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Absolutely Devastated :(

Well its over, and while a tiny part of me is relieved that the confusion is over, in truth i am totally heartbroken. I got my results back and the doctor says i have had a chemical pregnancy :'( Because of the spotting i experienced for the first week or so of this cycle she thinks that i conceived but it failed to implant due to insufficient uterine lining. To try for 7 months without a positive is disappointing, its hard emotionally...but to then hear that i conceived and it didn't implant is just like a massive kick in the teeth! I have still yet to break the news to other half as he is on his way home after being away since monday and i know hes going to be gutted. She says there's no reason why i can't try again straight away though they sometimes say its better to wait a cycle first for emotional reasons more that anything but that ultimately there is no medical reason why not. At this moment in time though my next cycle is the last thing on my mind, all i can think right now is i was so so close and yet here i am feeling further away than ever. After weeks of wondering and hoping and praying. Back to square one. Had a little spotting this afternoon so expecting full flow shortly. Going to take some time over the weekend to discuss things with other half and try find some positive thoughts ready for trying again, i know they say that things worth having don't come easy but thats little consolation when dealing with the difficulties.

1 Comment • 10 years ago



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so sorry for your loss, It's a difficult thing to experience. I have lost two, not fun at all, but don't give up! When your lining is thin like that you may want to add baby aspirin to your routine, I had a D&C, then a chemical a few months after that, then started baby aspirin and now am pregnant again. So it will happen. Don't beta yourself up too much, heal emotionally and when your ready then try again. Best of luck to you.

10 years ago

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