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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 5

This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and remember you can never give TMI, we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

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309 Replies • 11 years ago



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It has been pretty quiet around our forums lately! I am currently on CD9 and am waiting to ovulate. Where are you ladies at in your cycles? I hope everyone is doing well! Look forward to hearing from you all and hope that you all make it over to the new forum.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi JamieNix.... I havent been on as much this cycle. I decided not to take Clomid this month. Thie would be my 2nd month taking it and I dont like how it makes me feel. I'm going to giive it a rest for this month. Ive been trying to focus on eating better and exercise and not stress so much about getting pregnant. How are you feeling these days? Are you doign anything diferent this cycle?

11 years ago

I've been pretty good, just waiting for the big O day. I took last month off of clomid, but took it this month. This is my 5th round of clomid, so we will wait and see how it goes. I'm not really doing anything different this cycle. Hoping to schedual a day for my hubby to get a sperm anaylsis done something this month.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies, Glad to have found you here. I just finished my last round of clomid yesterday and have been doing some web searching about it and have gotten myself concerned about something. First of all, my doctor only has me on the clomid to help up my progesterone levels. He also told me I could take a baby aspirin daily to keep my uterine lining thin, but from what I've been reading, the clomid only makes the uterine lining thinner making it hard to hold on to a pregnancy and causing miscarriages. So, my question is, wouldn't taking the baby aspirin only make this worse? I thought that the clomid actually put out estrogen to help the uterine lining grow thicker. I am also to take prometrium once I get a positive on a preg test. I had a chemical back in November and then lost another one at 6 weeks. I took the prometrium on the last one and it obviously didn't help any. So, now I am wondering if there would be an advantage to me taking the prometrium now and then stop it if I get a negative on a preg test. This is all so confusing and scary. I started out on the clomid with positive thoughts and hoping it would help me to not miscarry again but now I am nervous about the uterine lining thing. Right now I am on cycle day 8 and waiting to ovulate. Any thoughts on all of this? Thanks


11 years ago

@Paradise- I have read peer reviewed studies about baby aspirin and researchers have found that daily baby aspirin helps the lining to be thicker, healthier, and makes it easier for eggs to implant. Perhaps you're seeing that it makes blood thinner- which is good because it helps prevent blood clots and decreases the chance of miscarriage. Also, you're right that Clomid can make it harder to have a lush lining. In an effort to not go into tons of science, basically it blocks the estrogen receptors. Estrogen is what helps create the lining. So if the estrogen can't get to its receptors, the body can't use the estrogen for the lining.
So, in short, Clomid inhibits the uterus's ability to make thick lining. Baby aspirin helps counteract that by building lining and decreasing blood clotting.

And I haven't researched prometrium, so I can't help there. But I would follow what your doctor told you to do, and ask him/her about the prometrium and other questions.

Jamienix- Thanks for making the new board! Way to step up.

AFM- We're not monitoring or anything this cycle. I forgot how nice it is to just completely take a break. No counting days, no OPKs... time is moving much faster than usual. But we'll be back onto Clomid next month, after we've made our move.

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Thanks for your reply. It was very much appreciated! I am not liking the idea about the clomid thinning out the uterine lining. I have read post after post about women taking the clomid and still having a miscarriage because of this problem. I think if I don't get pregnant this cycle, then I am going to discontinue the clomid and stick with the aspirin only. I have heard all good stories about taking a baby aspirin daily and my doctor did recommend I take one when I was pregnant last but I didn't and now wished I would have. Since I was ovulating on my own anyways, I see no reason to keep taking the clomid. So, now on to my next question. I am on cycle day 10 today and have tested for the last 3 days for ovulation and still nothing! Am I just getting too impatient right now? Is it still too early to ovulate or show even a little sign of something that means I will ovulate in the next few days. I am so worried that I won't ovulate this cycle again. I didn't ovulate last cycle I think because my body was still trying to regulate itself from the miscarriage in June. I hope I am just being impatient and I will ovulate by day 14 or so.


11 years ago

@Paradise- Sorry, I would have written earlier but I was out of town all weekend :) It's definitely possible that your body is not regular after the miscarriage yet. Some women are able to get pregnant the month after. It took my body three and a half months to have a cycle again after my miscarriage. So it's possible. It might also be early to see a pos OPK. I don't get positive OPKs until CD14 or 15 while on Clomid, and I know it's about the same for almost everyone else on this board. Good luck! Keep us posted and I hope you see one soon!
It's such a hard decision to take Clomid or not. For me, and other women who don't ovulate on our own, it's easier to take it because it's pretty much the only way to have a chance. I'm curious why, if you were ovulating on your own, your doctor would prescribe Clomid. Is there something else that Clomid helps besides ovulation?

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Glad to be here with you all been missing everyone. No clomid for me this cycle and no tempting either. I was not going to use Opk either bit i was so bloated a few days ago i did one to humor myself! Low and behold it was in your face positive! Thevodd thing is was only cd 10.....since charting i always O Cd very early for me. I've also been having a brown discharge after sex that I've never seen before? going to the Dr tomorrow to check it out.

Simmons i have been focusing on excersise and eating better also. Hope its going well for you.

Fellurian hope your move is good and not stressful!
Lifting you all up on my thoughts and prayers

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies!! @ Paradise - this is my first month taking clomid but from what my OB explained in does block estrogen receptors and can cause a thin linning. To combat this I am taking estrogen CD 10-14 to build up my lining before I O. Then will start progesterone after I'm sure I O'd until a get my period or if I get pregnant for the first 12 weeks!!! I also ovulate on my own but have PCOS with small follicles. My follicle size on my last ultrasound was only 7 mm on ovulation day (CD 17). Dr says that a follicle this small would not produce a viable pregnancy and that clomid should help the follies grow bigger!!!I am also on metformin 750 ET twice a day (for the PCOS) and a daily BA. Hoping the clomid works for us!!
Good luck to all of you!!!!

11 years ago

Felurian: Thanks for your reply. Yes, my doctor has me on clomid to help up my progesterone levels. He said that he believes my miscarriages have been due to not enough of it and that clomid can actually keep the levels high. I am to start taking prometrium (progesterone) as soon as I get a positive on a pregnancy test. I actually got a positive on my ovulation test Sunday and then I tested again this morning and it was still positive but a bit lighter than yesterdays test so I believe I am actually ovulating now. Just hoped we timed the bd right.
Jandbbaby2012: I was also wondering about taking the progesterone right after ovulation but have read that it can interrupt implantation. Have you heard of that? My doctor says I should be fine if I just start taking the prometrium once I get a positive on a pregnancy test but I would take them right after ovulation if I knew it would help to keep the hormone level high. Any more info on that would be greatly appreciated.


11 years ago

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