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More testing...

So after my cycles decided to go all crazy in December followed by a chemical pregnancy i had my check up with my GP yesterday. I gave her the diary she had asked me to keep and after looking at it decided that she wanted to do more, just to be on the safe side. She informed me that they had now changed the rules regarding the amount of time you have to be trying to conceive before you get help. It is now 18 months instead of 12. As i have had problems with pre-cancerous cells and now my cycle has suddenly changed she wants to do further investigation and tests. Although it won't get me referred quicker, it will give me answers quicker as to whether i have a problem and will save time if we do get to the point where we need help. I am not sure whether to be scared or relieved...Happy that things are being done and that i am being taken seriously...scared in case i do have a problem and what that will mean for our little family. Now i have to wait for my next cycle to start and then i go for bloods taking and then again on cycle day 21. I am actually due tomorrow if this cycle runs as a normal one but after the last couple of months im not too sure what to expect. I have been feeling pretty removed from the whole trying to conceive this last few weeks and i explained this to my gp who said it was to be expected after all the upset and disappointment and that it was a good thing as the obsessing often makes things more difficult and usually couples who give up a little bit tend to catch on unexpectedly. I am starting my new job today so i have lots of other things to think about and hopefully this will all work out for the good and my BFP will be just around the corner..

0 Comments • 10 years ago



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