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Come on BFP!!!

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Hi everyone My DH and i have been TTC for 10 months,we're both 29 and have been trying everything that can help from preseed, vitamins, fertility yoga, opks, BBT, you name we have tried it! and spent a pretty penny doing so and will continue to also as you cant put a price on getting a , just hope its soon
I am on cycle day 21 and af due cycle day 28. My temp has been erratic last few days going the lowest i have had at 36.1!! when usually at this time i am around 36.8-37. Currently at 36.6 which is still low for me, so have no clue why its this low have tried to look for some answers but got nothing really. I have ovulated also which makes me about 6dpo have had a few pinches and pullings low down boobs are big but not sore?
If we are out this month then i am thinking of getting maca, has anyone used this or thinking of using it? look forward to hearing everyone's stories hope for a soon for us all

238 Replies • 11 years ago



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just read my post so so so sorry we made a wish was meant for happysam, my laptop keeps playing up, i feel awful cant believe the horrible mistake i have made, so sorry we made a wish, i cant believe it i feel terrible. i am so stupid!!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies!

We made a wish- i hope you're doing well hun.
Ashleylauren- charting seems very complicated! I hope you get your soon!
Novalunar- the marathon sounds like a great idea!

I'm doing better now. I get nauseous only before bedtime now so it's not too bad anymore. DH still helps around the house even though I'm well enough to take care of things our wedding anniversary is coming up in about a month and I really want to plan something special for him! He so deserves it! I would really welcome any ideas ladies! I'm so bad at planning special occasions... I have no romantic bone in my body!

11 years ago

@happsam congrats :)

@novaluna and @we made a wish...

I have just been reading this chat and it has been so nice to see how you have been there for each other through the good and the very bad. It's a bit uncanny as i have been through certain similar things the last few months.
We were TTC for 7 months when we got out BFP in December and we were planning to keep it a secret and tell everyone on Christmas day. I was having some spotting but from looking around this site I thought it wasn't a big deal but doctor sent me for a scan and it was Ectopic :'(
Had the surgery on Christmas eve and they let me out of hosp on christmas morning!
My hubby is a sweetie but he was already really overwhelmed as had just found out his bro had been cheating on his wife and had got the girl pregnant! And his mum had a suspected heart attack!
My birthday is also in march Novalunar and just before my birthday my grandma died and her funeral was the day after my birthday :(

So its been so crazy! Sometimes I feel so sad and overwhelmed but you know what some days I feel ok! Like you are all saying its amazing how strong us ladies can be when we have to be!
It's funny as well that I have some great friends and family but the people who have supported and understood have not been who I expected at all! some people have been very weird!

Sorry for the very long post just wanted to share as our stories as so connected!

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

11 years ago

i am so sorry jp-forward, you have been through so much bless you and your poor family hun must be such an emotional time for you all i hope your ok? hows your mother inlaw? how long have you been ttc since your loss?
It must have been awful having your nans funeral on your birthday after everything!! you poor thing ,i am so glad that you have the strength to stay strong hun its natural to break down i have good days hun and bad days it just hits you out of the blue, its so overwhelming, and you have to let out never keep it bottled up, worse thing you can do as it will eat you up. but you have to stay strong and positive and realize the to get that you have to keep trying and look forward to the future of happy times that are to come hun we are all here for support hun, so if you need tips, share your stories, or just venting out your anger frustration go to town hun

11 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Novalunar :) can you see why i had to share cos my story has so many similarities with you guys!?

We made a wish did they decide to take the tube or just give you the meds? I had my left tube removed in key hole surgery.

We were told different things about how long we should wait before TTC again but it seemed like the main thing was to wait for a period to come. Thankfully tjat came about 30 days after the surgery so not a long wait! So we r now on our 3rd month, I'm TRYING to be patient lol! After all it took us 7 months to conceive the first time, but then I blamed the first half of that on my body recovering from 5 years of hormonal contraceptives!

My mum in law is doing ok, she has found her blood pressure goes thru the roof when she is stressed so she is trying to stay calm and not take on other people's problems!

I don't really think we did anything special to conceive the first time so I am just letting things happen and trying to make love ever few days across the cycle! I'm not charting or anything as I think I wud go crazy! Tho I did try to get hubby to take some vitamins but they were too big and got stuck in his throat, so i might get some soluble bit C as from what you are saying that could really help!

I'm doing good most days and can still have a laugh, and the days when i feel really sad are getting more spread out, so I'm hopeful that I will get through this!

Novalunar where are you up to in your cycle now? any interesting symptoms! I write in my journal on here so that I can look back and laugh at myself as every month I'm totally convinced!

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

11 years ago

Hi everyone :)

Sooo glad to hear ur doing well happysam! and bless ur hubby! i love it when men get like that the minute they hear ur pregnant its like noooo dont lift that fork! dont do those dishes etc looool bless them!!! yh i definately think a little suprise will be nice! Hmmm u cud maybe do a candle lit dinner, dim the lights, nice music in the back ground, put a pressy and card on his plate! but before u cud get him to wear his best outfite before coming home, and u wear ur best! u cud go out somewhere nice? book in advance let them know its a special day? u cud ask them to light a few candles?

Novalunar u silly billy stop killing urself over what u said hun! it was a easy mistake loool i cud do that too1 awww bless u babe u dont need to apologise! i knew what u meant when i read it its ok babe!!! seriously!

and JP-Forward so sorry to hear about ur ectopic a little update from me, thursday i went in for another blood test and my levels were creeping up being at its highest at 379! which probably isnt that high to be honest but the point was it was going up! so they said come back friday morning for scan. so went back friday 8 30 am had my scan and she said she could see a little bleeding from my tube and that the pregnancy looked quite small so i shouldnt worry. anyway went home and it hit 4 and i was getting sharpish cramping but they were coming and going. so i left it, got to about 8 an they were getting stronger to the point where i would have to stop and crouch. so i thought i should get it checked. go to A&E and i was held waiting there for 4 hours untill i calapsed i told them i was weak, had an ectopic and was bascially in pain. basically dont remember anything after that and woke up in that recovery place. they said it burst and i lost over a litre and half of blood and basically i was in the right place! stupid idiots sorry but i think the way they dealt with it was horrible! they could see i was yellow, i was complaining of pain and dizzyness blah blah and they still left me there untill i physically passed out! anyway had it done eventually friday around 1am got down to the ward at 7am sent me home at 5pm! buttt im ok now not liking the stitches much as when i wear underwear or trousers they hurt, and my tummy whoooahhhh i look 7 months pregnant! and its blue yellow and purple! but i honestly feel ok now. waiting for a month or 2 to go past so i can try again! still bleeding so cant do nothing atm! an i think its best i let my body heal.

anyway.......... again ladies i think im not going to chart or anything as i think that is what helped. charting and symptom checking would make me panic or worry all the time so im carrying on sticking to good old love making every 2 days and no thinking about it at all!

Novalunar how u getting on hun? there are sooo many new ppl i cant keep up with the names looool sorrrrry! ill get there! hope overall ur alllllll doing really well and having plenty of good luck ladies!


11 years ago

Hi!! I'm new here, and TTC our 1st! I'm now 9dpo! Not to many symptoms. Last night I had some dull aches in my ovaries? I'm guessing it last for awhile. I'm hoping that's a good sign. Also a few days ago felt 2 sharp pains shoot threw down there. Idk what was going on. But my fingers are crossed. Anyone have these symptoms and get a BFP?!

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11 years ago

Hi ahop90-

We are pretty much cycle buddies! I am also TTC #1. I'm on my second cycle and have experienced light cramps throughout this week. I've also experienced creamy CM since ovulation and yellow CM for 3 days in a row now. I'm 8DPO. I'm ready to find out already! Hope we get our BFPs!

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

OMG! I know I'm dying to test and hoping for BFP! keep me updated on how yours goes!

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11 years ago

I really want to to test tonight. I'm hoping since its more like I'm 9.5 DPO since it is later in the day, perhaps I could get a BFP with FRER! Should I test?

My husband is leaving soon to play kickball. I'm thinking how awesome it would be if I tested while he was gone and surprised him later on tonight or tomorrow. I kinda have a feeling, but at the same time, I am so NERVOUS!

Advice, please!!

User Image Ashley&Bryan 6.1.12

11 years ago

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