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Emotions running high!!

What a rollercoaster of emotions this last couple of days has been!! I have become an auntie for the very first time to a gorgeous baby niece... Ellie Mae!!

I am over the happy and proud and overwhelmed with love for her!! She is beautiful.

But holding her for the first time and taking in her beauty, as much as i tried to ignore it the yearning i feel on a daily basis became ten times worse. Trying to conceive and failing month after month and then holding a precious little baby is so hard. Although nobody would have noticed to look at was torture!

I feel terrible for saying that because my Brother and his girlfriend deserve it and i know they are going to be fantastic parents. To make it harder when i was holding her i caught my partner looking at me and i could see even more how much he wanted that to be us! Knowing that in a few days i will probably come on again and have to deal with another month of heart break and disappointment is killing me inside.

2 Comments • 9 years ago



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1 - 2 of 2 Comments

Congratulations on becoming an Aunt! I understand totally how you feel. My BFF and I had our first children just one week apart. They are now 4. She has had TWO more children since and hubby and I been TTC #2 for the past 2 years. It's hard to see others with things that we want for ourselves. My only advice is dont get discouraged, stay positive and one day soon you will have your beautiful baby too. Lots of baby dust! :)

9 years ago

Thanks Ladies! I am so so chuffed to be an Auntie :)
I am really happy its just so hard keeping my feelings in check at the moment... Patience has never been a virtue of mine and a year later its getting harder and harder to keep positive xx

9 years ago • Post starter

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