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March 2017

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Well CD1 again for me. I was hoping to stay in the February group but a late ovulation pushed me just out.
Last month was emotional as I had a lot of different symptoms than previous months. Also had some excitement at the end the to a longer cycle than I'm used to. I'm really hopeful for this cycle as it will be my 4th month trying and I will be doing natural insemination with my donor to hopefully increase my chances.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Maybe epo or red raspberry leaf tea? Anyone used those? I used preseed last cycle and will be using it again this time.
Last month my insemination timing got messed up as I injured my back on expection ovulation day and ended up ovulating 2 days late. Hoping for no complications this month.

212 Replies • 8 years ago



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Cd10 for me. Lots of ewcm and my opk this morning was dark but not quite positive. Donor will be here around 6pm and stay the night (in a hotel) so we can get a second insem in the morning.
Temps are all over the place as I had a fever yesterday and it was still stlightly up this morning after a very rough night. Hoping I'll still be able to notice a temp shift even with my fever so close to ov.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good luck Fruit and I hope you feel better. Lots of water and rest today.

7 years ago

Sheebee- I'm a poas addict too lol. But i only have two 10miu internet chepie tests and must use them wisely! It's going to be hard to hold out. I might test in the evening of 9dpo and then again at 12dpo with fmu. We'll see how that goes

Chicks- I try to tell myself not to symptom spot. Some cycles are easier than others depending on what we have going on. I'm on cycle 8 but only the 6th cycle actively trying (we took a break in Jan and Feb since we already have two October babies lol).

Fruit- fingers crossed for you. Hope your fever subsides and doesn't mess with your temps.

Was able to keep myself busy for most of the day. At one point the cramp and aches in my lower stomach got pretty painful but has gotten better as the day went on. Was still very gassy all day long. Tomorrow is 4th of July so it should be easy to keep my mind busy for most of the day seeinf as we have two places to be and the kids are super excited for fireworks!

7 years ago

I'm out for March, and because I didn't see anything for April yet, I created one. April 2017 Babies. I hope I don't see anyone of you there, but if you do have to do another cycle, come join me.

for all the upcoming testers!!

7 years ago

So sorry To hear that. We only got in two bd session. It was day before and of O so fingers crossed. 2dpo. If not maybe I'll have another April baby.

Happy 4th from Texas.

7 years ago

Sorry to hear Calvin. We only got to BD once on the day of O so I'm not feeling too optimistic. Good luck to you this cycle

Chicks- when is your April baby's birthday? My daughter's is April 29th.

Hope those of you in the states have a good 4th. Ours started out eventful. My 2.5yr old put our cellphone in the microwave! Filled the bottom floor with smoke and had to rush the kids down the street to my parents house while hubby cleaned up and aired out the house. Just thankful it didn't turn iinto a fire or did more damage!

7 years ago

So sorry Calvin girl.
I'm CD 11 and got to insem last night. Had a dark opk in the morning and a really dark one (test line was much darker than control) in the afternoon yesterday. Just took one and its almost positive so I think I'll ov today or tomorrow though my temps are throwing me off because it was 97.7 this morning which is usually my post ov range. Guess I will wait and see what tomorrow's temp is. Loads of ewcm since Saturday and still today.

7 years ago • Post starter

Supermom...omg!!! That could have been serious but also seriously funny. Glad y'all ok. DD bday is April 7th. If we conceive this time I'll be due March 25 but if AF shows the next est due date would be around April 25-29

Fruit you could have ovulated during the night. I started feeling ovary pains evening of cd 10 which was my first pos Opk and the through cd11 but cd 12 is was over and had temp spike. So I'm calling cd 11 my o day.

7 years ago

Hello :D
i am currently on cycle day 27 and 10 Dpo
had alot of diffrent symptoms this month to any other

will be testing friday so fingers crossed

7 years ago

@calvingirl so sorry to hear! I will likely be joining you on the April board - I thought I had ovulation symptoms this past weekend so we BD a few times...but I doubt it will prove much. I haven't gotten back into temping because DD has been getting up once a night for the past little bit (i think teeth) so I figured why bother? temps likely won't be accurate anyways. Here's hoping next month I can get my act together a bit more and its both of our months!

@fruit wishing you luck!

@sakura hoping for a positive for you on friday!

7 years ago

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