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Come on BFP!!!

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Hi everyone My DH and i have been TTC for 10 months,we're both 29 and have been trying everything that can help from preseed, vitamins, fertility yoga, opks, BBT, you name we have tried it! and spent a pretty penny doing so and will continue to also as you cant put a price on getting a , just hope its soon
I am on cycle day 21 and af due cycle day 28. My temp has been erratic last few days going the lowest i have had at 36.1!! when usually at this time i am around 36.8-37. Currently at 36.6 which is still low for me, so have no clue why its this low have tried to look for some answers but got nothing really. I have ovulated also which makes me about 6dpo have had a few pinches and pullings low down boobs are big but not sore?
If we are out this month then i am thinking of getting maca, has anyone used this or thinking of using it? look forward to hearing everyone's stories hope for a soon for us all

238 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks Happysam,we are so happy :) hes 3 wks now and has already changed so much. Still nameless, i have 2 weeks left to name him! help! need some suggestions! we do love Ethan?? and i still love Grayson?
Hows your little one doing? how old is Damien now? is he 4 months?
How was your babymoon jp? Keep us posted on how everythings going, hope your well.
huuuge hugs to you all :) xxx

10 years ago • Post starter

Just wondering hows everyone doing?
we named our little guy, Ethan Anthony :) Hes getting a little chunk, 2 months old now, flown by. Hes having his first needles tomorrow :( not looking forward to it at all.
How are things jp? are you close to your due date? so exciting right now for you, makes me want to do it all over again :)
Hows little Damian doing happysam? Just wondering did you have any ovulation pain when breastfeeding hun? i am having it today? And did you introduce formula milk? as i am breastfeeding exclusively and hes gaining weight lovely so im afraid to mess up his routine.
hope everyone is doing good lotsa hugs xxx

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Novalunar!
I logged in after ages and it was so nice to see your msg. .I wish I had logged in sooner.
Ethan must be 4 months old already! How are you doing and how's your little prince? So did you introduce formula?
I'm exclusively breast feeding Damian.. i tried to introduce formula when he turned 6 months old but he rejected it. .he is almost 8 months old now and he's busy crawling around the house he's trying to stand up and he babbles all day long he's a busy little boy..

10 years ago

Btw I got my period when Damian was 2 months old. . That's when he started sleeping through the night. . And although my periods are lighter than what they used to be before I got pregnant, I still get ovulation pain every month.

10 years ago

so good to hear from you happysam. Ethans 18 wks hun flown by. hes having his 3rd lot of needles tomo!! last ones for a while.
i Bet Damian keeps you busy now hes crawling, aww bless him, 8 months wow!!
i'm still exclusively breastfeeding hun doubt i will give him formula.
Ethan has been introduced to solids, and he loves it! his favs are organix fruit pots he loves them!
my period has yet to return properly as Ethan is still feeding during the night, i'm just having spotting now and again, but i do get ovu pain certain times of the month and i have had faint positives on ovu tests.
we would like to have another baby soon, how about you? anymore little beauties
I have to ask you does Damian bite your nipple when hes teething? Ethans awful for it, and it really hurts i dont know what to do? any tips? great to hear from you lotsa hugs xxx

10 years ago • Post starter

Hello lovely ladies... I've had my baby girl ... Caitlyn Zara!
She is 5 weeks old already, its flown by and cant believe how much she has grown already! Getting a double chin lol!
I had to be induced, had an epidural that did not work properly, andhave forceps but all worth it!
She is so beautiful and starting to give us some lovely big smiles!
For feeding we are doing a mixture of breastfeeding (with nipple shields for flat nips), expressing and sometimes formula when I can't keep up with the hunger levels lol!
I'm not sure what to do about contraception, dont want to get pregnant again just yet, but then it took long enough to get pregnant and hate the idea of going back on the hormones! What did you decide to go for?
I'm so grateful for the support you ladies have given me and to have all been on this journey together and now we all have our darling babies!!! Its wonderful :-) :-D :-)

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

9 years ago

Wow jp-forward huuuuuge congrats
aww what a beautiful name, send Caitlyn huuuge hugs from Ethan and me
everyone i have spoken to who had to be induced all ended up with forcep delivery or c-section hun.
i was induced and had forceps after a a long labour but like you said well worth it what was her weight?
i am like you, we tried so long to get pregnant so contraceptives were out of the question for us, but saying that we onlly tried at 2 months after giving birth and i was still too sore, after being cut and having stitches, i was just not ready! so we put it off until now,4 months after giving birth i am ready!lol we are ttc again, as we would love another baby close in age to his/her big brother
i totally agree, everyone on here have been so fantastic, and supportive through our journeys from ttc, being pregnant and now motherhood Its been Amazing to have you all to lean to for help and support.
hopefully we will be on baby number 2 soon! so i will need my girls for help

9 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Novalunar :-D :-D :-D
She was 7lb15 when born but dropped down to 7lbs in the first week which was pretty scary and meant a trip back to hospital! But now she is 5 weeks old and weighs 10lb 6 :-D getting sooo big already, time is flying by! Ethan must be sooo big now!
Its exciting to see her development and the new things she does each day like spending more time awake and alert and giving such lovely big smiles!!!
I have not felt ready to dtd yet but know that it will happen at some point lol! Really not ready to be pregnant again yet, had terrible first trimester sickness and was fairly chair-bound for the whole third trimester with bad spd/pelvic pain, which is still hurting now! So my body needs to rest!!! My hubby keeps saying we don't need contraception cos of how long it took to get pregnant before but you just never know!!! I dont think I can cope with taking the chance just now!
What hosp did you have Ethan? It is bad how common the interventions are, all but one of my nct group had an episiotomy!
JP xxxxx

Remember: 'hurt people hurt people' - dont let those around you be collateral damage of TTC! x

9 years ago

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