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Soy Isoflavones for TTC

I was just wondering about Soy Isoflavones? I've read arhat it acts just like clomid and should be taken like clomid (cd3-7 5-9)....I read a lot of other forums about women who tried clomid failed & then tired this and got pregnant the first cycle!! I was jc to see if anyone has used or heard of it? And if u did use it how much did u take? Where did u get it? How long did it take u to conceive? Thanks!!

34 Replies • 10 years ago



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I just started taking it this cycle. I have friends who swear by it. Currently, I'm on CD6 and took my final dose last night. Using this very early in my cycle (CD1-CD5) since I have a woefully short luteal phase (this last go round was only 8 days). I got the ones from WalMart. The bottle says it's 80mg per serving but if you look at the back, one serving is two pills. Very deceiving! I took 80mg as the first dose, and just increased by 1 tablet each night. That's what my buddies did. I'm also taking a standard prenatal vitamin OTC, checking my cervix, and am in the process of memorizing the getting pregnant chapter of Taking Control of Your Fertility. Will give this a couple of cycles before I seek out a new doc. How's it going with you?

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User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

Thank you for responding!!!

I also ordered mine thru Walmart. They aren't carried by my local store :( but they are spring valley 80mg as well so I think we will have the same kind!! That's good to know about 2 pills being a "serving" thanks for the heads up!!! Have you had any s/e with them? I am currently on cd7 just took my last clomid 100mgof clomid tonight!!! If I don't get my BFP it's on to soy next cycle because I hate clomid!!! Makes me so sick! I just added a journal entry about soy & what my re/ob gyn said about it maybe you should look at long have you been TTC? DH and I have been TTC for 18 months & 22 cycles!! :( I do ovulate on my own & was Dx with PCOS!!?!?!? Lol which still has me confused as to why I was Dx with it when I have no symptoms & my cycles are regular :/

10 years ago • Post starter

I will defo go read your journal entry. DH and I are celebrating our first anniversary today and have been trying to get pregnant ever since the wedding. I've been to my doc who quickly brushed DH and me off to an RE after DH's SA came back. Motility is just a hair under what is considered normal. I got a thyroid test (normal), an Anti-Mu llerian hormone test (normal), and a pap smear (also normal). I told her I use OPKs so she assumes I ovulate regularly. After she got DH's results back, she said we needed to see an RE. I felt kinda brushed aside. We never once discussed my cycles or charts or pinkie sized luteal phase. So, I'm giving OTC meds a go while I wait for an appointment with a doc that was highly recommended by family.
Anyway, I'll be breaking out those ovulation test sticks in the morning to see if the soy did its job!
As far as side effects...I haven't noticed any. I always took it with a snack very close to bedtime. That seems a pretty popular way to take it.

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

I've done 10 rounds of SI and 4 of clomid at 100mg. I O on my own, but my cycles are long so I take those to shorten them. No bfp yet and Im at 17months of trying. Soy is much weaker than clomid, I wouldnt even say half the strength. I took upwards of 340mg for 10 days straight and my O wasnt nearly as obvious as it is on 100mg of clomid. I've even done a cycle with clomid in the am and soy pm. Hopefully ur not expecting a miracle, keep in mind, the pregnancy rate on soy is only slightly higher becuz its more readily available...that doesnt necessarily mean it works better.

Try adding Black Cohosh 120mg cd1-12. Its another phytoestrogen, much weaker than soy, but it helps with side effects and pms symptoms.

Good luck, ladies! Hope it works for ya!! =))

10 years ago

Hey ladies! I do ovulate on my own some months. I think the months I don't ov are the ones I'm stressed out the most (which is not very often) but DH and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary on October 11th :) I'm so excited lol I don't know why but to me it feels like a huge relief to make it there!! I mean our marriage is fine no big problems but it's always hard the first year of marriage :/ and that is def true for DH and I!! But anywho I was told by my re/ob that I should never ever go over 200mg of soy? And I shouldn't take it more than 3 cycles In a row....I'll look into it a little more...I have went thru other sites & forums about soy and I was shocked at how many got a BFP on their first cycle!!! Even after clomid failed! :) I have lost 10lbs since sept 1st.... So hoping that kinda gives me a little boost as well....

10 years ago • Post starter

Awesome! My DH and I are one year today! Just got back from a fancy celebratory dinner. I was sort of hoping for a BFP as an anniversary surprise for him, but not so much. >.<

I'm glad you mentioned that your doc told you about the rules on taking soy. I will definitely keep that in mind. No preggers by Thanksgiving = Time to make that appointment!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

yes i was hoping that for our one year i would be able to suprise him as well!! and i just might be able to still i am only on cd8 and af is due to start on oct 10TH the day before our one year :) so hopefully god was just waiting for the right time for us to get preg!! i know i sure do hope so! i even bought us both shirts that say keep calm im going to be a mom and his says the same but dad lol i told him we would wear them the day we are going to tell our family (after the 12week mark) that were preg :) see how long it takes them to figure it out!! and i told dh if we arent preg by april next year (our 2 year mark) then we have to start thinking of another route to take :( but i hope it dont get that far!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

My poor husband was expecting me to make that announcement last night. But c'est la vie. I'm also taking Maca Root and a Vitamin B complex for that dang luteal phase. Fingers crossed for both of us!

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

What cd r you on? Have u confirmed ov yet?

10 years ago • Post starter

I'm only on CD7. My cycles are pretty much clockwork. 24 days and ovulation occurs around day 15 or 16. I'm hoping with the soy, I might O earlier and beef up that luteal phase. I'm starting to wonder if I have low progesterone because I have all the symptoms. But my doc doesn't seem like she wants to do any testing. I wonder if taking Vitex after ovulation would benefit. UGH! I've got to find a new doc! Might have to bite the bullet and call the one my sister goes to.

User Image WE WANNA SEE THE BFP...GO...LIKE...THIS..... Dang it, BFP! Show up for all of us, already!

10 years ago

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