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Ladys let take this journey together :-) join me Please!

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Hi ladys, I know Me and many other ladys are trying for there first child, and we all have days were we just need support from other women who are going threw the same thing, "Baby Dust To all" is my Motto!

Heres my Story, My name is Cassandra and me and my DH have been TTC for 8 months now. I have Irregular Periods, and Im on medication To help stimulate my ovarys because iv been told its a very good possibility that I have PCOS, iv never had a ultrasound to see what the cyst look like or how bad they are Yet. :-) but i will.
This month has been rough on me, My LMP was on the 1st of march, But i had 2 periods in one month lol my sec one came on the 22d it was very spotty light flow to nothing at all except when i wiped sorry (TMI) It lasted from the 22-30th, I was scarred because what I thought might be implantation was turning in to a early mc, So i took a test on the 26th to be sure and it was Indeed A BFP, Rexall Brand Thin Blue dark line, Took one the next day it was lighter then the next day still there but so so so faint. It disapeared :-(, After the spotting stoped, I started hurting on my lower right side thinking i have a cyst, wont no till Thursday, going for a blood test and to see what these sharp pains are from :-), Im not giveing up hope this month. My period was suppost to come on the 4th of april instead it came for the sec time in one month on the 22sd of march. Iv heard of women having vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy, so im testing again on the 4th, i took a clear blue digital on the 30th lol BFN im a (poasa) lol i love to pee on a stick my husband teases me about it :-). My breast are sore, there never sore ever lol!! but iv learned not to go with symptoms. My nausea went away when i started to spot.
But anyways ladys tell me your storys and lets give each other support, we can post are HPT and tweek them a bit lol have fun, talk about sex after all thats the fun part right! :-) But i understand its all so stressfull, it is, lets work together TY :-) hope you join

PRAYING4aneeding some

175 Replies • 12 years ago



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Cass- They say the best time to test is at night. I read that somewhere and can not remember where I read that. Some doctors just don't have a clue what we go through and its just like where I work, the nurses have no idea what us aides have to go through putting at least 13-14 patients to bed at night.

But I woke up this morning with the worse headache, and the worse lower back pain. I couldn't even stay in bed. It was horrible.
And I have the condition pseudo-tumor cerebri where my brain thinks there is a brain tumor but there isn't. My neurologist said that it is worse in pregnancy. And I take medication for it so..I don't know what is going on. I have an appointment with him next week. And my teeth...I one that is very sensitive, not that they are not all sensitive cause they all are. But this one if I touch it I will jump through my skin. I don't know what I am gonna do. But right now I feel terrible.

Hope this is the month for you girl. Praying for you.


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12 years ago

Hi girls!! I'm new to this name is Casey and am trying for #2 after Depo! That birth control should be taken off the market. My last depo shot was July of last year so I have only one month left and it should be out of my system. Anyway, I saw that y'all were talking abt OPK'S and when to test. My first time using the CBE OPK was in March and I got my 1st Smiley with FMU, tested again at 3:00pm and no more Smiley (short surge)....April I had to test around 3-4:00 pm and got a Smiley face! I couldn't believe it so I tested again thru out that night and Smiley stayed until the next morning it was gone...ALL AROUND CD16-17!!! Yesterday was CD16 so I tested FMU and it was negative. Last night I had a funny feeling and tested at 11:00pm. I got a Smiley! I tested FMU this morning and it was negative. I say test twice a day and listen to ur body. BD Friday and twice yesterday before and after the Smiley and always use Pre Seed! Hoping for something to happen soon!
Lots of STICKY BABYDUST TO US ALL!! I pray for us all daily, and to have a short journey here!

12 years ago

Im so mad right now. I called and left a message with my doc, Told him CD1 started yesterday k, Well the nurse calls me back and says umm ok lets see he wants you to start your provera on the 14th, i said no i just took my provera, she says you said cd1 started yesterday right i said yes, She said um ok well he wants you to start the provera on the 14th and have intercoarse on the 20th bla bla bla ect ect... I said i think he has it all confused, he already put me on my provera and it jump started my period yesterday, i want to no weather he wants me to start clomid days 3-7 or 5-9, I mean comeon how hard is that i know more then my own damn doctor im so tired of this shit.

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Every month someone i know becomes pregnant, It just happend again, Why must we be envyis of them, its like human nature for me, and i cant help it, There all younger then me like just out of there teens most of them.
Please Please lord Please bless us with a healthy bounceing baby Please

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Cass!!
Its total human nature to be envious but I know it doesn't matter or help when it comes to this. Ur time will come girl but until then just vent and let it out. It helps me a whole lot to read stuff on here BC I'm too afraid to let everyone around me know how bad I want a BFP! I don't want to be reminded and asked how things r going so I just talk to my BF and then I joined in here with u and some other girls. Hope u have a better day!!

12 years ago

welcome kklyn!

hope your opk "feeling" turns out to be right and you get your bfp!

i also know the feeling of envy cass. it seems everywhere i turn there are pregnant women :) i always smile and hope that God will answer our prayers too. stay positive!

i am on CD20. 11 days past my trigger & 10 days past my suspected ovulation day.

i peed on a stick at 7 days past trigger just to see if the HCG had left my system, but it showed up as positive. to avoid the confusion, I'm gonna wait till my expected AF day to test. (6/21).

i think this may be our last "assisted" cycle. we can't take the disappointment any longer and talked about just settling for a life without children of our own. i'm not sure how to feel about this because my desire to become a momma is still very strong.

i hope to see some bfp's from the rest of you :)

baby dust!!!

12 years ago

Welcome kklyn!!! Nice of you to join us. Cass-I know doctors can be very stupid...nurses can be too, I work with them all the time. They think they know everything and they don't. Some doctors probably think about someone else and tell you the wrong thing. My doctor thought my mom had endometriosis and she doesn't. I was like no she doesn't. They do get confused. Don't let it drag you down. Think about doing something fun. Or enjoy a day at home with hubby. Watching a movie, cuddling on the sofa together. Fix a nice dinner and play a game.

My doctor hasn't called me yet about my blood tests. I am still waiting on that. I haven't ovulated maybe a good sign. I still have terrible lower back pains, I have cramps like period type cramps but I am not due for that until the end of the month. My cat is still on my heels all the time...24/7. That is where I stand at at the moment.

Keep your head up high, and stay strong. Prayers to God work, so keep praying and I will keep praying for you too.

Hope888---I am hoping everything is working out for you as well. Let us know what the results are.

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12 years ago

Hope, acollier and kkyln ty for making me feel better :)
HOPE: why was it positive are you pregnant or do you have HCG in your system from some kind of med. Hope this is it for you.
Hubby is going to second shift yay no more thirds, or nights with out my hubby by my side yay.
And were buying my hubbys moms house with in the next yr im real happy about that, i love that place i can see my self living there for ever :)
Babysitting my little bro nlaw keeps my mind on fun things and not negative ones, but he goes to school befor long and i guess its back to sitting around the house finding projects to do :)!
Doc called well nurse did lol
Clomid 14th-18th
Sex 20th-30th
blood work july2 CD23
hmmm do you think hes testing to early since i have a 47 day cycle last time, Does that matter because i dont understand the checking the progesterone levels thing??
Can someone explain this to me

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

Cass- Im not sure I would have to look that up. I believe that the progesterone levels will stay high when pregnant. but I am not quite sure about that.

Congrats on buying your house. That is one big milestone as well.

I still haven't heard back from my doc about the bloodwork. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. My cat l,ikes to nurse on me. I can't stand it much longer. If i am pregnant, do you think she will hurt the baby nursing on my stomach. It seems like she always wants to be in my lap anymore. Its starting to et annoying.

Anyway....Good luck Cass. Hope everything goes well. Keep you updated with bloodwork and everything.


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12 years ago

TY acollier :)
Havent bought it yet, its going to be a yr or 2, were helping mom build her house and then when she moves out were signing everything over, got to sale ours first, Thats ok im not done with this place yet anyways, ill injoy the time i have left here :)
CD5 is here, think AF is about over with Thank god
Started clomid today at 7:00pm
Taking temps at 5:30am
and going to start my opks on CD12 i think :)

PRAYING4aneeding some

12 years ago • Post starter

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