes and more from me! Even though I have not been on here, I have thought about all of you daily. It's my own personal time out, even if I can't let you know about it. It's so nice to know I have you ladies here who support me and know what I'm going through!

Quick update on me ~ This cycle is even with the date, the first time I think this has ever happened to me. So here it is the eleventh, I'm on cd11, and I'm praying that this is my cycle! I'm still playing nice, letting things slide, taking my vitamins and metformin, no pop and best of all I think I'm done with the least for this week! lol Which is really important since O day is near. I should O in the next couple days, the Ovacue thinks tomorrow, but my opk's still are blank but they usually are. I don't get a line until the last minute. Frustrating for me; I'd love to be one of those women who get a nice build up line but oh well, at this point I'm concentrating on just getting the line at all! OH! And I'm not doing the EPO this round and yesterday I noticed a little egcm, so I am thinking there might be a correlation between the EPO and egcm for sure, just not a favorable one in my particular case.

Well, I'm off to do some more homework. The semester is almost over and I'm trying to maintain my Dean's List standing so work, work, work!

Hope everyone is doing great!


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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Dont have a lot of time, but I wanted to pop in and say hi!

bug - Thanks hun!

Wrose - Thanks! I am definitely relieved... just praying that it stays away this time- I am sooo paranoid cause the last time the bleeding stopped (before my ER visit) it started up again heavily a week later! But I am keeping my & my hopes high!!

MrsOtt- You're so sweet! I am really sorry to hear about the email out of the blue... I have gotten a couple of those, the "what to expect" ones right after the m/c was the worse... they send one every week telling you have big baby is etc... not fun! Even the emails from Please Mum & Old Navy kinda sting when I am not expecting it. I really hope you dont get any more nasty surprises in your inbox! There is enough stuff to remind us in the world without it coming via email! I totally understand you needing a "cry" day... sometimes it just cant be avoided! Hope you're feeling better soon tho!

Bee - Thanks hun! & Mmmmm.... taco dip!!

bug -

Shea - Thanks hun! I really hope you get some answers soon! Random vomiting = not fun.... unless you somehow end up being preggo! That would be super fun!

KJ - Welcome back hun!! Yay for being sync'd up with this month! Maybe it'll be lucky!!

AFM - Still no bleeding... went to a Rememberance Day ceremony this morning & even managed to stand for all the appropriate parts! (Dh thought I would get dizzy or something... hes a little over protective)

Well I am heading out to do some Christmas shopping!

hope everyone had a great day!!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi Ladies.

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I don't have much time, since I'm at my Aunts. We are in BC as of last night. All is well. The boarder crossing went smoothly - whew! always stresses me out for some reason.

Joy: thanks for understanding. you're super sweet and I'm so happy that you are up for events and shopping. Hooray for good healing!!

KJ: so happy you checked in and all is well. Keep us up to date! Sorry to hear about the emotional mess of a daughter. Girls are so hard at pre-menstruation and then - wow. I guess that's why they say boys are easier to raise? haha. I hope that you both can get some relaxing time to take care of your bodies for the future changes! :)

AFM: woke up with a HUGE dip in temp. 97.73 yesterday to 97.07 today. Guess the witch will be here tonight or tomorrow. ;(
Well, off to get into the bathroom and shower before my FIL starts his 2 hour beauty treatment! :) Love, hugs and baby dust from Canada! (I know some of you are already here, but what can I say... it feels good to have my feet on soil where I was born! )

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Happy weekend everyone,

I just wanted to write a general love note to you all. It's such a nice thing to be able to check in with 'yall and find such a diversity of strong and beautiful women who's cycles are all over the place :)
It's exciting for me in the boring cd8 of my own cycle to stalk you tww girls like Bug, Shea and Ayrian, to hear about the continuing saga of Joy's journey, the amazing feats of Kj's migraine enhanced workdays and getting to know White Rose and Faith's hearts.
It's a shame we haven't had a BFP here in a while, but I'm confident that this means we're due for a few at once! Look to us for positive support everyone. We're such a great group, and I think it's such a healthy outlet for everyone's ttc ambitions to have like minded ladies to share with when our dhs might not understand the physical ups and downs this process inevitably plays out in our spirits. There's no other place I feel so comfortable sharing the intimate details of my cm, cervical changes, sex life, and AF woes with. Plus, where else do I get to regularly pontificate with no inhibitions?? Hip-Hip Hooray!

Big love to all,

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Just checking in before I head out to babysit me niece and nephews!

Bee - You are such a sweetheart! I actually kinda tearied up when I read your post! You are so right about it all & I for one am SO glad I have you ladies! I dont think I could have gotten through allt his without each and every one of you!

MrsOtt - Thanks hun! & Yay for being in Canada!!! Where in BC are you? My Grandparents used to live out there (in Victoria) and my Aunt & Uncle lived in Vancouver then moved to Penticton. So I have been there quite a few times! I hope af doesnt come!!

AFM - Nothing new... still nothing on the pad, this is day 5! Woohoo!! I have been in such a good mood the last couple of days!! Between not bleeding/feeling normal & getting most of my Christmas shopping done I am a very happy person!!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

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