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PCOS- vits and medications timing???

Hi all, I have just bought epo and thought I'd look online and see WHY it helps and I found this site,
I didn't know you could buy progesterone cream etc so I learnt something new but they use lots of timings ie until ov and then 2 weeks before af etc but with PCOS I dont know what's happening from one day to the next. An anyone shed some light on things please? Thank you xxx

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6 Answers • 12 years ago



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Well typically women use progesterone cream after they ovulate because progesterone is the dominant hormone that's need to be present during that time.

Before ovulation (from the first day of your period, until you ovulate) you don't want progesterone to be high or it will STOP you from ovulating. You need estrogen to peak during that time to help release an egg.

With PCOS your body gears up to ovulate (estrogen peaks) , but instead of releasing the egg, it stays as a cyst in the ovary. Then your cycles become really irregular (among other symptoms) because hormones aren't raising and lowering properly.

What you want to do is induce an ovulation with estrogenic herbs (dang gui, black cohosh, etc) until you ovulate. Then you want to raise progesterone until your period (using wild yam cream - progesterone cream).

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12 years ago

To continue,

If you don't know your cycles start taking your basal body temperature daily.

This way you'll know when you ovulate and can better predict when to take different herbs.

For starters, trick your body into a regular cycle. From day 1 - 14 take herbs to peak estrogen. Then from day 15 - 28 take the progesterone cream. This will encourage the body to begin its regular cycles.

Also with PCOS there is a large sugar imbalance as well as high cortisol levels in the body. I would remove high processed sugars and only consume agave syrup, stevia, and coconut palm sugar. Secondly take stress reducing herbs like ashwagandha, oat straw, holy basil to reduce cortisol levels.

Lastly I've read great research on Wobenzym enzymes on women with PCOS and infertility. Google it!

All the best :)

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12 years ago

Awesome thank you hun, I have bbt'd on ff since June but I have a month on here but never ov the same time, so am I right in thinking that using estrogen etc I can make myself ov etc as opposed to waiting for my failing body to do so? X thank Hun x

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12 years ago • Post starter

Yes, if you're ovulating all over the place, then take herbs to induce an ovulation (take herbs that increase estrogen). What's worked best for me is Moon Phase 1 from Gaia Garden. Take a look at their link:

Either buy from them or find another formula that's really similar to it.

Remember our bodies work in fluxuations, so even if you're ovulating you will also need to address the PCOS with Wobenzym/Stress herbs/Sugar imbalance because you need to treat the overall body. Even one month of doing this can make a HUGE difference!

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12 years ago

im amazed, i didnt realise that i could manipulate my body into doing these things, thank you. i will look.x

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12 years ago • Post starter

Well I'm an alternative health practitioner, so I've had the luxury of learning these things as part of my education. :)

Keep me posted.

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12 years ago

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