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TTC after vasectomy reversal

We’re TTCing starting this cycle after my husband had a vasectomy reversal. This would be our 4th child. It has only been a year since he had the vasectomy done, so we have high hopes for success. Anyone else in the same boat?

7 Replies • 3 years ago



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Yup! We had 4 children, then Nate had a vasectomy. 8 years later (Jan 2020) he had a reversal. I just put my 4 month old to bed. We are trying for another already!

3 years ago

Thanks for reply! We’re a few weeks out from the surgery at this point, so this will be our first cycle trying. He’s really optimistic that we will get pregnant quickly. I hope he’s right. It’s good to know about others who were successful.

3 years ago • Post starter

If you have any questions, I am here to help! We went through the gambit. Low counts, steroids, icing every day, Morton, etc. I have some tricks of the trade if you are interested!

3 years ago

I’d love any advice you have to give! We did discover that icing is a must and helped tremendously with the swelling and discomfort. The surgeon is having him wait until he is 4 months out to check his count, but said we can start trying as soon as he is healed. I wish he would have given us orders for one earlier, just so we could get a baseline. But there were some sperm seen in under a microscope during surgery so I suppose that’s a positive sign.

3 years ago • Post starter

You will want to use Motrin (or any NSAID) to help keep down swelling. Even after he is feeling better and you are able to start trying, swelling of the vas deference is a problem because they will want to heal scared and swelling will close them back up. So icing with a NSAID for a few months is very wise. If you do have trouble with counts after the first sperm count, don’t be shy about asking for a steroid. Catching these things early is what is necessary for success.
The first time having sex go slow and gently. He may feel pain after, ice ice ice. When you are outside of your fertile window, still stay active regularly throughout the month because that will help him to heal open. (He may need to sometimes take care of it himself )
I’ll send some more tips your way in a bit. If you have Facebook there is a vasectomy reversal group that has reversal docs and couples who are in all stages of the process. Look them up! Wealth of info.

3 years ago

I hadn’t thought of continuing the NSAID and icing for that long,but that makes sense to keep the inflammation down. I’ll look up that Facebook group! I think he’s pretty nervous to resume sex at this point mostly because any pain he might feel.He’s still pretty bruised and gets sore when he has walked around too much.

3 years ago • Post starter

Yes! We had success. I was an older mom at that point so it took time (a few years). Best of luck


3 years ago

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