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Cycle day 10--7th month of ttc

Well, AF has long since departed and despite it being far too early for me to ovulate, we are already back to the every-other-day schedule, and honestly?

I'm loving the lack of OPKs, no acupuncture, no nothing. Just temping, still taking vitamins, (both of us), and using preseed. The vitamins is something I would do anyway. The temping is for records, for if we do need to go to a specialist as well as my own curiosity, and the preseed is because we need lube anyway and we really like it.

We just both feel more relaxed. There is less head-explosion-stress over OPKS and how dark, or not, they are, less pressure, less....all of that. I feel like we are both actually going back to the fun and loving part of baby-making. You know? A baby is supposed to be made out of a physical display of closeness between us, not something that is stressful and more business-looking. While we get that we need the right timing...I don't know.

This just feels better, somehow. I do think the acupuncture helped right my cycles more, as well as the vitex. I still take the vitex as part of my daily vitamins and would do so, even if I weren't trying to conceive, though.

Anyway, this is our last cycle before we are going to just get tested to rule out any problems, so please keep your fingers crossed for us!!

Baby dust, luck and positivity for everyone!

3 Comments • 11 years ago



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Good luck & most importantly HAVE FUN!

XOXO, STACIE \User Image

11 years ago

Fingers crossed and sending baby dust your way.

11 years ago

Thank you, both of you! And I am definitely having fun, haha!

11 years ago • Post starter

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