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I’m not sure what to do

I have irregular cycles, they range from 30 days to 45 days (45 is the longest cycle I’ve ever had) I’m currently on CD 49. Me and the hubs are pretty sexually active but sometimes we use a condom and sometimes we don’t. The last time we didn’t use a condom was May 21. So technically I still could have conceived after that but the chances are very slim. I took one test every day starting 6/3. Negative clearvlue, negative clearblue digital, then a verrrrrrryyy faint like on FRER (pic attacteched) followed by a negative FRER digital the next morning. I do have some symptoms. Cramping, tender breasts, and my cervix is very high, mushy and tightly closed. I know the next step is a blood test but my doctor will not see me unless I have a positive test or have missed 3 periods. So, my question is what do y’all I should do? I go on vacation in a week and I don’t want to be drinking alcohol if I’m pregnant.

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4 Answers • 5 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 4 of 4 Answers

I'd retest with the FRER. Your pic didn't show up for me. It sounds very similar to my situation, with 32 to 42 day cycles and less protection used on my part. Today is cycle day 42 for me, but I'm pretty darn sure I'm pregnant and just not far enough for a solid line. I posted my FRER test yesterday, if you want to compare.

5 years ago

I don't see the picture either.

5 years ago

The photo should load now. I took a Walmart cheap test today and that was stark white negative. Still no period

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5 years ago • Post starter

@Rsn211 I definitely think you’re pregnant! That’s a positive test for sure. Congrats!

5 years ago • Post starter

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