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Hoping for an April Baby!

Who is with me!?

TTC for 11 months, AF just came today and I am so depressed and stressed and wondering why it's taking me this long!

If we can't get pregnant next month, we will be seeing the doc, but we are going to try our best to make it happen this month!


34 Replies • 11 years ago



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Im with you this CD1 for me.

11 years ago

How long have you been ttc? And good luck!

11 years ago • Post starter

hey pbc! just joining you over here to say hello..and hope april is our month!

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11 years ago

Hiya, ladies I guess we're all WAMs now and hoping for little spring chickens!

Well, you've seen my schpeel about this month on our last forum and my husband not wanting to actually "try," but I'm still starting Clomid on day 3 (Friday), and it's not like I can just stop counting in my head - so we'll see.

Here's to lucky month #12........

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11 years ago

its impossible not to count!!
i try to not gonna be pyscho this month but then its like..OMG what if they could be the month i'm messing it up by not doing what i need to be doing. You are lucky a doctor saw you before the 1 year doc told me to wait the year. I have no obvious signs of anything wrong. I have pretty regular periods and my LH and FSH hormones are normal.

so i guess we'll see.

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11 years ago

Hey gals!

Let's see, CD 4, AF hates me. I've been taking my temp each not easy either! I wake up still asleep and the only reason I remember is that I put my thermometer on my phone. I guess I am going to try OPKs again too. I think we need to BD more around the right time!!!!!!! But I feel like each time I suggest it, its like holding a gun to DHs head saying DO IT NOW!

You know I'm somewhat, fate and it will happen when its supposed to but trying doesn't hurt, maybe we have to try our hardest. I have a doc appt on the 2nd of August with my new family doc. Hopefully we can start troubleshooting if I'm not preggo then. Last time I had my bloodwork done, all was normal, thyroid levels, etc, etc. I really hope she doesnt tell me to just lose weight....b/c I know its not that. I'm regular and never ever had any period issues.

You all ever try Preseed? Im thinking about trying it this month.

I hope April is our lucky month for us all to get BFPs!

11 years ago • Post starter

i used pre-seed last cycle, it was pretty good..i think it feels much more natural than other lubes. and last month i only had ewcm for 2 days so i think my cm may not be the best so i think the pre-seed is a good move for me. however..its super expensive and doesn't last super long.

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11 years ago

Hey girls! I'm right there with y'all, APRIL BABIES ALL AROUND!!

11 years ago

We used preseed last cycle too. I don't mind it, but you definitely don't need as much as they say (4 grams would be a MESS!), and it is expensive. I'm going to have some leftover even after the applicators run out, so I'm going to keep using it as an external lube - can't hurt!

I'm also trying the Mucinex/ Robitussin route this month, as well as upping my calcium intake (just because).

And pbc, I'm totally with you. One part of me says it'll happen when it happens and I can afford to take one month off, but what if this is the month that my body finally lines everything up just right and this is the month that DH's swimmers are little Olympians (ha!)? It's hard to find the balance for sure. And bd'ing anymore - I totally feel the same way. There are only so many ways to initiate sex at o time, and I'm out of ideas.

I know part of our problem prob is weight - neither of us is obscenely obese by any means, but both could stand to lose a little - it's just so annoying though, we all know those people who had the UNhealthiest lifestyles (smoking, drinking, crappy food, no exercise) and got pregnant right away! Lame. Angeluv - I guess in a weird way it was a "good"? thing my periods were/ are so jacked up - I don't think my ob/gyn would've started seeing me so soon.....but, depending on DH's appt this next week, my next step is the....HSG? Is that right? To make sure my tubes are even open. Just gotta stay positive and keep telling myself, even if something is wrong, it can be found and fixed.........but hopefully sooner rather than later, I'm going crazy here!!!

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11 years ago

You know that's what pisses me DH's baby mamma wasn't healthy at all, smoked like it was going out of style, but apparently was able to get preggo with a snap of a finger. Really? UGH!

No one in my family has had any conceiving issues, so I hope not to be the ONE that has them. Honestly, I dont know if I could even go through IVF or anything like that. I really want a baby, but I also want to be happy and sane and not be as depressed as I was this past weekend. But having stepkids is TOUGH when I am not their mom. They love me and I them, but I am reminded EVERY day they are not mine and I am not a mom, although I play all know what I mean!

I too am going to try the Robitussin b/c just in case I have "hostile" CM...b/c I am starting to think maybe it is too thick. And I think I will try Preseed too. Can't hurt and we need it anyway outside of TTC, well not outside of the bedroom (LOL).

And if I see one more friend have a baby or post pictures of babies on Facebook, I might scream!

11 years ago • Post starter

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