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Medicated TTC cycle- October 2021

14th oct 2021:cd12: I had HCG shot today at 1:30 pm.
15th oct 2021:cd13: BD by 11:30 am and around 11:30 pm.
16th oct 2021: cd14: follicle study revealed that follicle has been ruptured and fluid is seen in uterus. BD at 5:30 pm. Fluttering sensation in left lower abdomen. I am having so much gas in my tummy now.
17-19 Oct 2021: cd15-Cd17- dull cramps in left pelvic region. I am nauseated by looking at daal, which was a typical pregnancy symptom for me. This is because I have taken HCG trigger and taking duphoston tablet now. Just a waiting game.
Cd18-Tired. Slight light headedness. Cloudy white discharge, which is unusual for me.
Cd19-Tired. Random bouts of nausea.
Cd20-dull cramps in lower left back. Felt like a needle touch in uterus by 7:35 am. Left lower back aches. Everyday I have white discharge which is not normal.
Cd21-annoying lower back ache at left side. Left lower back ached more at night.
Cd22-gas in stomach. Left lower back ache spreads to left hip. Cranky. Emotional. Few twinges in left lower abdomen. Feeling feverish.
Cd23-normal mood. Bit sore boobs. Cramps in uterus by 10:30 am. Aches in right waist area started. AF on the way? At night too I got sharp pains in right uterus. I don't know what will be the results ????
Cd24- I didn't like the Smell of cauliflower curry (again this is what I had during pregnancy). I have to visit doctor tomorrow. Dull cramps like AF about to arrive.

0 Comments • 2 years ago • Edited



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