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Positive, tricky situation please help

This might be a little lengthy but I’m so confused, I just had a baby 8 weeks ago, well I had unprotected sex before getting my first period, went to go get on birth control and doc said she couldn’t do it until I had my period, I took 3 pregnancy test cause she said i should have gotten my period by 8 weeks postpartum they were negative, finally got my period on August 25th, pretty heavy period lasted 4 days, then I only had sex 1 time since my period and it was with a condom and on August 31st and now on sept 5th went to doctor for birth control but they did a pregnancy test and it was positive!!!!! I was totally shocked. Went home and got another test and it was negative, what are the chances that I’m pregnant??? Or could my “period” been a miscarriage and I didn’t know, I’m inserting a picture of the docs positive test

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4 Answers • 6 years ago



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1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Wow, that is tricky! You didnt have sex before your period or on your period did you? That's crazy! Maybe it's some leftover hormones from a missed micarriage.

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6 years ago

I did have unprotected sex with the pull out method twice 2 days before I had my period, my doctor drew blood so I’ll find out for sure Friday

6 years ago • Post starter

Fxd for you that everything is okay - have you tested again since? I hope it all works out the way you want it to.

6 years ago

I just tested again with first morning urine and it was a big fat negative, doctor should be calling tomorrow with the results from blood test

6 years ago • Post starter

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