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TTC #1 for us ladies longing to be a Mom

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I wanted to make this for all the ladies out there TTC their first little one.
Let us come together and share in each others heartache and joy.

I feel so alone in my community because everyone I know has kids.

A little info about me.

Been TTC #1 again for 4.5 months. Started tracking this cycle.
Been not trying for 18 years but havent prevented either.
Was on this site in 2011 TTC #1 with my ex but our relationship ended in 2012.
Started TTC again in 2014 with my new bf but in 2017 after no success. I found out he cheated on me and got the girl pregnant.
January 2018 surgery to remove a fibroid that was like a natural IUD as the doc said.
Me the love of my life June 23rd and we basically have been trying ever since.
I'm two weeks away from 35 years old and he turned 38 in July. He does not have any kids and we both really want some.

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162 Replies • 5 years ago • Edited



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Good luck Shanta. I hope this is it for you and you dont have to worry any more.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Good luck Shanta.

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5 years ago • Post starter

My husband and i have been trying for 3 years. Good luck to everyone trying

5 years ago

We have only been trying since May, but it is still very rough.

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5 years ago

Yes, I agree. Even when I wasnt trying it was hard for me. Granted I never in y mind not trying. Been my goal since I was 5 years old to be a mother. Hoping everyone gets their BFPs sooner than later.

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5 years ago • Post starter

I'm TTC #1 as well. My husband and I had an unplanned pregnancy in 2017 that ended in a MMC at 11 weeks. We decided to wait a while before trying for real and just started in August. I was always back and forth about kids, but that first pregnancy changed everything. It was the push I needed to decide that I really wanted a family and not something I would just be okay with having. Two of my friends were pregnant at the same time as me the first time and that has made it hard knowing that I would have a little one the same age as theirs. But it's great at the same time because I get to love on their babies until I have my own. Good luck to everyone! We'll become moms when the time is right

5 years ago

I'm trying for my first bio kid. I have a 13 yr old daughter, I met her father when she was 5 and we got married this year! She is my everything. I love raising her and cant wait to see my husband with a baby and her with a sibling!
We have been trying since June. But really got serious about it in August. We had a chemical in September. I'm getting frustrated. But I always start every month feeling like this is it!

5 years ago

Shay, I feel your frustration with your body. I know it doesn't necessarily help, but both of my friends who were pregnant at the same time as me took 6-8 months to get regular enough to conceive after having their iuds taken out. Any month now, your cycle should straighten itself out, but I know the wait is painful.

5 years ago

Hello ladies, ttc#1 as well. Got married in April. Stopped taking BC at end of June. Last couple of cycles have been strange, last cycle the doc thinks I didn’t O at all. Doc seems to think the irregular cycles are caused by stress and still trying to regulate off of the pill. Just trying to focus on being happy where I am right now and not trying to force anything though it is very hard as I have always wanted to be a mother. to all you ladies. We can do it

5 years ago

Welcome ladies!
@Shay I know with my oldest and younger sis having families my kids if and when it happen might not have cousins their ages. I do have two younger siblings that may one day have kids but I don't see that happening any time soon. I wanted to have a huge family to raise up with my sisters family and that will not happen. And my SO is an only child.

@essence I applaud you for being a wonderful mom to a child who isnt your blood. I am guilty for being a picky lady who stayed away from men with kids.

@Kait I agree waiting is painful.

@ts great way to be.

Ladies, no matter what is against us we will overcome.

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5 years ago • Post starter

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