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February 2017

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Well I don't see a February due date thread yet. I just started my cycles yesterday so I thought I'd start one.
This will be my 3rd month ttc and I'm using donor sperm. Slowly getting the hang of tracking symptoms and bbt.

167 Replies • 8 years ago



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Yay tryin. So glad :D

Afm I'm 6 dpo today. Not much to report. Still off work due to my back but it's feeling a bit better today. I've been peeing a lot the last two days. Not sure what that's about. Waiting til Saturday (11dpo) to test so its gonna be a long week

8 years ago • Post starter

Kate - I'm only dry on the day I ovulate and after, and based on when my O pain starts, I usually ovulate pretty early in the day. For about six days (usually) leading up to that I have so much EWCM that I constantly feel like I've peed myself, so I don't really bother with pre-seed or anything. I figure all those days leading up are good enough. Doesn't mean we don't still BD on the day of, but then again even before TTC we averaged out to at least once a day (TMI - sorry).

According to my temps I am 4 dpo today. Another TWW to muddle through. Thankfully we have vacation scheduled in there, so hopefully that'll keep my mind off symptom spotting. Fingers crossed that my OB/GYN is right and the HSG I had earlier in this cycle increases my likelihood of conceiving.

8 years ago

I don't have a dog in this months hunt but I sure am pulling for you guys. I had a short talk with my DH about the lack of sex and how I felt like only his friend. He said he was sorry and he didn't mean to make me feel this way. Heard it all before. I'm just going to have to face the fact his libdo is going down due to age, weight...etc. he will have to face the fact I can't make a baby on a wish and prayer by myself. I won't lie I am sad about this but I have decided not to try anymore. Im not going to stress him out about sex if he is having trouble and it stresses me out by keeping up with days we could be TTC and watching those days slip by. I used it as an excuse to fall off my diet and exercise program, eating to feel better. Now I feel like crap. So back to making my body healthy as possible and who knows, I do get lucky once or twice a month. If it happens it happens.

8 years ago

I'm so sorry chicks. That sucks. Have you considered donor sperm?
Exercise is good. Maybe if you can exercise together that will help his sex drive and in a few months you can try again.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello everybody! I hope you don't mind me joining in. I see some familiar names from the December 2016 thread.

AFM, I did get pregnant in March but it ended up as a blighted ovum. Had the d&c a week and a half ago. I have my 2 week follow up this coming Thursday and my OB said that we can pretty much start ttc after. The OB said we could wait for my period to show up to mark the cycle or we could just start right away. DH and I will just start right away. Our hearts may be broken right now but our spirits are not.

The only issue now is I don't know what cd I'm in ...will be using opk soon to figure things out down there. Any other suggestions?

and to everybody!

8 years ago

Hbray : for you this cycle. When we were TTC #1 I had an HSG and that was the first cycle that I actually produced a mature follicle and we conceived that cycle. It is possible and I hope it happens for you!

Chicks : So sorry to hear about troubles with DH but at least nowe you know and who knows maybe not stressing about it with take some pressure off. Good luck hun

Fruit: glad your feeling some improvement in your back! Good luck on Saturday

Tryin: Good to see the Temps back up!

AFM started with OPKS today CD10...negative but that was expected. When TTC #1 I didn't ov until CD19 but I'm hoping for better luck this go around.

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

8 years ago

Hello ladies,

Chicks i am sorry. But i think the same thing is happening to me. Some months nothibg some others everything is perfect. I guess it is the ups and downs of ecery couple? The excuse is farigue and tiredness. I used to get so upset but now i don t have the strenght for that anymore. I am just glad he is perfectly healthy and working hard. I am the one trying to loose some weight now and get healthy. Fingers crossed dear.

Winter LJ welcome back and you are very brave. Baby dust on future babies.

I am on CD 10 now and bled until today. I think it has finally stopped. The pain was terrible as well this month. But i am feeling much better. I will start bbt again and opk tomorrow.

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8 years ago

Tryin- Yayy!!!

Cheetah- Hate to hear all of it!! I pray maybe the break brings forth unexpected exciting news for you both!!

Hbray- SO exciting!!! I hope the tww is a fast one for you!!!

Fruit loops- Can't wait until Saturday!!!

Winter- I'm so sorry to read of this!! And I pray your next positive is soon and that we can all celebrate yours and babies health!!! ((Hugs))

Lacey: fx for ovulation SOON!!

Lalou- sounds like it has been a hard month. I hope focusing on your health brings about a better coming month for you !! ((Hugs))

As for me... I am 3DPO...WELL now 4dpo cause of time. But before I just hopped in bed when I went to the restroom I had yellowish discharge with a bright red streak in it. (Tmi sorry) It just seems SO early for spotting to me. Been bloated and irritable past two days but I think the mood is from being tired. Lol so that is my low down. Off to down some water and get some sleep!!

8 years ago

Hey all! I am new here. I am currently 2dpo, waiting for tomorrows temp to confirm. I am a sahm to my sweet 20 month old boy and this month is our 1st official month ttc baby #2.

8 years ago

Kjgm: Wow sounds like we are in the exact same situation! My DS is 22 months old and this is our first official month TTC#2! Welcome!

~Lacey~ DH-30, Me-27 DS-Jackson born 7/6/14-12 days early due to gestational hypertension. User Image

8 years ago

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