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Anyone late 30's and up trying to conceive again? :) Pt.2

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Part 2 of the original "Anyone 38 and higher trying to conceive again? :)" thread started in Feb.

Here's part one of the thread:

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

327 Replies • 12 years ago



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welcome to the group Chanda and JennC!!!! Great group of ladies here.

Chanda-one thing I found is that the digitals are not as sensitive as others. I have had pretty good experiences with First Response Early result. they are more sensitive. I don't get a + on a digi until several days of +'s on First response. Hang in there :) thoughts and prayers coming your way :)

Lisserb-I am so sorry to hear that, so hard I know. you are in my thoughts and prayers.

AFM-well my bbt dive bombed this morning, had my dr appt, they did bloodwork, and also dr. checked me and he said that he is pretty sure from the exam that I had an early miscarriage :'( so just going to take it easy and relax. this mth if it happens it's going to be natural, just want to relax from all the stress of ttc. so going to still atleast chart and use my monitor to keep track of things. No supplements except my vitamins. If it's in God's plans for us it will happen. It's all in His timing.

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Hello ladies!

Welcome newbies!!! Glad to have you! great bunch o' gals here. Won't see me too much, I'm a preggo popping in for updates but I lurk a lot

Lisserb & Angel, so sorry. You know you're in my prayers as always.

Wanted to thank you all for the prayer chain! I saw my friend last night & things are much better. She still needs the ttc prayers but I feel better knowing we're able to talk now. As we all know, this can be a very lonely journey and even once we do get a "sticky one" the memory of loss & trials never goes away....Thanks again!

AFM: checkup tomorrow, just a regular one. hoping to hear the heart on the doppler, not looking forward to the weigh in!!!!

Cheers my fine ladies, I'll be lurking!!

Me: almost 42 (May) DH: 42 DD: soon to be 3 (also May!) Honeymoon baby conceived at 38, born at 39 08/11 mc 9.5 weeks. Lost heartbeat, growth stopped 7.5 weeks d&c 11weeks 02/12 chemical pg 4 weeks + 4 (surprise pg) 04/12 BFP!! EDD 12/09/12 PLEASE GOD! PRAISE GOD!! My cocktail:prenatal baby aspirin EPO cd1-O B-100 maca, vitex green tea Now: Prometrium 100mg, by mouth, 2x a day

12 years ago

Hi Everyone!!

Welcome Jenn and Chanda!! :) You'll love it here...wonderful ladies!

Airiesing...weigh in? Don't you think twice! You are fabulously beautiful and with a sweet baby.. :) Will check back here often so we can here all about baby! are a positive soul - and I have been thinking of you all week. There is a plan, I am sure of can do this!

Lisserb...fingers crossed, it's a new perfect month..with lots of opportunities!!!!

Kraken...Fingers crossed, it's a good one!!

All is fine, just thought I would pop in - I like the way ceegee said, "sending calming energy" :) That's a great sentiment -

Enjoy the evening!


12 years ago

Welcome Jenn and Chanda I am still new here myself but this is a very supportive group of women. So sorry about the mc Angel.

afm still waiting for Af and my new RE appt to see if his diagnosis is the same as my old RE.

User Image ME: 36 and DS DH: 34 and DS TTC Our first together

12 years ago

I am 40 already have 2 children 18 and 15 from a previous relationship just started trying again last month so no waiting to see if my period appears its due on sunday been having cramps and some discharge just hope its happened quick xx

12 years ago

Lisserb... So sorry to hear about AF arriving... :( Hugs!!

Angel... Sorry for the sad news :(

Welcome to all the new ladies!!

Airiesing... Good luck with your check up!! The hardest part is over.

AFM... My new TWW feels like time is just going to trickle ever so slowly. I am scared what the scan in two weeks will bring. Very worried. This morning I felt as if my boobs are just slight less tight and sore, but then again I think that if the bean was not progressing, the hcg in my system wouldn't dive so quickly. I don't recall when my boobs stopped being sore during my first pregnancy. (I am 6w5d today, seems a tad early though.)
All I remember is that they were extremly sore and growing. I guess at some point the soreness stopped, but the size kept increasing throught the pregnancy.

babydust & prayers


Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

12 years ago

Hi ladies,

Today I feel like AF is going to start :-( only 17cd and i havnt even 'O'd yet

12 years ago

kraken-do you think maybe it could be "O" pains? I know i get some cramping on one side or the other, or heck sometimes on both sides when I "O" you are in my prayers.

Airiesing-glad to hear that your friend is doing better. Will continue to keep her on my chain and in my prayers in her ttc journey. Honestly other than worrying about everything, I think the weight check was the worst, but it's a good thing though. I know the nurses always laughed at me, because I would wear the lightest clothing possible, I had to take my shoes off, and sure wouldn't hold my purse because that thing probly weighs atleast 20lbs by itself, lol.

Toronto-I so know what you mean, I know with our youngest, I was terrified every appt I went to, until I would hear his lil heartbeat, or couldn't even look at the u/s screen until I heard it. Hang in there hun, honestly I can't remember when my boobs stopped hurting, but everyone is different. But I know they sure did keep growing that's for sure :) your still in my thoughts and prayers, that all continues to go well.

AFM-Thank y'all for all the encouragement, i really needed it, I know things didn't happen the way we hoped it would, but I really don't know what I would've done w/o y'alls support. Tonronto, I do try to stay positive, I have my moments but then who doesn't right? I was at first an emotional wreck, but then through my prayers, I realized that it's just not going to be in our time, its in God's timing and w/e his plan is for us. Not as many tears now, but more at peace with it now. We have alot of different plans with the kids this summer, so I want to take the time to focus on them and have fun with our family, rather than obsessing over ttc. that is what is really getting me through this, and if I do conceive, awesome, if not well I figure I trust God and w/e his plan is for us.

to all

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

12 years ago

Angel - hopefully thats what it is. I normally get really sharpe pains in either side the day before i 'O' which i did yesterday but now its like AF cramps :-(

12 years ago

Prayers and good thoughts, and some baby dust too.

Thanks for all the welcomes! I'm on cycle day 30 and still waiting for af. Had some serious 2 day cramping Monday and Tuesday. Really thought I would see af the next morning, especially since all my other symptoms were subsiding. Had a bfn yesterday. I was silly and took it mid-day. I just had to do it! I even knew it would be negative too. I just couldn't help myself! ;)

My cycles vary from 4-6 weeks so I have no definite idea when af will show up. Would it be bad to take another test tomorrow? I messed up the opk's this cycle too. I have a consult with my ob/gyn so I'm a little nervous.

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12 years ago

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