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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 6

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This is for all the ladies who have been trying to conceive and are now giving Clomid a try. Feel free to share anything you want and don't worry about TMI, we've heard it all! Baby dust!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

336 Replies • 11 years ago



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SO ANGRY,SAD,DEPRESSED. was 1.9 this time WTH!!>> It was 2.8 last time! I dont understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said he's gonna try one more round then possibly give up and refer me to someone else! JUST F'ing GREAT! THIS SUCKS!!! this would have been the 5th doctor in the 7 years almost 8 yrs
I don't know what to do...I just want to cry..
My levels are going down on clomid. So heart breaking., I asked nurse do I need progesterone supplements she said no & just take prenatals...LOL I DO!..I haven't see the dr but once in the past 2/12 cycle. I want to talk to HIM and ask him WHY,WHAT SHOULD I DO!My brain says GIVE UP but my HEART says HOLD ON!
SO confused! Why me out of the entire family of fertile myrtles with 2-5 kids....WHY!!??

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11 years ago

Lisserb that is so awsome! I hope ur numbers keep going up! How far along do they think u are? Keep us posted good news is always a boost of hope!
Genni so sorry about ur frustration....i dont understand why they wont let u take progestrone. From what I have read and been told u need progestrone number around 20 to sustain a healthy pregnancy! I hope u can find a dr who understands what is going on with u! Good luck hun...dont give up! U just need to find the right help!

11 years ago

Hi all I've read up to the very last page. I been following for a couple days now. My name is Koren and if my period comes this cycle, which I know it will. I had some very strong symptoms this cye but they all disappeared. Now I've just been cramping so I'm waiting for it to start which should be Wednesday. But I will be start my clomid this cycle unmonitored. I'm so excited. We have a lot of twins that run in 2 sides of my family so I'm hoping to to that route.

Just a lil background on me, I have been TTC for 2 years now. And just got help in these past 3 months. I am currently on merformin and prenatals. 2 me month on metformin. I have PCOS with a cyst on my right ovary and recently found out at the beginning of this month that I have 2 very small fibroids now. One on the front of my uterus and one on the back of my uterus so hopefully eggy decides to latch on to the side of my uterus lol. I just recently got engaged in June, just graduate college in may and DF and I really want to have kids. I don't want to have kids in my 30s so me and hubby are in rush mode. Also yesterday and today just foound out my sister is 2 months PG and my brothers girlfriend is PG to so that makes me the only one out of my mothers children that doesn't have kids. Well I think that's pretty much it... Congrats to all the ladies that got their BFP this cycle hopefully I will be joining u next cycle...

Oh forgot I did get pregnant on metformin and birth-control in 2007, but that ended due to no support from family and baby father, also just a month before I had just got accept to college.

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11 years ago

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This is todays test! WHY IS IT STILL SO DARK!????User Image This is the OPKS I thought were positive!
I'm still so hurt & Let down....:-(I just don't understand

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11 years ago

Congrats Lisser! Prayers for HEALTHY 9-10 MONTH! <3

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11 years ago

Hello Ladies

Iwannabamommy~welcome to the forum. Sending you !

Genni25~I feel your frustation. Our journeys to become Mommies are certainly not easy. I have 3 older sisters and they all had no problems conceiving their children. I love my nieces and nephews to pieces and I am so greatful to have them in my life but being an auntie is not nearly the same as being a mommy. You need to keep your head up and stay positive in this fight. We are all faced with this challenge for a reason. We may not understand it now but the second we hold our dear babies in our arms I'm pretty sure it will all make sense to us. No matter how hard it is, it will be worth it.

lisserb~holy smokes you have sure been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions! So great to see that your levels are going up. That's certainly a positive sign!! Was your period basically normal or could it have been implantation bleeding?

I am expecting my period in the next day or two. Started getting some minor cramps today. Haven't been doing anything but temping. I dropped below the coverline this morning by a point of a degree.....guess I'll see tomorrow morning if it goes back.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

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11 years ago

I think you're right Melissa! This is exciting! Can't wait to hear the next beta!

Babylove- Are you still on Clomid? I know you said , just temping, but are you taking anything?

Genni- Hang in there hon

Iwannabeamommy- Welcome to the world of Clomid! I'm sorry to hear about your loss, stress does unfair things to our bodies. I hope clomid works for you the first time and lots of sticky baby dust to you!

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago • Post starter

Hopefullll~I'm still on my Clomid break. Haven't had any since June so its really more then a "break" I guess. We wanted to give it another try naturally since we have been diagosed with "unexplained" fertility. My dh's sa was perfect, my hsg was clear and I ovulate on my own but over 2 years of seriously ttc (4 years without any birth control) and nothing. We plan to try IUI next but we haven't set a date yet.

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11 years ago

Babylove- Jeez, that sucks, so frustrating. This will sound odd to some people but sometimes you hope that they find something minor just so you can have an explanation for the long ttc. I definitely think IUI would be your next best option, sometimes CM is just not friendly to sperm and IUI gets passed the worst of it. Well, keep us posted as to when you plan to give IUI a shot. Hopefully, it will not have to come to that but if it does you will have support and knowledge from Lisserb and myself:)

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago • Post starter

I posted this question a minute ago, but I figured it makes more sense just to ask you guys! What CD did you normally get your positive OPK? Last month (my first clomid month) I got a + on CD14.... so I figured it would be the same this month, but now I'm CD15 and it's still negative. I realize it's only one day but it's getting me scared that I won't ovulate. What do you guys think?

11 years ago

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