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December 2017 Babies

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Hi Ladies,

I can't seem to find a board for December 2017 babies so I said I'd set one up

I hope there will be many Christmas miracles coming home with us this year. One last push for a 2017 baby.

Let me know how you're all getting on. I think this will be a very lucky month.


TTC#1 MC <img src=

194 Replies • 7 years ago



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Wow! It has been a while since I posted here.

This is our 15th cycle TTC. We started seeing an RE in February, and found out I had a HUGE ovarian cyst. Took a month off TTC to address cyst with birth control pills. Back in mid-March, we went back to RE and thankfully -- no more cyst!!

Went for HSG a few days later.


Blocked fallopian tube on my left side.

Moving forward, I started Femara, and this is the first cycle of that per my RE. Unmonitored.

Currently CD 27, 10 DPO. BFN this morning, but I know that can be too early for most women to test positive. Per one of the tools here, implant most likely happened yesterday (if it were going to happen at all).

Trying not to get my hopes up. Just sort of wanted to "rip off the bandaid," so
to speak.

Hello to everyone as well! Baby dust for us all.

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7 years ago

What a lovely discussion! Good luck to all those TTC and congrats to all of you that have!

Currently day 5 DPO, having some weird things happen over the last week. I have been exhausted, breasts are sore and tender, but that has eased off today. Have had night sweats and cramping since ovulating. Ate an egg sandwich yesterday and it tasted really strange... i hope it wasn't off, it smelled ok... This TWW is sooooooo long!

And to all the ladies that had sad moments not conceiving over mother's day, i'm hoping you can celebrate on the canadian mother's day 7 May!

Best wishes ladies!! x

7 years ago

@calvingirl, yay, a cycle buddy! It seems like there's some good company for people still waiting to see about December babies. I also feel really good about our timing this month, so I'm fairly hopeful!

@aquapd and whatwillbeat33, sorry to hear about your trials. Here's to a good cycle for you both!

@babylag, those could be some good signs. When do you plan to start testing?

Any news from those further along in the TWW?

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7 years ago

@110114 - i want to test everyday ahahah. i keep the tests out of the house, i just can't help myself if they are within reach!
I will definitely test on Sunday! I'm hopeful the spring fever has hit us all!

I can't wait to hear about everyone success stories!

7 years ago

Congratulations ELGTRYING!!! ahhhhh! so happy for you!! I was soooo happy for you when I read your post! I looked at your test and it looks strong to me!!!
Fingers Crossed for everybody else! I hope that we can get some more bfps in the next few days!

ASM: af showed up on Sunday... Then yesterday was my birthday... Really not a good two days for me. IDK, I was thinking back on when we first started ttc and how I figured that by the time my birthday came around I would have a brand new little one or be rubbing a belly by now, but yet here I am, childless and on my period. lol Needless to say I am feeling a little down... I am really starting to seriously think that dh and I will need to start looking into getting some help in a couple months if nothing happens. Starting to get really worried... I need to positive vibes and prayers that this month will be it for us please!!

Good luck to all of you ladies that are still waiting to test!

7 years ago

Hi ladies :) I am rooting for all of us to get our December babies! Mine would be due Dec 25/26 2017 - currently at 7DPO ...will probably test tomorrow as I have no self control when it comes to PAOS!

@smartbaby - looking forward to hearing about the next time you test. I can totally relate to the addiction of testing! Good luck!

@djinn88 - line eyes are a real thing! Good luck testing, I also know the feeling of everyone around you announcing pregnancies...It can weigh heavy on a gal.

Aquapd - I am hoping that your diet change is the missing link and that you get your baby this month. IVF is also a viable option though - much success happens that way. I guess we just want our babies - no matter how we do it :)

@whatwillbeat33 - hopefully getting that cyst taken care will do the trick! Good luck this cycle.

@babylag - Hello fellow Canadian :) I am praying to be pregnant by mother's day...which also happens to be my 33rd birthday. I thought once we started trying- it would happen so quickly and thought I would be preggers FOR SURE by my 33rd... but it is quickly approaching. It would be a hard day for me if not pregnant by that day.

110114 - wouldn't a NYE baby be fantastic :)

@Calvingirl - glad your feeling positive, that makes the TWW more bareable. Ive been following your TTC story for a while now. I am always cheering you on!

@Felichica - I am praying for you girl. You will have your baby XO New cycle, New Hope.

Have a great day ladies!

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7 years ago

@110114 & amarah Thanks so very much! Hoping this would be it! I really dread the IVF process.

@babylag: I'm a POAS addict so I totally get what you are going through. It is so hard to wait to test. I broke down and took at test today at 11 DPO. I don't know if I'm seeing a very faint line or is it all in my head! It has happened before for me... where I think I see a line and end up getting my AF. So, I've been trying to wait out until after 14 DPO to test. Anyways, and let me know when you would be testing again.

Hi whatwillbeat33! How big was your cyst? They found a cyst for me in March about 30.2mm, but didn't give me any medication to deal with it. Should I go pursue to doc to do something about it?


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7 years ago

@amarah i really hope that you get your mother's day gift :) try not to let age and timing get to you. i stressed over that for awhile and i imagine that is why it is taking so long :(. now i'm just putting in the leg work ahha and hoping for the best. sending baby vibes your way!!!

@aquapd ok, i'll admit it... i took one at lunch today... i just can't help myself!! i hope your line gets stronger and stronger!!! keep me posted please and good luck
With regards to your cyst. I would consult your doctor again or get a second opinion. My friend has had 4 cysts removed. She found out she had one when she got pregnant. The baby was healthy and delivered c-section and they removed her baby, cyst (which grew to the size of a small watermelon) and unfortunately one of her ovaries. I don't want to scare you, but this is something that unfortunately the doctors sometime brush to the side to make you think it's normal, you know your body, so i would push for answers.

7 years ago

Thanks, babylag for the input on the cyst. I will follow up on it in my next visit.


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7 years ago

@aquapd My cyst was 46 mm x 43 mm, so larger than my actual ovary. I highly recommend that you follow up with your doc as I know a lot of doctors prescribe birth control for this purpose. It worked for me anyway.

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7 years ago

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