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Is it possible to Ovulate twice in an cycle?

I tested on Nov 27, positive. I tested on Dec 7th and the like was way darker then the test line. Is it possible to have two positive Ovulation test in one month? I had spotting a few days after my Nov 27th test which I never have. Today matalic taste in mouth. Last period was Nov 17th, for what I know at this point I'm due for next period on Dec 15. I've never been off schedule this is the 1st time its been way off. 29 days in cycle. 4 day length. 15th day ovulation!

3 Answers • 10 years ago



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1 - 3 of 3 Answers

U can have multiple ovulation tests be positive in one cycle. A couple things can be happening. U may not have O'd with the first positive and are now surging and attempting to O (O is not a guaranty with a positive test), or u did O with that test and this is just a normal mid-luteal phase surge. I usually get a positive opk about 6-8dpo then another a day or two before AF arrives. Both very common and very normal.
As for ovulating twice in one cycle, no, u cannot. Once progesterone is released, it stops further egg development and release (hence not taking progesterone supps until AFTER O). U can, however, release more than one egg in one cycle, but it will be within 24hrs of each other, not days or weeks apart.
And becuz I know someone will suggest it, no, an opk will not tell u u are pregnant before a hpt will, so dont take this as a "sign" becuz its not reliable whatsoever.
Hope this helps. Good luck! =))

10 years ago

Are you using the cheap opks or the expensive clear blue. Last month I got 2 positives with the cheap packs and never got 1 with the clearblue advanced. I went to the dr office the same day I got a fake positive from the cheap opk. Ultrasound showed not even close to ovulation. I stopped buying the cheap opk. I used only clearblue this month got lh surge 24 hours after shot. Its up to u because they are expensive but that's all im using from now on:)

10 years ago

Thank you both for your input! as of now I have been using the same strips for 7 months. they have all been on track with my period and O. However this past month for some reason my cycle went longer then normal and I had spotting for two days. Which I also never ever do. So not sure as to what may or may not be going on. Fingers & toes crossed!

10 years ago • Post starter

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