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CD1 - anyone want to join and stress together? :-)

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So another new cycle! Anyone want to start this journey with me? :-)


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74 Replies • 8 years ago



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hi i am 5dpo i think i hoping this is the my month but so unsure as my dh just had his vasectomy reversal in DEC after 9 years doc gave us 85% chance it will work if not pregnant in a couple month he has to got give a sample to see his count

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8 years ago

How can everyone stand to go month by month, feeling or guessing symptoms, when at the end of it AF just turns right back up (THE WITCH) I'm in my early 20s had a chemical this last month, and going on 6months TTC, so I think I just have to save the pregnancy tests, until I'm late, and ban myself from these sites in the end, becuase every month I get my hopes up just to find AF is waiting for me.... ARRRRRGGGG So stressful!!!

8 years ago

Hi AK,

I'm so sorry. :-( I know it is hard when everyone around is popping out babies.

Is there no way you can see a doctor sooner about the bad ovulation pain? That just doesn't sound right at all.

Hi Anxious! - what DPO are you today?

Hi Piglett! - we are similar DPO's! Fingers crossed it is all of our months!!!

Hi Miranda! It is hard. I had an ectopic pregnancy in August and with the treatment and the time to recover, we have only been allowed to start trying again since end of December. It is hard. We have to really draw strength from within. I'm 40 in April - so hoping I get my rainbow this year. Trying not to get too stressed each month - but the disappointment is always there for a few days when AF turns up.


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8 years ago • Post starter

I tried calling in for an appoint last month after AF and that's when they said they wouldn't see me until I get a BFP or June 6th which is the 1 year mark for me. But if I don't get my BFP this month I am going to insist that I get an appointment because I really dont think this pain is normal.

I am now CD24 and think that I am about 10 DPO I was really happy yesterday when my temp jumped up again so I was thinking that it was showing a good triphasic curve but it dropped again this morning so I am afraid AF is on her way :-( My cycle was really short for me last month at 26 days so I am thinking this one will be too. Oh well I guess fingers crossed for a Christmas baby next cycle. I am getting more and more depressed as I approach that 1 year mark

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8 years ago

Your temps are back up! I have everything crossed for you! Eeek! When is your AF due?


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8 years ago • Post starter

Well I usually run anywhere from 29 to 31 days but last month out of nowhere I was 26 days so I can't even guess any more. But here is another thing...I woke up at 430 and my DHhad stolen all of my blankets and I was freezing but I took my temp anyways and it was 98.16 which is super low for me. I didn't get up or anything just stole my blankets back and fell back to sleep. Well when I woke up at 630 I took temp again because I felt really hot and that's when I got the high one... I am torn on which one to go with :-p

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8 years ago

Use the second temp as that is your usual temp time. I've had the same problem before when I've been woken up. As long as you haven't gotten out of bed etc and gone back to sleep without too much disruption, I've found the temps are still pretty accurate.

Eeek! I'm so excited for you!

My temps have been pretty high and haven't followed any of my previous patterns! I'm not due till next Friday so I have AGES to wait! lol


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8 years ago • Post starter

I just broke down and took a cheepie Amazon test and it was negative :-p I should have known better but I just couldn't help myself!

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8 years ago

I did the same today! Those cheapies are rubbish anyway! lol

Leave it till your AF is due. Another girl on here got a faint when she was 3 days late! So you can imagine hers were probably negative if she had tested early. There is still plenty of time. :-)


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8 years ago • Post starter

I know :-( I bought like 20 of them and i thought that I had used them all up but of course their was one in there this morning. I think this was officially the last one now :-) I had my sister use one when she was 8 or 9 weeks along and getting very dark lines on all tests and you could barely see it so they really are crap! I have one clear blue digital in there and have been hording it for 4 months now so I will use it if I actually make it to the CD31

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8 years ago

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