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Starting clomid, anyone with us? Can we get a hell ya!Part13

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Lucky 13!!

Welcome to part 12 of our discussion group! Our forum is for anyone using Clomid or Femara for treatment. We are all super friendly ladies, so please come and share your story with us!

For anyone looking to catch up, part 12 is here:

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

556 Replies • 11 years ago



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MammaD29 and Shelob, I am so glad that you are back and so happy that your pregnancies are going well. I wish the best for you, I am sure that you are going to be great moms!
Shelob, Don' t be stressed with diabetes, I am sure that you will successfully control it.
During that 3months pregnancy I had, my doctor, from the beginning suggested me to follow the diet with the food groups, so to be ready for the later months. The only risk of having it was my age, everything else was normal. Rethinking now of my failed pregnancy, I believe that my doctor was overprotective for the baby but not for the mom! I guess that weighting my everyday food and not missing any meal not only was too stressful for me, but also it isolated me from the social life.
More than that, I was suggested not to walk, neither to be in a car, not to cross my legs... I was so obedient to all these, but also so stressed when (due to my job) I was obliged to walk or drive! (I note that the pregnancy was completely normal with no problem!)
All this stress was taken out through dermatitis and very itching skin. I lost my sleep, there was no night that I had a continuous good sleep. The doctor didnt allow me to use ointments prescribed by the dermatologist, because it would hurt the baby. Itching, itching... Finally the baby is gone. Nothing from the above protected it and from that pregnancy only the itching has stayed (I have visited many dermatologists who believe that it comes from stress).
The reason I am telling you all these, is that I want to show you that you should be calm and happy with your pregnancy, and I am sure that the medication will control it. Don't bother with diabetes, it is your doctor's concern! Your concern is to make this pregnancy a happy waiting!
vm1980 and princebee, welcome on board! Good luck with your TTC journey and I hope soon to hear your great news!
As about me, I am still TTC, somehow being disappointed and down, because AF always comes at the end! This month we overdid it. We broke the rule of bedding every next dayâ?¦ with our rule of EVERY DAY! More than 2 years of every next day didn't work, so why not to try the everyday enjoyment!
According to my estimations (BBT, cm and cramps), ovulation was yesterday. So TWW has just started, hoping for success!

9 years ago

@shelob thanks for your reply! I am starting clomid today so fingers crossed it will do the trick again. I was so grateful to have gotten pregnant on our first try and really hoping my body responds the same again. We have been trying for almost a year again for number two but I just don't have regular cycles and of course don't seem to ovulate regularly if at all, so onto clomid we go. Hoping we will have success again!


9 years ago

vm1980 good luck with the clomid! Hoping to hear you good news soon!

9 years ago

vm1980 good luck with the clomid! Hoping to hear you good news soon!

9 years ago

Sadly it looks like I may be out for this month :( I was so hopeful that Clomid would work on the first try again but got my blood test results today and no ovulation. Its now day 25 and still nothing. Looks like I will be waiting until day 35 and if no AF, will start Provera and then a higher dose of Clomid.

To be honest, I'm a little scared of the higher dose of Clomid, I felt crazy hormonal this month and on some days, like I could snap. Anyone else feel like this? I didn't notice this the first time but I also have a new health issue and med that I didn't have last time, with my thyroid, so maybe that is interacting with Clomid effects?


9 years ago

Vm1980, i hope you soon ovulate, and that is just a late ovulation. When i was in clomid, i just had some vision problems such as flashes at the last day of the pill, but i had to admt that that day i had a glass of wine. I too dont like hormones and unfortunately the time iwas prescribed the clomid, my ovulation was fine. The doctor just wanted to increase the chances!
Now i am using opk sticks, which have confused me, as their darker line was on cd 8, and since then the line is very light. Today at cd 13 i had a huge dip, but also a very negative opk. I dont know what to think!!! Anyways... Good luck dear! Hoping for good news soon!

9 years ago

23 months TTC with no luck!! And have started my first round of clomid!! We hope this works!!! Glad to see there are others out there and we can support eachother!

9 years ago

Good luck roxie! Hoping to hear your good news soon!

9 years ago

I am getting crazy! I had an early test two days ago, with a faint positive and a very pink dot at the edge of the line! The following two days the tests are negative! I am not sure when i ovulated, as opk showed positives twice. I had the test according to the first opk positive. I dont know what to think! I am just hoping!

9 years ago

So frustrated! Second cycle on Clomid 100 mg this month and it's day 25 and still no ovulation. Anyone else had issues with not ovulating at all and Clomid? It's just so frustrating because it was so easy the first time, one round 50 mg and I got pregnant. Anyone else dealing with this?


9 years ago

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