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Wannabe May Mommies WMM

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Hi ladies, I was in the Wannabe March Moms thread and I think there were 4 or so lucky ladies who got their BFP but alot more of us who got BFN. So here's hoping for August or September BFPs which will bring us May babies!

A little about me: I'm 35, from Australia, TTC first baby since mc in March. Just bought a fertility monitor so hoping it's worth the $ because I hate OPKs, haven't started charting yet but will consider it soon.

Join this thread if you WMM too!!!

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467 Replies • 12 years ago



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Congrats, Brandy! So exciting! to you!!

Sounds like everyone else is doing well, I'm still practicing my "chill" and not trying to stress out about any symptoms. I've been so super busy with work and stuff at home that it hasn't been too hard to ignore stuff this time! LOL! I think what got me messed up and scrutinizing everything was the first and second cycles after my MC - I had so many symptoms (and symptoms I don't normally have) that it sent me into a "symptom frenzy" where every little twinge became huge to me.

I can test at the end of next week (and I'll be 12 DPO on my birthday, no less!!) So I'm crossing fingers. I won't have the chance to run out and buy a bunch of tests, as I'm traveling for work Monday-Thursday (into some remote places), so that will help! LOL !

As for the caffeine/alcohol issue: After my MC i stopped both completely, but this cycle, i decided to just have one diet coke a day (and my fertiltea), and during and while I was waiting to O, I had some wine! I missed both so badly, and you know, I had both regularly (not in excess) when I conceived last time so I figure it's not hindering my fertility. I haven't had alcohol since I ovulated.

to all!

User Image Baby M v1.0, 4/20/2012

12 years ago

Hey ladies, 9 dpo today. Still have watery cm and a high cervix, but that is how it has been in the past as well.

No crazy symptoms, just extra thirsty yesterday and this morning, which is causing me to pee more frequently.

Af is due on Monday, and we have a pretty busy weekend planned, so I won't really have time to think much about what I may or may not be feeling.

Still haven't purchased any HPT's....just regularly checking my cm and cervix. It's crazy how much both change during your luteal phase!


12 years ago

Hey girls just started spotting !! Think on her way

Hope you all have sticky beans XXX

12 years ago

I'm so sorry Claire!
Where is everyone at in their cycle? I'm at 12 dpo but not hopeful at all for this month since the doc at Primecare gave me a yesterday.

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12 years ago

Aw, so sorry Claire

for next month!

12 years ago

@lmpotts80 I'm on CD 18 and supposed to O tomorrow, but i don't think i will. I just started charting and keeping up with everything this month. My body just feels all out of whack!

12 years ago

Yeah, kgrady and BGGirl, I noticed that PreSeed is 19.99 at Target., definitely cheaper than anywhere else!

Yayy to Brandy!!!!!

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12 years ago

@lmpotts80 Im CD 15, 7dpo, 5 months ttc after mirena for #2. Hopeful, as my cycles back to normal this month.Happy to join! fingers crossed for bfp to all of you ladies!

12 years ago

Helloooo. I'm Stacey 22 from Scotland !

I've only been TTC for 2 months , I had the mirena coil in for 2 years and had it removed on june 20th.
5 weeks later I took a HPT and it said 1-2 weeks pregnant.
2 days later I MC. I still don't know if it was a false positve as I only bleed a little for 1 day.
So started TTC again a few days later...
On Monday 20th aug...4 days ago I got another BFP. I did 4 tests.
I can't upload them as I am doing it from my phone :(
So I am really hoping this one sticks, so worried incase I MC again as I am only 4 weeks today.
So fingers & toes crossed
(( I've also had no periods since mirena removal))
Stacey xx

12 years ago

Wow Stacey, congratulations and fingers crossed for you and your sticky bean!

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12 years ago

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