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FM2B TTC#1 Take 3 from Old Year to New Year

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Are you TTC #1? Do you often feel like there isn't a place you can go to where you feel comfortable enough to talk about whatever it is your going through without Mommies TTC #2+ is breathing down the forum boards with the woes of motherhood and TTC? Well, we ladies feel this way. That's why we want you to share with us and join our team! We share our TTC emotions, problems, joys, hopes, fears, it, we share it. We have all kinds of mommies2Be, just starting TTC, making their one year mark, over the one year mark, etc. We are very open and welcome ALL Future Mommies2Be. We have had a lot of our ladies move onto being pregnant and we would love for them to keep in touch with us.

We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

If this is the place for you please do join us and share along in the TTC Journey to becoming a MOMMY!
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186 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Praying for you bradsummer ! Baby dust to you! Tww is the worst !!!

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12 years ago

knicole- can you buy them over the counter? My cycles are fairly normal (28-31) but I don't think I ovulate regularly.

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12 years ago

Beca, Thank you. I hope my temps continue to rise and I'm just one of those ladies who isn't so lucky to get an early BFP (cough cough like you).

Aby, I was just thinking about you. Thank you for saying that pray for me. I am so thankful for having ladies like you to share this journey with. Hey, I'm sure you are Oing or gearing up to. Just BD anyway. Looks very good. Fx'd that you do get a little bean that sticks around for 9 months!!! I'm sure your hubby is right dear.

KatieMay, Thank you dear. I'm hoping that it is to early to test. I'm not one of those lucky ones who gets an early one. But since my temp didn't drop I still have a lot of hope.
Soy isoflavones are to help you ovulate. Go to walmart and buy them for like $6 bucks. I ovulate every month but its late in the cycle and it has brought my O date up by a few dates.

Kristin, your welcome dear. I don't even attempt to do the cervix check. I have no idea what I'm doing even after reading how it still is difficult for me. Hey get as much BDing in as possible. Can't go wrong with that.

So, Ladies, this will be my last post till Monday. I have so much to do the rest of the day and will not have time to get on. And tomorrow I have my family Christmas with my mom and sisters. Looking forward to it a little. I'm still keeping a lot of faith and hope in this cycle even though I got a BFN but since my Temp is up still I'm hoping I'm just not getting an early BFP like some. We shall see what this weekend brings me, either good or bad. Af is so not wanted on Sunday but by Monday I hope to sure news of a BFP and I pray I'm not sharing news of AF.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Today is day four of the isoflavones , one more day left . I got the soy isoflavones at a vitamin store katiemay for eight bucks . Supposed to be like a natural form or act like I should say like clomid help you ovulate. The cervical position today still feels high and kinda soft so thats confusing ....I also decided this cycle I wont be charting my symptoms so much because I had a ton of prego symptoms last cycle and that just was not the case. Im trying so hard to make this stress free ..:) trying being the key words here ! Hoping for the best for all you ladies !! Fx!

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12 years ago

hey everyone.

*still* waiting to ovulate officially! got the + opk two days ago, but no temp rise yet. bahhh! i really doubt this is our month but i don't want to drink just in case... but i'll be right pissed if i miss drinking on new years for no reason besides ovulation deciding to take its sweet time and it being too few days past ovulation to be sure.

katiemay - no, i've never had spotting between periods. i had a really mild instance of it again today. no idea what's up. don't think i have an infection or anything like that... since it's barely anything i'm not going to worry unless it keeps up.

bug - hope you just tested early and you get your BFP this weekend!

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12 years ago

Ladies, I got a BFN on Saturday. My temps have been dropping since Saturday morning but they are still above the coverline. I think AF will be here today. She didn't show up yesterday and it feels like she will be here. If I O'd 2 days later than I thought that makes me get her tomorrow. I ran out of test and figure if AF didn't come by Wednesday I would go get one but I have a feeling AF will show up today. I'm so doubting December. That means It will be next year before I ever see a BFP. It means the chances of having a 2012 baby is getting slimmer and slimmer. The chances of conceiving before my one year mark is really really get slim. I'm really bummed out right now and Doubting December too ladies. I was so hoping to be pregnant before the end of the year and that so hasn't happened.

Being around my Big Sis who's trying this weekend was very very hard. Especially, since I was sitting there wondering if AF would be coming or would I be getting a BFP. It makes me so sick because she literally kicked us out of her house at 10pm so that she can get some BDing in before her hubby fell asleep. And she even said that to us. She talked about how she has cried more since Nov 17th then she has in a long time over not getting in BDing. Cause she is doing it ever day. I was like I have cried more over the PAST year because I haven't gotten pregnant so don't tell me you know how I feel. I just want to have my first kid. You want your third. ugh....I think AF is the one talking right now.

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12 years ago • Post starter

The Grinch STOLE my dang Christmas and it's really pissed me off. I don't know how I'm going to enjoy my Christmas this weekend, especially, being around all my cousins who have 2 kids a piece and talk about wanting more and how I need to relax and it will happen.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug- I'm very sorry to hear that news :( You're only a few months away from being able to have tests done, right? Maybe it's just something simple like your tubes are blocked and they can fix it no problem. I am starting to think there's gotta be something going on with me too considering every woman I know seems to get pregnant like that! Life is definitely not fair it seems, but I hope despite everything you do enjoy your Christmas. Maybe if you can try and spend as much time with DH over Christmas, and just enough time in with other family so you're not around them too much and it's not too overwhelming- That's kind of what we do :)

AFM- AF is due in a week (Dec. 28). I know it's most likely coming this month because we barely bd at all, so I'm prepared for it.

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12 years ago

KatieMay, Thank you. I wish it was that easy but Christmas Eve is going to be spent with my DH's family ALL DAY, thank goodness nobody there knows we are TTC. Then Christmas Day we have to see his mom and then of course my family. No way around it. Just how it worked out this year. Wishing I didn't have to spend the holidays like that and my dh and I could just be lazy all day Christmas but family is a must for me as well.

You still have a wait before AF comes and I won't count yourself out totally just yet. It's not over till she comes.

Where is everyone at????

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi Bug- Ya I hear ya for sure. Family is really important to us for sure too, but I agree, it would be so nice to just laze around the house all day :) But this year we have Christmas Eve at my mom's, Christmas Day at DH's parents, and then my dad moved away so we're going up to see him 27-29. That's another thing that would probably be so nice about being blessed with a baby is people would probably be more inclined to come to us for a visit instead, because with my parents divorced it can get a little overwhelming. But our visits with my mom and DH's parents are usually not too long because we live so close and see each other lots. And we do both have the week off in between Christmas & New Years this year so that will make it so much easier! But ya, DH's cousin and his wife are expecting so that will be all the talk at his family's Christmas and I swear if one more person asks me when we're going to have a baby I might not have the nicest response anymore lol.

And true, you are right. I really don't think I even ovulated this time around though. If I did I'd be around 7 dpo, not feeling any different at all though.

And yes, where is everyone else in their cycles? Hope everyone is doing well :)

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12 years ago

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