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Holy cow the ladies on are MEAN!

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I am trying to lay low this early in this pregnancy (high risk) and have been searching the internet for a lot of different things. I joined COW! The ladies on countdown are soooo supportive and nice! One woman started a thread freaking out b/c she forgot she shouldn't have white mexican cheese and the ladies responded by mocking her! I have had to, on several threads, tell people to watch their manners and don't throw stones in glass houses and stuff! WOW...meanies! Thanks to all of you for being so wonderful and supportive!!


DMP - TTC #3 after several chemical pregnancies. May we all have success! God Bless!  BabyFruit Ticker pregnancy week by week

14 Replies • 13 years ago



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11 - 14 of 14 Replies

I was sooooo happy to see this post!!!!!! I had a really nasty experience with thebump site too! The whole lurking thing is really 'important' to them on there. I couldnt understand why I was being made fun of and receiving nasty comments by posting on the "getting pregant" forum that i wanted to be cycle buddies with a 1st time mom. These women were like, "Yeah cause she doesn't think anybody else will have helpful advice for her except first timers! hahaha!" and then I got a mouthful from about 20 other users that were just as snotty! One just said, "Attention whore much?" it was so hurtful. I even posted a reply letting them all know how new and inexperienced I was with the site and then it was like "You must not have got the memo! You're supposed to lurk...not just post whatever you feel like!!!" so if you're catty/arrogant and cruel...join thebump! If you dont fit in any of those not join. I love CountdownTP!

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12 years ago

I've basically quit BabyCenter because of how rude women on there can be! And I wasn't the one being treated that way...but everywhere I looked (mostly in the Getting Pregnant & Actively Trying boards) they would jump down someone's throat for being nervous about being pg, or nervous about getting pg....just because they havent been trying to get pg for 5 years or whatever. It was constantly stuff like, "This site isn't for women who haven't been trying really hard to get pg"....blah, blah, blah...I mean ladies were posting in the "Getting Pregnant" forum and if they hadn't been purposefully ttc for a long time and just had basic questions they were crucified. Where else are you supposed to ask questions about Getting Pregnant if not in the Getting Pregnant Forum? Or trying/wanting to get pg if not in the Actively Trying board? I really sympathize with women who've been ttc for a long time, but, come on! Just because someone else out there hasn't been in your shoes doesn't mean you have the right to crush 'em like a bug. You guys are right! I'm sick of the snottiness! I LOVE this site!


12 years ago

I know this post is super old, but I did a google search under Thebump Bitches and Babycenter bitches...I HAD to comment on this when it came up! I just left both because I CANNOT believe the gall of those hormonal, BSC bitches!!!!! They change rules depending on who's talking, they bash new people and then they prey on the weak, they make me sick. So damn sick. There were times I wanted to run my phone over just to get rid of the stress. I'm new here so I'm kinda hoping everyone isn't like that here or else I'll be leaving here too and just sticking to family/friends

10 years ago

Ahhhh... So this is not my take alone on those bitches at

My experience is horrifying on that site..they all have this gang kinda stuff where they will prey on you like vampires if you are someone new!! They made my life hell when I just missed by age by 2months in 2 diff posts... They made fun of the ovarian drilling that I had to go through last month!! Never ever am I going to go back to that site..

Countdown to pregnancy if by far the best site I have come across for support during the ttc journey!!

Love u all...

Me:28 DH :30 Rx PCOD in 2008 OCT 2010 : Surprise ; Ttc since April /may 2013. 2013 :Oct-dec 3 clomid cycles (50/100mg) (cd3-7) bfn 2014 : Jan : clomid + injectables Feb : same March :clomid + injectables+ iui April : off May : polyp detected on usg June :D&C + tube clearing+ ovarian drilling +polyp removal

9 years ago

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