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2 dpo Completely Crazy!!!Anyone Else?

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Anyone who is going completely crazy with the tww should join me and we can be crazy together. Maybe we could symptom spot as well. Anyone out there losing their minds this 2ww?

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

186 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies I'm 4dpo today and my hopes r very low that this month will b the month I have a 6 yr old and although I just started ttc I've had only 1 pregnancie since my son and it was a chemical pregnancy I'm sad cause I want this so bad but I dnt wanna b dissapointed good luck to all of u tho hope u catch a sticky bean even if I don't...

12 years ago

Hi ineedabfp
You poor girl. I'm so sorry for your loss. But you do have a son at least. Also if you got preggo once you can do it again. Cheer up it could happen this month. Good luck. Hope you get your bfp.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies - I have been out and about this weekend visiting all my frieds who have just had babies (one 3 weeks old and the other 5 weeks old), they are very cute and has been lovely seeing them but has made me broody and thinking 'when is it my turn'?!
I have been ttc since last November so impatient now!! Have had 2 very early mc/chem pregs in that time (not really sure where the line is drawn between a mc and chem preg?), both occassions tested after AF due and got light positive lines, however, a week later started spotting :( I have been to docs and he says to not test so early (because in the old days tests weren't as sensitive and women would just think AF was late). Only problem with that advice is I am regukar so I would know anyhow.
Anyway, this is the first month I have used OPKs and also BDing lots! Not charting BBT, think I might try that if we don't suceed this month but FC we all get BFPs!!!
I also understand the obsessing, my DH isn't as interested either and I haven't told anyone else I am trying (to avoid pressure) so it's nice to share with you all!
Are you all from US? I am from England - baby dust to you all! x

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12 years ago

Hi Rebecca
I totally know what you mean by seeing friends with babies and feeling frustrated about not having your own. I go on morning walks with a group of wonderful women, but they all have babies and I don't. They are great friends and I'm happy for them, but I want a baby too! I'm super impatient too. I haven't been trying as long as you, but I've been waiting for the past 5 years since I got married for our situation to be right so that I could start ttc. I feel like I have been waiting for my baby and my chance to ttc forever. Sorry about your chemical/mc's that's so upsetting. I wish your doctors could look into that more so you wouldn't have to worry as much about it. It's smart that you haven't told people you are ttc. I stupidly have told everyone and now its not happening right away like I thought it would. I'm also glad we can all come on here to get our ttc chatting out. Good luck and keep us updated if you get any symptoms.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Rebecca - sorry I forgot to answer your question. Yes I am in the U.S.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Thanxs Mädchen12 for the advice and for cheering me up ill try to b more positive n maybe ill get my positive to all of u

12 years ago

Thanks Becca, glad to know it's not just me surrounded by babies!! I can imagine its tough when you've said you are trying, but it's early days so hopefully it will happen soon for you. It's almost as bad not saying anything about ttc because (as you proably know) people ask me about it all the time anyway (especially if you've been married a while - I have been married 4 years) and I'm saying no but feeling like saying yes!
I haven't had any symptoms yet apart from trapped wind! so getting stomach pains a lot. No sore bb yet though - I think thats quite a common sign so I think it's a good thing you have them!! Have you had any other symptoms? I am away with my in-laws when AF due (30 Sept) so am going to test on 1st October if she hasn't arrived (FC crossed tight!). Have you had any other signs? Seems a long wait until testing time

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12 years ago

Hi Rebecca
It is so nice to talk to other women in my same situation. I feel like I can't talk to my friends about ttc, because they all had babies easily and don't get it. As for symptoms, I have had killer sore bbs for the past 3 days and they don't seem to be feeling any better. I'm hoping that's a good sign and I had a little bit of cramping today, but I don't know if that is a true symptom either. I'm feeling a bit worried, because my temp had a large drop today. I read today, however that you can get a 2nd surge of estrogen after ovulation so I'm hoping that is what happened and that my temp goes back up tomorrow. Oh I was weepy this morning, but who knows. I get that way on normal cycles so I don't know. I'm hoping that temp goes back up tomorrow and that it stays high. Wow you are waiting till a day past when af is due? That's some major strong will power. I'm not going to make it past next Friday, if I can even wait till then. lol

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ineedabfp
I'm glad I cheered you up a little. Its hard to stay positive all the time. I've only been trying for 3 cycles, but I have my moments when I feel like it is never going to happen. I really think your chances are good for baby making. Like I said you at least have done it once and you know your body is capable of making babies so that is very promising.

Becca, age 29 ttc #1 for abt 1 year User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Becca, yes I have heard your temp can drop too 2nd surge of estrogen, let me know how you get on when you test tomorrow and FC it's back up again! I have felt a bit down today (hormonally) so I think feeling like that and/or weepy could be a good thing, it's so hard to tell though as so many symptoms could be good signs or just normal AF signs. I have found distinguishing the signs probably the hardest bit because I'm not sure if some are just because I'm thinking about it all too much! From all the forums I have seen sore bb is a really common good sign but one I have not experienced yet, saying that I dont usually get this even when I have AF so thats probably just me. Keep me updated! x

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12 years ago

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