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Yet more heartache.

I have spent most of the morning crying as yet again i have come on :'(

I feel like such a it is never going to happen.

Dealing with this month after month is killing me inside. But then on top of my own feelings, my partner so desperately wants a child of his own and i am so scared its the one thing i can't do for him. Knowing that he is going to come home from work tonight and i am going to tell him i am not pregnant for the 11th time breaks my heart.

I just don't understand what i am doing wrong. I see people getting pregnant who abuse their bodies with drugs... who drink all the time, smoke and don't care whether they get pregnant or not. Yet here i am with so many others watching what i eat and drink, taking vitamins, using fertility aids, tracking cycles and temps and facing disappointment month after month. It is so unfair and each month it gets harder to take.

This cycle will make it a year of TTC. If there is no joy at the end of this next month then i don't kow what i am going to do but i do know that i can't handle much more of this.

5 Comments • 10 years ago



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1 - 5 of 5 Comments

I completely understand. I am on cycle 12 of ttc and now have the help of a specialist. Do you have the option of seeking help? Keep your head up... this long wait for a beautiful bundle of joy will make it all worth it!

Jan 6 2010 - DS Preston May 27, 2013 "Angel Baby" - (13 weeks) Feb 20, 2015 Sleeping Angel Connor Everett - (36w4d) Mommy loves you Sweet Angel.

10 years ago

Awwe I know how you feel. After each additional month goes by the hope you have dwindles and your spirit get crushed. What you say about being a failure touched a nerve, I feel like that sometimes too and then have to snap out of it. You are doing it right being healthy and giving yourself every chance. Don't despair yet, there are always options for further advice and testing if this isn't your month. Gl fingerscrossed for you.

[url=<a href=

10 years ago

Thank you Ladies. Your kind words mean a lot to me. HzlGreenEyes, i had a few tests done a couple of months ago after i had a few problems and a chemical, but my doctor told me they have changed the rules regarding fertility help meaning we have to wait another 7 months before we can get help. Thanks again Ladies.. hopefully we will all have a happy ending very soon xxx

10 years ago • Post starter

I can understand what you are feeling! Don't give up yet. Wow, sucks that you have to wait another 7 months to get help. Hope you get a BFP before then.x

10 years ago

Thanks Autumn7 xx

10 years ago • Post starter

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