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Ladys let take this journey together :-) join me Please!

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Hi ladys, I know Me and many other ladys are trying for there first child, and we all have days were we just need support from other women who are going threw the same thing, "Baby Dust To all" is my Motto!

Heres my Story, My name is Cassandra and me and my DH have been TTC for 8 months now. I have Irregular Periods, and Im on medication To help stimulate my ovarys because iv been told its a very good possibility that I have PCOS, iv never had a ultrasound to see what the cyst look like or how bad they are Yet. :-) but i will.
This month has been rough on me, My LMP was on the 1st of march, But i had 2 periods in one month lol my sec one came on the 22d it was very spotty light flow to nothing at all except when i wiped sorry (TMI) It lasted from the 22-30th, I was scarred because what I thought might be implantation was turning in to a early mc, So i took a test on the 26th to be sure and it was Indeed A BFP, Rexall Brand Thin Blue dark line, Took one the next day it was lighter then the next day still there but so so so faint. It disapeared :-(, After the spotting stoped, I started hurting on my lower right side thinking i have a cyst, wont no till Thursday, going for a blood test and to see what these sharp pains are from :-), Im not giveing up hope this month. My period was suppost to come on the 4th of april instead it came for the sec time in one month on the 22sd of march. Iv heard of women having vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, so im testing again on the 4th, i took a clear blue digital on the 30th lol BFN im a (poasa) lol i love to pee on a stick my husband teases me about it :-). My breast are sore, there never sore ever lol!! but iv learned not to go with symptoms. My nausea went away when i started to spot.
But anyways ladys tell me your storys and lets give each other support, we can post are HPT and tweek them a bit lol have fun, talk about sex after all thats the fun part right! :-) But i understand its all so stressfull, it is, lets work together TY :-) hope you join

PRAYING4aneeding some

175 Replies • 12 years ago



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My facebook news feed is literly full of baby this baby that, im tired of it. Everyone i know is expecting ugh, stop posting your baby bumps!! lol

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Update: The 18th had creamy pink CM and today i had Brown spotting, now its gone. Im hopeing its not AF showing early. Im cramping and my breast are a little tender. Who knows lol MAybe Implantation, or maybe period, guess ill know in the morning or so.....

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

cass, my fingers are crossed for you!

12 years ago

It sucks not knowing when i ovulated exactly, and i heard that its possible that clomid can release to eggs, im sorry i have a hard time at spelling things properly lol. I hate not knowing if im starting a early AF or IB or just some spotting because of progesteron levels. Cant wait till monday to see what my levels were. Who knows, ???
Im So moody and this isnt helping lol

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Ladys Im Dieing TO TEST UGHHHH!!! THis week is going by to slow. DOnt want to waste my First REsponse so thinking of going after a dollar store test what do you guys think lol. Or should i just get another box of FRER. WHy am i so agatated i cant think straight every little thing bothers me. I need a vacation

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Just get a box of FRER and test...all my test are negative so maybe next month who knows. We will see on Friday when AF is due. It might be late if I ovulated late too. That is possible. Yeah, just test if you want to and keep testing until that BFP shows. :). Stop worrying, that doesn't help either. I just stopped worrying and went on, and it does help, but I know its hard when you want to know so bad. Good luck, let me know what happens. and hopefully a

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12 years ago

acollier iv decided to wait it out and test if i miss AF and not befor then even if it does pick up 6days sooner. I want a BFP not a Almost lol. my boobs are geting worse, and im still realy wet down there its weird, went from haveing a brown stain on the tp to water cm then super super light light pink water cm, and today i had ewcm ??? and creamy sticky who knows. I just wonder whats going on with my body. I just hope doc doesnt call and wants me start provera befor we know for sure. Because he just goes by my progesteron levels and what if at the time they were low, but have risen since then. If they are low is that indacation that i will be starting soon ? anyone know about progesteron levels. When do they go up and when do they go down? ty girls, When i first started this i gave it several days and know one texted back i was upset because i realy need the support and i love to help others when i can :) love ya all god bless! ;)

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

iv been doing some calculation and my chances look slim So im just waiting for AF so i can start my clomid, because i really dont want to get a BFN and no period lord please at least give me that much so i dont have to wait, i can start AF and THen start clomid on CD 5 and still ovulate in june if not then i may not ovulate till july :( ughhh .
Hopeing hubby sperm lives along time lol I Want that
im sorry about all the ranting this week just have a lot going on.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass- My life is hectic right now too. Especially with my job.and my husband is frustrated to with his job and everything. Its very stressing. Im not sure about the progesterone levels...I would look for a website that is reliable, or when you go to the doc, ask him about it. Im trying to get my cycles straight so I know when I ovulate and how long my cycle is. I ordered the little fertile microscope thing that can tell you when you are going to ovulate which was only about 28 $ so instead of always buiying OPK's which cost a lot, I bought this to see how it works. We will see. I still have creamy/sticky CM. I've had that every since I ovulated I believe. If I have spelled something wrong, I just came back from the eye doctors and my eyes are dilated a little. My BBT keeps rising everyday so Im not sure. I didn't take it this morning cuz I had to get up at 7 to hit the eye doctors at 930. I live on the eastern shore of MD and it was just across the bay bridge. Traffic can be heavy at times over there at that time. Its good that we have eacdh other to talk to about going through the same thing, and taking this journey together. And something to talk about as well.


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12 years ago

i caved and had to poas... :(

i am 14-15 dpo & AF still has not arrived today. i have been having these weird hot flashes the last two days along with some mild cramping. other than that, i've been feeling extremely happy and as DH put it "not like you normally are before your period". ha ha

maybe AF will arrive overnight and get this cycle over and done with!


12 years ago

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