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Beyond Ready for an August Baby

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Here is the August's listed under TTC My First but I know we have many members trying for another. Wish there were more options..

719 Replies • 10 years ago



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Blushing: Is this the kind of cysts that goes away by itself? I hope everything is ok with you! [hug[
I am happy you are getting a break, you will regroup and have your baby!

GVMDL: How are you?

ssurra: Welcome!!! We are here for you! No bad experiences here

hoptul: Welcome! I bet you will get your baby within the normal 8-12 months people are supposed to get pregnant, I know what you mean about feeling alone, I was too before I found the wonderful ladies here. Everyone around me seems to get pregnant when they decide or without trying, it can be very frustrating.

1st: on a new place that you like, for you, but I am sure your results will be great!

Lacey: !

AFM: I never temp during the day but I felt feverish and did, in the morning it was 98.01 and around non it was 99, did you guys ever temp during the day and get such a big difference? I don't feel sick... Waiting for due today.

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10 years ago

Sorry, haven't been around much. I've been reading but not posting. Having a lot if drama and other issues going on that just haven't felt like posting.

Congrats to the new BFPs (from the July board). How is everyone!

AFM: CD12. Hadn't used OPK in a few days today still negative! I don't usually O until Cd18-20 so I doubt I missed it. Hubby and I are going through rough spots again. I feel like we are constantly fighting again. Not sure if it's stress of TTC or what. He goes for his test in 2 weeks, so we will see how that goes.

Having a hard time now that we know my SIL is having the first girl of the family. They will have 1 boy and 1 girl. I was upset when they had a successful pregnancy before us (I had a CP before theirs) but I got over that quickly since DH and I were not in the right place to bring a child into the world. I'm happy for them, but I'm in that spot that I'm sure a lot of us are, where we just want a healthy baby but those who weren't really trying or tried once were successful without issue. And we've only been trying 3 cycles, so I'm mad at myself for thinking like this. But when I'm asked when will it be our turn, or when I comment with something that sounds pregnancy related (like when I was nauseous constantly last cycle) and people ask, I get down. So this is why I haven't really been around.

to everyone.

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Blushing kot touched a good point. I automatically assumed it was those cysts that go away. Fx everything is ok.

I am believing that sone supplements may work wonders for a lot of girls and mess few otgers up. My case.
rrl tea did not agree w me.

Kot im ok. I dont temp during the day... still praying fir that witch to firget where u live!

Afm, i think i got an yeast infection. Not sure if my body was having too much cm n the panties i wore wasnt cotton so the moisture sort of caused it but im doing probiotic drinks n yogurt to see if i can clear that on my own. A little itchy... and cm.
Sorry tmi.
i may have had one or two in my entire life so im confused. Usually i get it during bikini season.
Sucks to have a vagina sometimes doesnt it?!?

Other than that same old same old. Waiting game for me with nothing to report.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Took a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test & Weeks Estimator... Got Pregnant ad 2-3 since ovulation, which would make me 4-5 weeks pregnant. Guess I'll see what my beta levels were today when they call me tomorrow and see how accurate this digi was. FX'd!!

And thank you all sweet ladies! FX'd and baby dust to everyone!!

10 years ago

I cant stand my droid, personal cell. I see sooo many weird words n typo ..
the iphone types a lot better


U all must have a hard time deciphering my posts

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago

Genie: I hope things will look up for you soon.
You will have your baby soon !

GVMDL: I guess I will see what my temps say tomorrow, not here yet, but she likes to surprise me in the middle of the night so we'll see tomorrow.
Yeah supplements are hard, sometimes you need to give them few months to work properly but it is hard when you have side effects. I am happy you are good with what you are taking now, the whole point is to feel better right?
I hope it is not an infection but just a bad CM day... I had a couple in my life too but I don't remember it very well.
YES! Sucks to have a vagina .

1st: This is awsome!!! !!!

AFM: Had a confusing day, woke up at 5am due to some pretty creepy dreams (two things I remember the best: there were spiders everywhere and me and DH kept trying to BD but were interupted so the whole dream I was freaked out and frustrated).
So the temp at 7:30 was low but not after 3 hours of uninterupted sleep, and then I felt hot the rest of the day...
Had cramps like was starting around noon, kept running to the loo because I felt like it started, it is 4:30pm, nothing yet... Have a pretty good mood but get irritated really easily. I am a little confused, but I bet will wake me up in the middle of the night as it likes to do...
Have a great evening ladies, talk to you tomorrow

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10 years ago

Ssurra- Welcome and GL on your IVF treatment. If its ok, I may as a few questions because Iâ??m pretty sure that is our next step.

Koti- It will go away. He didnâ??t say how long it would take but he did say it was normal.

Hopefuletobe- GL!!!

Genie- I know what you mean! Iâ??ve had that same conversation over and over again. Whenever someone asks me when we are having kids I always tell them that we are waiting on God. That way they can assume whatever they want and leave me alone in the same breath. We will all have our babies soon enough. Iâ??ve been really down the past couple of days but, today for some odd reason, Iâ??m much better. I was disgusted this morning after my RE appointment. But, I started looking at the light at the end of the tunnel. We will be just fine!

GVMDL- YIâ??s are never any fun.

1st- Iâ??m so excited to hear your beta results!!!!

Lacey- Yay for a beta result today!! I think yourâ??e fine.

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10 years ago

gvmdl - LOL at the vagina comment, so, so true!

Ahhh, AF is taking her sweet, sweet time. Sure let's just go with this brown spotting for days, jeez, get on with it!

10 years ago • Post starter

Kotikd Thanks for the warm welcome!

Genie I feel the same way about my sil its really hard to not feel like you will have you're moment when it gets to you're turn. I've really had to rethink why I'm doing this for me and my husband! I know my inlaws will not care as muchas I wish. I feel bad some times for getting caught up in that train of thought.

I'm kind of tierd from trying this last month. Trying to stay healthy but I love me some soda and junk food! I hope I'm not hurting my chances.

10 years ago

Koti: Thanks for the warm welcome!! :)
I had been searching for a Basal thermometer at Wal-Mart for weeks now and every time I would go, they never had any! I stopped by tonight and they finally had some! There must be a lot of women TTC in my town :) They're also almost always out of the .88 tests and the cheap OPKs! Would tomorrow morning be too late to start temping for this cycle? Also, my sleep pattern is a little off. I'm a night owl. DH works graveyards and I stay up to spend time with him when he's home and I always work evenings. I typically go to sleep around 5 or 6 AM and wake up between 1 and 2 pm. Would it matter if I am temping in the afternoon, since it's when I actually wake up? Thanks for your help!!

10 years ago

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