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End of Summer TTC

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Hello, Hannah and been TTC#1 for a year and 4 months. This go around. Been on CTP for a year chit chatting. Have seen so many ladies become pregnant. Hoping this 3rd cycle of clomid works for me. If so a July baby or babies it will be.

Looking forward to meeting new ladies and hearing from my other TTCers who have been on this journey with me.

Today. The doc said no cyst on my ovaries. Already have two follies showing. My fibroids still the same size. So 100mg of clomid will be started on CD 5. Hoping for my July baby or babies.

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133 Replies • 4 years ago



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@bug my temp went back down a bit but still a lot higher for me than normal which may just be the clomid. I hope you O soon and you catch that egg!! Glad the doctor was able to get a new prescription in for your hubby. It would be awesome to be July Bump buddies!!!!

AFM: I am still just waiting. Got another round of bding in today haha but going to take a break tomorrow. Still got this feeling of pressure on and off on both of my sides. Really just not sure what to expect this cycle. I did get sharper pains on my sides earlier today which is what I normally feel when I do actually O. Guess we will see what happens though. If I go off the ovulation typically happens 5-10 days after last clomid pill, then I won't be ovulating until some time between the 26th and 31st.....sigh I just want it to get here so we can make sure to have timed things and actually have a chance. I hate that this is all so much waiting and waiting and waiting!!! Plus my doctor wanted to wait 5 weeks from when my period started to have me start Provera again if I don't get pregnant this cycle. Meaning I would be back at a 40 day cycle. Ugh I would think they wouldn't make you wait that long but who knows. Just gotta go with the flow and see what happens I guess.

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4 years ago

@shay, fingers crossed for ya!

The new pills are in and even though we didnt have to BD last night we did to try them out. Plus I am starting to worry about my O day. I havent gotten anywhere near a close positive on my OPKs and I leave Friday to be out of town till Tuesday night.. the strange thing is I had a dip two nights ago and my temp has been on the rise the past two days. Maybe I miss my LH surge. I guess tomorrow's temp will give me an answer to that. We will BD tonight and tomorrow just in case I dont O till this weekend when I am not with him.

Oh I hope we get some BFPs this cycle!!!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Yay, got my positive OPK!!!

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4 years ago • Post starter

I’m doing pretty well guys thanks for asking. I’ll be 11 weeks tomorrow and so happy to have made it to this point! We’ll be announcing publicly next week! So glad this tiny little bean has stuck and all is good so far.
Good luck with your TWW bug!

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4 years ago

@bug yay for a positive OPK!!! Keep that bding going until you leave just Incase!!

@mama I am so glad everything is going so well for you!!

AFM: just patiently waiting still. I haven’t done any OPKs yet this cycle and I think I am going to wait to do them till next cycle. I just want to relax this one and see what happens with the Clomid. My temp has been on a downward slope the last few days since coming off the Clomid. Thinking the higher temps were from the Clomid. So just waiting to see if it will level out and then spike up to show O!! Staying hopeful and continuing to bd every other day right now. Just a waiting game!! Ugh so annoying!!

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4 years ago

@mama how exciting! Got a cute idea to announce?

@shay, the waiting sucks. It will happened soon.

We BD last night and will again today and I think that will definatley cover our bases. This morning everytime my puppies stepped on my stomach it would send a shooting pain. It hurt.
I also have lost 11lbs since I started weight watchers a month ago. Feeling good and excited to see what the TWW brings!!!

Shay we got this!!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Officially in the TWW wait. And this is the first time I have covered my bases during O time!!! So. Like I thought it looks like I O 4 days ago according to temps. But with my OPk not being positive till 2days after. I'm wondering if I O'd twice?!?!?!

Here's to the TWW!

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4 years ago • Post starter

Either way it looks like your bases are covered! And you can O at different times. Scuba had 4 follicles and went she went in to check before IUai she had already ovulated 1 of those follicles with the other 3 still there.


4 years ago

Yay!! @bug!!! This is it for you I am sure!!!

AFM: still just waiting. Temp had a big dip the last few days just going down down down and then today started back up. I am not using OPKs this time around but will next time if we need to. We are bding every other day at the least or every day if we feel up to it. I of course have a cold that has hit me the last two days now. My temp hasn’t changed much from that I don’t think but who knows. Still getting the bding in anyways though haha the things we do when ttc haha hoping to enter my tww soon!! Tomorrow is 5 days since finishing Clomid so I know it should be here soon!!!

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4 years ago

@mill thank you, I keep reading about it but everyone has different opinions.

@shay thank you, fingers crossed O happens soon. Covering your bases for sure.
My temp rose again this more to 97.99. On a up hill trend. Typically I fluctuate up and down. FF still hastn given me the cross hairs but I feel like there could be some already!

Here to July babies!

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4 years ago • Edited • Post starter

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