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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

171 - 180 of 288 Replies | Last Page

Shea: horrible dream, but don't give up and please don't let that dream haunt you. You must get it out of your mind and think positively. *hugs*

Joy: Sounds like you have been having so much fun! I used to love to hang out with my nieces and nephews, now they are too old to hang out with Auntie. Oh well - I had them at their good age. :)

Talles: Welcome to our forum. Kick of your shoes and get cozy!

Bee: i would do OPKs on your ewcm days. I usually have five days of it and that's when I usually start testing. If you start too early you may not see what your looking for.

AFM: CD4. Yesterday I was a big grump. I tried not to be, but I was so exhausted from the weekend that nothing could make me happy. DH and I even went at it for the stupidest thing. I finally got some rest now and feel much better, but could probably still take a nap. lol. I would have slept longer if I didn't have to use the restroom and well, get ready for work. ;)
I just found out that family from Europe will be here next July. I am praying and crossing my fingers that I will be preggers by then. I can only imagine how happy they would be to see us adding to the family tree!
Have an amazing day, ladies.

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Happy Tuesday all,

Shea~ I'm not a shrink (although my mom is), but I would be inclined to interpret a dream like that as part of a subconscious fear bubbling up. When you have some safe and cozy time, maybe sit with the possibilities and meditate on what they look like to you. Ask your spirit to guide you to a place of fertility and to dissipate the fear. There's nothing wrong with having fears (unfounded or otherwise) unless you let them run wild without acknowledging them. *Big Hugs*
ps. I was just meditating on the fears and blockages I have surrounding pregnancy last night. I really want kids, but I think there is still a part of me that doesn't want to let go of my career path/independence/etc. So I'm dissolving blockages too :)

Joy~ I'm not sure about how long the surge will last. hmm. Thanks for the input. Sounds like you're up to your ears in hosting! Fun! Make sure you ask all those kids for help with clean up ;)

Ott~ Thanks for the advice about opks. That sounds like a good idea to wait until the cm starts to build up. I did test yesterday just in case I've been O'ing super early without knowing it: na-da. You'll be pregs by the time European family arrives. I have faith! xo

Talles~ Keep me posted on the vitex! I'm very curious about folks who use it regularly. Do you have a regular cycle, or are you using it to regulate? I've been drinking vitex berries in tea this cycle, but only every few days. Glad to have you here.

Kj~ I'm glad you had a chance to air all that stuff. Good job on keepin' the love :)
So was that cramping Ov? You must be pretty close to the tww now, right? Good luck chica, and I'm thinking of you. xoxo

Faith, White Rose, et al. ~ Hola!

Afm~ cd11. I mentioned earlier that I'm meditating on my mental blockages/obstacles to fertility. I'm also eating in a more mindful way, rather than my usual *shoveling*. It's not that I'm scared of losing a part of my independence, because I'm a home body. It's more... like the fears that pop up about 'are we really ready? can we afford it? is this the right place? can I handle it? will I get angry? will we stay together?' My parents divorced in a messy way, so I think that there's some old anxiety there. Anyway, little by little I'm determined to dissolve my obstacles in order to become more fertile :)

I did my first opk yesterday and it was negative, but it's still early. I have to go back to the coast this Sunday, so I'm hoping that I'll get a smiley face well before then!!

Have a great day,

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Bee - I hope you get your smiley before you head back to the coast!!

MrsOtt - My youngest nephew is turning 6 soon, and my oldest just turned 10, so I fear I am getting close to that age where hanging out with Aunty wont be "cool" anymore.... however I needed a little something extra for the eldests bday present and I asked him what he wanted to do (go see a movie, play lazer tag, etc) know what he suggested? Having a sleepover at my house! I am gonna be crushed when he doesnt like hanging out with me anymore!! LoL!!
As for your family coming to visit in July, I just know you will have wonderful news to share (& hopefully a big belly to show) by then!!

AFM - Hung out with my Mom all day, did some Christmas shopping, went out for dinner & watched some tv After she left I got some laundry done, and tidied the house. My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow night so I would like the house to be clean.... dh is home already tho and will be home until 3 tomorrow afternoon... so I am sure between 3pm and 6pm I will be cleaning/tidying all over again!! LoL!!

Hope everyone had a great day! I am off to watch some tv with dh then go to bed!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

Feeling a little more hopeful today.
Heard from my Dr!

He is inducing a period and said this could still count as one of my "3 normal" cycles. Yay!
Then he told me I could take 1000mg of metformin in the morning and evening to try and cut down on nausea.
The met is helping my pcos but obviously isn't phasing my ovulation but he said it *should* after I get it up to 2000mg a day.

Anyways have a good day ladies praying for each of you!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hey ladies, OMG I missed so much so please don't mind my long post. Here we go:

Southern Bee- aww you're so sweet!! Thank you so much! So awesome to hear you could still do your aikido while being pregnant, just take it easy!! Your love letter touched my heart, you touched on a lot of truths!!
As for your ovulation question, I would wait until you see the EWCM too, that'what I did last cycle. Good luck my friend and happy !!!

Ott- So sorry about af finding you in Canada! That must have sucked but like you said at least she didn't come at the worst time. On to a new cycle my friend you will see your bfp , maybe an early X-Mas gift ;)
Hoping that when your family comes you'll be showing by then and you can go baby shopping with them!!

Nursejones- the vomiting sounds like some pretty good symptoms to me! I'm glad you're feeling better after your doc called you! for a bfp soon lady!!

Joy- love your attitude keep it positive and hopefully the blood will KEEP away this time! Have fun with your friend coming over and all your niece and nephews! Enjoy it!!

KJ- second attempt at ovulation? Never heard of that. Any more info? so if you don't ovulate when you think you do around say day 14 (if OPKs are negative) you may ovulate later in your cycle?
I will read your journal as soon as I finish commenting...
Glad to hear vitamin B complex and vitamin D is helping you!!! I can't tell yet but only just started this cycle...

Bug- How's it coming? You still flushed? Your pain under the underarms sounds really promising!! Keeping my for you and hopefully this will be it for you my dear!!!

As for me, I have no idea what's going on... I didn't get any ewcm but did notice more watery cm this time and didn't get a + OPK even though I skipped testing one day (does that mean I didn't ovulate).
I did have some cramps in the morning in bed too...
Aaaahhh so confused!!! That's why I was asking about the ovulation being possible later or twice in a single cycle. So today supposed to be 1DPO but like I said, no idea!!!

Much to all,

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

In a bit of a rush today... lots to do before my girlfriend comes over!!

Rose - If you missed a day of opks then its very possible you still O'd... even if you hadnt missed some women just done get positives on opks for some reason.

Shea - Glad you're feeling a little more hopeful today! & I am so glad the doc is doing something! How do they induce a period?

AFM - Busy busy, but still no blood so I am a happy girl! Had a few af feeling cramps on and off the past few days.... kinda stressing me out cause I think it's still too early for the witch to show....


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Sorry guys, I'm not going to respond to everyone individually. I'm in a really big funk right now.

showned her face this morning. Cycle 10 is going to be a mini break. I'm only going to do my BBT since I"m so use to doing it every morning but I'm not going to plan on BDing I'm just going to let it happen and if it happens around when I'm suppose to O then thats good. I'm not OPking it at all. Tired of wasting $20 every month. I am only 3 cycles away from my one year mark and I was told yesterday that a doctor will not see me till I lose weight since I have gained 55lbs since starting TTC. I'm super bummed out because that means if I don't lose weight before my one year mark I will have to wait longer to see what is up with me. I'm hoping to lose some weight but I'm praying I get my BFP before then.

I wont be on as much during the hoilidays. I'm going to focus on relaxing and enjoying them and exercising.

Hugs to you all and I wish you all the best.

Joy, I started decorating two days ago and it has brought a new cheerful and bright attitude in the house. Even my hubby loves it. Can't wait to get a tree now.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Good morning girls,

Bug, take care and we'll be thinking of you and sending you some healthy vibes over the holidays. I hope the exercise will help bring new energy to your imminent BFP. xo

Faith, I'm glad you're still here!I'm still a little confused about the ability of our bodies to gear up for ovulation, fail to Ov because of stress, etc., and then gear up again. Maybe someone else can help us with that part.
As for the watery cm vs. ewcm, I found the same thing happens with EPO. Not that I was really monitoring my cm too long before I started EPO, but my cm also changed to more watery.
Lastly, It's absolutely possible that you missed the LH surge between tests every 24 hours, or that one day that you didn't test. Unless you regularly get a long (2 day) surge, it could have slipped between tests. Chin up! You're right where you need to be. Maybe jump the dh one more time just for fun? Lol. xo

Everyone else, here are some balloons:

Afm, cd 13. Since I'm leaving on sunday, I decided to use my five tests this week. So far three negatives, but I'm sure the smile is coming soon. I'm eating grapefruit this morning in case that helps bring Ov a little early :)

Have a great day,

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12 years ago

Hi Ladies,
So I started the Vitex last night and the mucinex this morning.

I'll keep you all posted.

Question, CTP says count the first day as the day with full red flow, not spotting, so i'm confused now because i had brown spotting on Saturday then nothing until Sunday mid morning when the full red came on. My gyno says count from Saturday! (saw him yesterday) What the neck! so this cycle i'm just going with the flow. will see what happens because each day gives a different fertile window, and last cycle i seemed to have O'd on CD18, got smiley face on CD17. Anyways, I refuse to get too twisted in the dates I recall that when we conceived our DD we were BDing everyday for that week, and conception was not the motivation. Oh bless the days when i used to have that kind of energy!

with him all things are possible, his grace is sufficient for me

12 years ago

Hello Ladies.

Talless: The day you start counting varies on what you read/hear. I count the first time that things start to show. It's just easier for me that way.

Bug: So sorry AF showed. I'm sure it was a huge dissappointment. I am right with ya though. With the holidays and hectic, I'm not doing much of anything this month or next. Just letting go. I'm not BBT or OPK ($50/month) is just such a hard thing to part with now, so good luck to you, relax and enjoy the season. I'm jealous you and Joy get to decorate. DH won't let me do anything until USA Thanksgiving is over. He would even like me to wait until Dec. 1! I guess I need to get more Thanksgiving decorations so I can at least do that! :)

Bee: Let us know when you get your . I hope that your trip goes well too! Thanks for the Balloons! Too cute!

AFM: CD6. I can't tell you how happy I am to see that it is Thursday. I'm exhausted. Never really recouped from last weekend and so this weekend, although busy, I'm going to find some down time for me. I really wish I could afford a massage and a chiropractic visit, but it's not in the budget, especially this time of year. I have felt completely energy drained this week. Not sure what's going on... I keep thinking I'm coming down with a cold, but nothing comes. I am not sure what is up with that.
My O time seems to fall over our Thanksgiving, so hopefully things will fall into place. :)
I did get to see a dear friend today that had her baby at 30 weeks. She and the baby are doing great, but the baby is still in ICU, but progressing wonderfully for such a tiny little thing. I will make plans to visit the baby after Thanksgiving.

Have a lovely day!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

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