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Taking a step back...

So the most confusing cycle ever is still ongoing and today is cd 39 which i may add has NEVER happened before. Now i have had a few problems in the past, 2008 2009 and 2010 i had issues with abnormal smears and abnormal cells in my cervix which i had to have removed.This caused irregular bleeding BUT my cycle continued as normal throughout. I also struggled to regulate after taking the depo but as with some people who stopped their cycles mine again continued as normal except that i had bleeding inbetween and heavier periods. Once i stopped the depo i carried on as normal, so for years i have had a normal 28 day cycle the odd variation of 26, 27, 29 days here and there. So again this cycle is totally out of the ordinary, and the only time i have gone this long without a period has resulted in my ds and dd! So yesterday i saw my doc, who was very nice about it and has told me to fight the urge to test every day or every other day and give it til the weekend at the earliest. As she put it, some peoples levels rise slower than others and it could in fact take 3 days before my levels double so testing every day would only give me the same answer and cause me to worry that there was something wrong. She was lovely about it, didn't treat me like i was crazy or obsessed or stupid for going on about it, she was very understanding and i felt reassured after i saw her. When i was leaving she said (i have another appointment on 12 feb just in case) that she hoped she wouldn't be seeing me again until my post natal!! This was a lovely parting shot and also made it seem real that there is actually a good possibility that my dreams are about to come true. It wont change whatever is going to happen if i find out today or next week. The thing is the only time this has happened before i found out i was pregnant with my son, I was 8 weeks gone by the time i found out because although i had missed a period i wasn't actually ttc, and i was young (so i still had plenty of time) I waited and waited and to be honest deep down i knew i was pregnant, i was nauseous and i just had a feeling. I had actually missed my second period when i found out. Then with my little girl, my son was only 6 months and i didnt find out til 6 weeks when i had missed a period and i was feeling nauseous. So i could in fact be one of those women who has slow rising hormones and if thats the case i can drive myself crazy testing all the time or i can do what the younger me did and just wait. Just get on with it and what will be will be. Oh and another amazing little piece of information...A woman carrying a ale fetus actually tends to have lower levels of HCG than a woman carrying a female fetus! Amazing right! So with fingers crossed i will take a step back and what will be will be.

2 Comments • 10 years ago



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Fingers crossed that you get your bfp mrsbeasley83! Rooting for you.xx

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10 years ago

Thanks Bean83!! Good luck to you too hun xx

10 years ago • Post starter

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