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Preparing for our IVF

I haven't been on here for a while as we have been busy over the Christmas period and taking some time to prepare ourselves for our IVF. We had our initial consultation with the consultant at Jessop Fertility in December and on Friday we had our counselling session. The consultant has been great in all our dealings with him so far and the staff at the clinic have been great. We go back in February for another appointment with the consultant and the nurses to teach me how to do the injections and to go through our next steps. We will be doing a natural cycle and we are doing the egg sharing scheme.
When i was told IVF was our best option i was devastated as i am sure many people are when they hear that. There were many reasons for this. Because it felt like i was a failure, because i didn't think i could cope with the process, because it would cost so much and has no guarantee that it would work. It just seemed like such a huge thing and one i wasn't prepared for. As time has gone by and i have looked further into it and spoke to my partner and other people about it i have begun to feel more optimistic about it and now that we are almost ready to give it a try i am feeling a bit excited too!
The egg sharing scheme was the perfect option for us as it would save us money on our treatment which meant we would be able to afford more than one attempt and it helps someone else as well. Any hesitation i may have had about sharing my eggs disappeared with the news a friend of mine received the week a few days before our counselling appointment. She had cancer as a child and the treatment has left her with no quality eggs. Although my donation may not help her it will help someone in a similar position and that makes me feel so much better.
So now i am trying to get myself as properly prepared physically, emotionally and mentally for the treatment and what lies ahead. Maybe just maybe this year will be the best year ever when all mine and my partners dreams come true and our family is complete.

0 Comments • 8 years ago



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